Corner wardrobes design solutions. Corner wardrobe

Regardless of the area of ​​the apartment, when choosing furniture, people pursue the following goals - reliability, functionality and design, which allows them to further decorate the interior of the room. The optimal solution is to purchase corner furniture, which allows you to hide the visual imperfections of the room, as well as solve many additional problems.

A light corner wardrobe is the best choice for the living room

The undeniable advantage of corner furniture is its ergonomics. The designs of corner models allow you to free up additional space, which is especially important for small apartments. In addition, despite its small size, the corner furniture is quite spacious.

Also, the positive qualities include convenience and practicality of operation. For example, on the shelves of a corner wardrobe installed in the living room, you can place video and audio equipment, and a corner kitchen allows the housewife to create an ideal triangle of workspace: refrigerator-stove-work surface. For children's rooms, manufacturers offer transformable furniture, which is used for its intended purpose during the day, and in the evening it can be transformed into a bed.

In addition, it should be noted that currently there are many design solutions, including exclusive ones, that will help give the room individuality and originality.

Corner wardrobe - varieties of design shapes, their types

Corner wardrobes appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity among the population and firmly occupied their niche in the furniture segment of the market. According to the type of design, cabinets are built-in, cabinet and modular.

A built-in wardrobe is installed in one specific place and cannot be rearranged

In the first case, sliding wardrobes are installed in existing niches and mounted on special holders, so in such designs there may be no side, top or bottom walls. They are distinguished by greater capacity compared to case-based ones.

Cabinet cabinets are mobile, but their choice is limited to existing models in furniture stores

A sliding wardrobe has a body and can be used as a separate piece of furniture or as a link between two rectangular cabinets. The advantage of the design is its mobility, i.e. If necessary, the cabinet can be moved or transported to another apartment.

Modular designs are multifunctional, but are expensive.

By type, corner cabinets are classified as follows.

Materials used

One of the most important tasks when choosing a corner cabinet is the choice of material from which the furniture is made. Today, manufacturers use a wide variety of materials, but consumers, in most cases, are looking for practical and inexpensive furniture for their home.

Natural wood is rarely used due to the high labor costs and duration of the production process, which has a direct impact on the cost of such furniture. In order to make large-sized shields from solid wood, it is necessary to carefully select the wood. The material also requires special processing and preparation. The result is beautiful and representative furniture, but its cost, to put it mildly, does not always correspond to its performance properties.

The price of furniture made from natural wood is very high, so it is used only in the manufacture of exclusive expensive cabinets

Therefore, cabinets made from cheaper materials – fiberboard or MDF – are the most popular.

Chipboard (chipboard) is a board of pressed chips made by hot pressing. Phenol-formaldehyde resins act as a binder, so before purchasing it is important to ask what class the material belongs to. Class E0 or E1 indicates a low formaldehyde content in the boards, which is safe for health.

Particle board is the most popular material due to its low cost

Chipboard boards are manufactured in different thicknesses, but this does not have any effect on the functional properties. Here the final decision rests with the buyer. The main advantages include:

  • practicality;
  • strength;
  • low cost;
  • moisture resistance;
  • aesthetics;
  • resistance to mechanical stress, etc.

MDF boards (fine fraction) are made by dry pressing fine sawdust under high temperature and pressure. Here the connecting link is paraffin, which is why such slabs are considered more environmentally friendly. MDF is the most popular material from which not only cabinets are made, but also other furniture, as well as interior doors.

In the manufacture of MDF, phenol-formaldehyde resins are not used, so this material does not emit harmful substances

Distinctive features of the material are:

  • strength and durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of processing;
  • the possibility of figured milling or production of plates with embossing (especially important in the production of furniture facades);
  • pleasant to the touch surface and excellent decorative properties.

Choosing wardrobe doors

A characteristic feature of corner wardrobes are sliding doors, the choice of which must be approached especially carefully. The appearance of the door should be selected based on the design features of the room. Thus, mirrored doors visually expand the space of the room, and frosted painted glass or plastic emphasizes the overall color scheme of the room design.

Sliding doors save space as they open along the facade

The corner wardrobe is equipped with a hanging or rail sliding system. In the first case, the doors are attached to a guide screwed at the top. When choosing such a system, saving is completely inappropriate, since when buying a cheap sliding mechanism, the guide may bend over time.

The advantage of the hanging system is the ability to attach rollers to doors made of any material. Also, the system ensures silent movement, locks the doors in extreme positions and has a wide range of adjustment.

With a rail opening mechanism, the doors move along the lower guide (monorail), which bears the main load. The cost of such a system is higher, but the price is justified by a higher degree of reliability. However, it must be remembered that the rails require periodic maintenance, otherwise the grooves may become clogged with dust and dirt, which will lead to incorrect operation of the door.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the profiles along which the door moves. They can be aluminum or steel. Although the former are more expensive, they are less durable than the latter. The rollers of the running system also deserve special attention. They must be made of either Teflon-coated plastic or metal. If the manufacturer offers casters made of pure plastic, then it would be more advisable to refuse the purchase, since statistics show that such casters will last no more than a year.

Design solutions for 2018

In 2018, corner wardrobes will delight consumers with even greater variety in terms of design. Some of the most trendy options include the following.

  • “Invisible” or “disappearing” wardrobes – a monochrome color scheme for a corner cabinet and wall will create the effect of “invisibility” of furniture that will find its application in any room.

    “Invisible” or seamless wardrobe is practically indistinguishable from the wall

  • Cabinets with mirror inserts - asymmetry in design is becoming increasingly popular, which can be achieved using special inserts.

    Wardrobe with mirrored asymmetrical inserts

  • Stained wood looks are a fashion trend that has also extended to corner wardrobes. Today, designers' favorites are matte wood textures. If your financial situation does not allow you to purchase such furniture, and the desire to follow the trend is strong enough, you can update your old plain cabinet with the help of special stickers.

    Fashionable cabinet with stained wood effect

  • With transparent tinted glass - they are a mega-trend of the season. Such corner cabinets visually increase the space of the room, but they are not suitable for everyone and not everywhere, since not everyone wants to display their stored items.

    Fashionable modern wardrobe with clear tinted glass

  • With matte and glossy opaque glass - a fairly common design solution. Today, trending colors include ultraviolet, black (and its shades), blue and dark red tones.

    Sliding wardrobe with matte and glossy opaque glass in the interior

  • Mirrored ones will be a wonderful addition to the interior and will visually enlarge the space.

    The mirror facade visually expands the space of the room

  • Unusual models - here the result depends solely on the designer’s imagination. Various experiments with prints and textures, changing colors and using different lighting methods will give the furniture individuality. The corner cabinet with wood carvings looks especially original. In a word, everything that is unusual and stylish is in trend today.

    A cabinet with a curved front looks unusual and modern

Features of internal filling

The ability to place the product in a corner will save space

Before purchasing a corner cabinet, you need to decide on the purpose of its use. For example, the filling of a compartment for a hallway and a bedroom will be very different.

Due to the non-standard design, there remains a “dead” zone in the corner, which is quite difficult to fill. It would be optimal to place one or two rods with hangers in the center. There are many solutions for filling corner cabinets.

  • The left part is shelves, the middle part is two rods for clothes, located one above the other, the right part is drawers. This type of filling is more practical to use in the bedroom.
  • The middle part is a bar with clothes hangers, the side parts are shelves. If necessary, some shelves can be replaced with drawers. This option is more appropriate to use in the living room or hallway.
  • The left side is divided into two compartments with shelves, on the right side the shelves are attached to their entire length, and at the bottom there are compartments for large drawers or boxes.

Corner wardrobe in the living room - what nuances need to be taken into account when choosing

Modern models of corner wardrobes can look great in a variety of interiors

Choosing a corner cabinet is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Before purchasing, you need to consider a number of important factors so as not to be disappointed later.

Stylish corner wardrobe with mirror inserts and lighting

The main points to pay attention to include:

  • room configuration and dimensions;
  • ceiling height;
  • own requirements for capacity and internal filling;
  • compatibility of the design of the corner cabinet with the overall interior composition of the room.

This is by no means a complete list. Everyone proceeds from personal considerations and has their own vision of the placement and operation of corner furniture. When choosing a design, a sliding wardrobe is a good option. Sliding doors increase the useful space of the living room, allowing you to place any piece of furniture (bedside table or lamp) in close proximity to the cabinet without restricting access, which cannot be said about cabinets with hinged doors.

When choosing the color of a corner cabinet, you need to focus on existing furniture elements

A modular corner wardrobe is perfect for a living room with a complex configuration, as it can be assembled in a wide variety of variations. In addition, some manufacturers offer modular corner cabinets, the design of which allows them to be converted into classic ones.

In conclusion, it must be said that choosing corner furniture is not an easy process and you need to approach it very carefully, weighing all the pros and cons, because the comfort and harmony in the house for several years to come depends on the right choice.

Convenient corner wardrobe for a children's room

Video: Corner wardrobes in the bedroom

In the design of modern apartments you can often find corner wardrobes: special designs with sliding doors that save space. We present to you photos of the 40 best ideas.

They look very modern, fit into any environment, are spacious and functional. Such models are ideal for families with children and pets: a small child or pet will not be able to accidentally open the door. Let's take a closer look at this miracle of the modern furniture industry.

Features of a corner wardrobe

Differences from a regular wardrobe

The most significant difference is already contained in the name - the corner version is placed in the corner of the room, which allows for space saving, while a regular wardrobe is located along the wall. In addition, they also differ in appearance: if the usual models are, as a rule, rectangular in shape, then they are significantly more diverse: these are rectangular, trapezoidal, and five-walled formats.

Advantages of a corner wardrobe

  • Compact: this design is ideal for small spaces and will save space;
  • Spaciousness: despite being economical, such models are quite deep, equipped with several internal shelves and allow you to store a large number of things;
  • This furniture is at the peak of popularity, so modern furniture factories offer a wide range of models and color variations, which is why choosing a model to suit your individual taste will not be difficult;
  • Versatility: such cabinets are perfect for any room in the apartment, be it a child’s room or a bedroom.

Disadvantages of a corner wardrobe

  • Such models are usually placed in a corner, so when purchasing, you may need to rearrange the room;
  • The sliding wardrobe is equipped with a special mechanism, rails for moving doors, which takes up some space in the internal space (about 10 cm);
  • The mechanism requires care; first of all, it should be kept clean.

As you can see, the disadvantages are insignificant, there are fewer of them than advantages, and this is precisely what explains the popularity of such furniture among Russian consumers.

Corner wardrobes in the house

Due to their versatility, such models will successfully fit into the interior of almost any room in the apartment.

Living room

This is the “face” of any home: guests are received here, family holidays and celebrations are held. Therefore, the space in this room should be rationalized: a cramped room, littered with things or filled with furniture, will not evoke any emotions other than pity. Corner wardrobes will come to the rescue, which are suitable for both large and small rooms.

Corner wardrobe in the living room
A large roomSmall room
A sliding wardrobe can be part of a modular wallTwo corner wardrobes will visually expand the space
The closet will allow you to decorate a corner, create homeliness and comfort in the room.Mirrored facades will visually increase the area of ​​the room
A round wardrobe is an excellent option for large rooms: it looks beautiful, is functional and spacious, and due to its smooth lines creates an original designA concave radius wardrobe will help add originality to the living room.
Combined, concave-convex models also look stylish.LEDs will help control the light: overhead lamps and light bulbs will add accents and visually increase the area of ​​the room


The choice of a corner wardrobe largely depends on the size of the living room and the preferences of the owner.

The corners will fit harmoniously. In a small room they will help optimize space, in a large room they will help create comfort.

For the bedroom, it is best to choose models in light colors, made of MDF or laminated chipboard. Radius models are perfect: their smooth lines will create a truly romantic mood in the room. Such a wardrobe is usually placed along the wall where the door is located, opposite the bed. Another rational option is to place the cabinet in the corner of the wall with a window; near the window you can place a small chest of drawers in the same color scheme.

Furniture with mirrored facades or decorated with photo printing will look harmonious. There is no need to limit your choice to boring shades: modern manufacturers offer models for the bedroom in a wide variety of colors, there is plenty to choose from. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment!


A great option for decoration is a corner wardrobe! The child will be delighted that all the toys were beautifully placed on the shelves deep inside: there is an opportunity to create a real toy town! On the top shelf, where the child cannot reach, parents can put bedding and rarely used clothes.

The room is tidy, all clothes are neatly hung, and there is plenty of free space for play! And these are not all the advantages of a corner wardrobe! The models themselves are varied: the facades can be multi-colored or decorated with portraits of favorite characters.


Thanks to the wide range of models, corner ones will be a real boon for small hallways. Separate cabinets are equipped with drawers in the upper part, where you can store things that are not needed daily: children's clothes for growing up, winter clothes in the summer. The special drawers at the bottom are ideal for storing shoes, thus eliminating the need for shoe racks and saving space. You can place a large mirror on the façade: it will serve its intended purpose and help expand the space.

The corner wardrobe is so versatile that it can be placed in any room of the apartment!

Design of corner wardrobes

Corner wardrobes inside

The interior space of the cabinet can be divided into three zones: the upper part is a large shelf for storing rarely used items, the middle zone is the main part where shelves, hooks, rods and a lower shelf used for shoes are located. Some models are equipped with small baskets in which you can store small items, drawers, and an iron holder.

Exterior finishing

There are several types of external design of such furniture:

  • mirror
  • radius
  • with photo printing

Both the internal and external design of corner wardrobes is characterized by a wide variety.

Corner wardrobes to order

Owners of premises of non-standard dimensions or those wishing to do so may not buy a ready-made structure, but have it made to order. At the same time, all the client’s wishes will be taken into account, the furniture will fully correspond to taste and look original.

Prices for custom-made wardrobes

When preparing to place an order, please note that the price of the model will depend on the following factors:

  • Difficulty of manufacturing;
  • Production time;
  • Material;
  • Cabinet size;
  • Manufacturer;
  • Presence/absence of lighting and fittings.

Custom-made furniture is a great opportunity to show your taste and realize your imagination, but such furniture costs more than standard furniture.

Dimensions of corner wardrobes

The most common corner cabinets are of the following sizes: height 240 cm, length of the upper shelves 135 or 120 cm, depth 60 cm. A hanger bar, coat hooks, shelves (both large and small) can be placed inside. When placing an order, you can specify any , the most non-standard dimensions.

DIY installation

As a rule, each model of a corner wardrobe is supplied with instructions, thanks to which everyone can cope with the installation process.

When choosing a corner wardrobe, you should take into account the features of the room. If we are talking about a small room, then the best option would be five-wall models: they are quite deep and roomy, but do not look bulky. A trapezoidal cabinet would be a good option for a child’s room: small cabinets with shelves can be attached to its side walls.

A compact triangular wardrobe that can be used as a dressing room would look ideal. Such models are not equipped with a large number of shelves, but hangers for outerwear will fit perfectly into them. Diagonal corner cabinets are suitable for decorating a hallway.

When choosing the material from which the model is made, it is better to choose MDF.

Finally, the color scheme is also important: to expand the space it is better to use light colors; in large rooms a dark wardrobe will look harmonious. Bright colors and an abundance of drawings are perfect for a baby’s room, because it shouldn’t be boring here.

When choosing a corner wardrobe, a lot depends on the taste of the owner! Furniture should emphasize the personality of its owner and please his eye!

Those who want to save money can choose: sliding wardrobes are of good quality and very affordable cost. Such models look very modern.


  • Price and quality correspond to each other;
  • Huge variety of models;
  • Neutrality of design, absence of unnecessary elements: such a wardrobe is well suited for any interior;
  • Easy to install: even a beginner can handle it;
  • The furniture is produced in separate modules, made in a single color scheme, so it is very easy to add additional wardrobes to the wardrobe.


  • Service life is relatively short;
  • The presence of sliding wardrobes is exclusively standard sizes.

Elite class corner wardrobes

With a careful approach to the design of premises, when every detail is harmoniously combined with others, and the work itself is carried out for many years, it makes sense to think about purchasing elite, executive-class furniture.


  • High quality;
  • The composition contains only natural materials, hence environmental friendliness and safety;
  • Will last for many years;
  • The furniture will be a real proof of the owner’s refined, subtle taste and will delight and amaze the guests.
  • 0

Depending on the size of the room and its layout, you can choose different types of corner cabinets:

  • Built-in;
  • Cabinet-mounted or free-standing.

The design of built-in corner wardrobes in the bedroom can be any, according to the needs of a particular family. It is limited only by the size of the area allocated for them and the layout features.

Corner cabinets can be of various shapes:
  • Triangular: they have a triangle in plan. Their advantages are large volume and ease of manufacture, and, therefore, a budget price. The main disadvantage is the significant area that they “take away” from the room.

  • Trapezoidal: in plan they have trapezoids of different shapes. A big plus of such cabinets is that they can be easily combined with the rest of the bedroom furniture.

  • Pentagonal: the most popular and sought after by buyers due to their capacity.

  • Radius: have rounded shapes. The main advantage is the unusual design, suitable for complex interior styles such as art deco and empire. The downside is the complexity of manufacturing and the high price.

  • L-shaped: in plan they form the letter G. A significant advantage of this design is the optimal use of corner spaces. The downside is the simplicity of the design.

A cabinet located in a room must match it in style. It’s good if the corner wardrobe in a small bedroom matches the color of the walls - in this case it will not visually clutter the room. In a large room, you can use contrasting colors to paint the walls and furniture. The determining factor for the appearance of the cabinet is the appearance and shape of its facades. They can be made from the following materials:

  • MDF or fiberboard, covered with film, plastic, or veneered. The most traditional material, used in traditional interior styles.

  • Mirror cloth. Helps visually enlarge the room, corrects poor geometric proportions, and makes the room brighter. A frosted pattern can be applied to the mirror.

  • Special glass increased thickness and strength, both transparent and matte. A layer of varnish, usually colored or photographic, can be applied under the glass, which expands the range of design solutions.

  • Combinations of different materials. For example, chipboard and mirror or chipboard and glass.

Tip: You should not use corner wardrobes in the bedroom with mirrors if they are located opposite the bed, this can negatively affect psychological comfort.

Doors for a corner wardrobe in the bedroom

When choosing a design, it is necessary to take into account, in addition to the size of the corner wardrobe in the bedroom, the way in which its doors will open. Doors can be:

  • Hinged: open in the usual way into the room. The advantages of this design are its simplicity and reliability; swing doors are suitable for most interior styles. Cons – large free space in front of the cabinet, necessary to open the doors. Suitable for large bedrooms.

  • Sliding: they are designed like doors in a train compartment; to open they need to be moved to the side. The main advantage is that no space is required to open the doors; the cabinet can be placed almost close to other pieces of furniture. Minus - the cabinet protects the contents from dust to a lesser extent than a cabinet with traditional doors. Suitable for small bedrooms.

Tip: When choosing a wardrobe mechanism, you should pay special attention to the quality of individual elements. The door movement should be smooth, without jolts or jerks. The fit of the door to the side of the cabinet should be as tight as possible.

Dimensions of a corner wardrobe in the bedroom

Each furniture supplier has its own dimensions of standard products, and there is no single standard for the dimensions of corner cabinets.

Dimensions of corner wardrobes for the average bedroom:

  • Height from 200 to 250 cm,
  • Depth from 50 to 70 cm,
  • Width on each side from 70 to 240 cm.

You can make a custom-made corner cabinet of any configuration according to individual dimensions, thereby maximizing the use of useful (and in some cases, useless at first glance) space.

Inside the closet, as a rule, there is a modern clothing storage system consisting of the following elements:

  • Shelves. They can be made of either wood or metal, and are intended for storing things in boxes, as well as suitcases and other items.
  • Boxes. The pull-out drawers can be used to store various small items of clothing. It is better if they are equipped with a closer for smooth closing.
  • Barbells. This element is used for hanging outerwear on hangers. They can be located at different heights depending on what is intended to be hung. So, for dresses, the height of the opening under the bar should be in the range of 140 - 160 cm, for trousers, skirts or shirts - from 95 to 120 cm.
  • Baskets. Mesh drawer baskets are designed to hold clothes that can be folded, as well as shoes. They are convenient to use, since the contents are always in front of your eyes, and the laundry in them is constantly ventilated. Baskets, like drawers, are equipped with a roller mechanism that allows them to be pulled out completely.

Tip: If the cabinet depth is more than 50 cm, the clothes rail can be placed parallel to the back wall. If the depth is shallower, you can install short rods parallel to the sidewalls.

Even a small corner closet in the bedroom can significantly simplify the task of storing clothes and accessories; if the size of the room allows, then in the corner you can organize a large modern system that allows you to place not only clothes, but also sports equipment, materials and tools for hobbies, and other necessary things in the house.

The bedroom wardrobe can be made in any style and color. To decide which one is suitable in your case, look at the photographs below, they will help you make the right choice.

When arranging their homes, careful owners try to build their lives in such a way as to optimize the living space as much as possible and create comfortable housing for living. In a modern apartment it is always necessary to place a large number of different furniture, household items and household appliances. When filling the house with a mass of necessary and useful components, in order not to clutter up the precious living space, you need to take care of their comfortable and cozy placement.
A practical and convenient solution for optimizing space is to install a corner wardrobe. In any apartment there are empty areas, which over time can turn into places where old things accumulate. This especially applies to corners located behind cabinet furniture. The arrangement of a corner wardrobe allows you to use such valuable areas of walking space.

Wardrobes have been around for a long time and are an integral part of the interior of any apartment. Their shape, size and content have changed over time, with the advent of new technologies and requirements for this piece of furniture. In addition to decorating the home, furniture should fulfill the main task, which is its maximum functionality.
The appearance of the modern wardrobe goes back to the time of Napoleon, who was dissatisfied with the disorder that reigned in the military barracks, leading to uniforms becoming unusable and unkempt. He ordered the arrangement of practical places for storing things, hidden from prying eyes by a special screen.
Enterprising Americans were the first to replace the screen with an accordion-folding door, and then came up with the idea of ​​putting it on wheels. Thanks to this, the closet began to be closed with a full-fledged door, which, when opened, did not clutter the room. The convenience of sliding doors was appreciated and therefore gained great popularity. Such devices looked vaguely reminiscent of modern sliding wardrobes, equipped with doors and many additional functionality. For many decades, designers have been improving comfortable and practical furniture in every possible way, complicating their design and using the latest materials and devices.

Modern sliding wardrobes are complex multifunctional structures that occupy their rightful place in a modern home. Thanks to the latest technologies and the efforts of designers, they have been brought to perfection; their appearance can become a home decoration and visually enlarge the space. The harmonious appearance goes well with ease of use and the ability to accommodate a large number of different clothes or wardrobe items. And a large number of additional functional attributes allows you to use the entire space of the cabinet, leaving no free corners.
With good capacity, a sliding wardrobe placed in a room does not overload the space and occupies a minimum area. This especially characterizes corner models, which rationally use occupied space and fit organically into any interior.

General differences

A corner wardrobe is installed between two adjacent walls and is a single structure. Such cabinets allow you to benefit from usually empty room corners, making their space useful and used. Any construction defects in walls and corners or plumbing communications can be hidden behind the installed structure.

The main distinctive feature of sliding wardrobes is the unusual design of the doors, which, when opened, move along their surface along special guides. This door design can be a sliding or folding accordion; any of them will not require free space when opening. In ordinary cabinets, to access the inside, there should be enough space for the doors to swing open. The sliding design allows you to install any furniture close to the door and at the same time opening, they will provide maximum access to everything inside the cabinet. The corner wardrobe has a special design solution, so some models can be simultaneously equipped with doors of various types, sliding and hinged.

The biggest advantage when installing a sliding wardrobe is its amazing spaciousness. Occupying very little space in the room, it is able to effectively visually save space and at the same time surprises with the possibility of practical placement of a large number of different household items and household utensils. The purpose of the corner wardrobe determines its functionality and internal content, which can be very diverse: large spans with crossbars for hanging things on hangers, wide or narrow shelves, drawers and other functionality.

To buy a corner wardrobe, you need to decide on the main criteria that you need to pay attention to. Thanks to this approach, the cabinet will become functionally convenient, fit organically into the interior and last for many years. The main criteria include:

The variety of models of sliding wardrobes and their components on the market allows you to choose exactly the equipment that is necessary to create a successful and practical interior.

Model classification

The modern furniture market allows you to purchase a ready-made cabinet model that will take its rightful place in any room. Before you buy a corner wardrobe, you need to make sure that its dimensions will suit the parameters of the apartment and other pieces of furniture, and that its appearance will organically fit into the interior of the room. Cabinet models have a base, ceiling, side and rear walls.

Such models are free-standing and equipped with standard internal contents, with all the necessary crossbars, shelves, drawers and niches. Such equipment does not always coincide with personal requirements for filling cabinets. In this case, you can order the production of a corner wardrobe, taking into account all your personal wishes.
Thanks to a wide selection of components and facade materials, it is possible to produce a model of any configuration, according to individual sizes, suitable for a specific interior and with internal filling, the necessary functionality. Custom cabinets can be free-standing or built-in, depending on the customer's personal preferences.
Each of the designs has its own positive and negative sides, which you should pay attention to before making a specific choice. The location of free-standing models can be changed, whereas built-in wardrobes are installed once and it is not possible to move them to another location. Therefore, for those who like to rearrange their home, models that can be moved are more suitable.
Built-in structures are attached directly to the wall and have no empty spaces on the back side where dust accumulates. During general cleaning, a free-standing, bulky and heavy cabinet will need to be moved to get to areas of contamination. It is not easy to cope with such a task, and it is impossible to do it alone. In this case, it is better to choose a built-in model, which is easier to maintain.


The durability of the wardrobe design is ensured by the quality of the moving mechanisms; they are the first to fail. Therefore, you should not save when choosing these components. The rollers attached to the doors must have a soft walking mechanism and not make any extraneous sounds when moving. This mechanism must work clearly and smoothly. You should not hope that over time it will develop or get used to it; everything must be debugged from the beginning.
Roller guides are made of steel or aluminum. Aluminum tracks are more durable, but the price of such a mechanism is much higher than steel. Therefore, buyers often choose a cheaper option, but they must be prepared for the fact that quality directly depends on price.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of finishing materials, the quality and properties of which determine the appearance of the corner wardrobe. When making furniture, the customer has the opportunity to choose any material himself, depending on personal preferences or the need to match the general style of the interior. The sliding wardrobe body is made of MDF, chipboard or natural wood.
The following materials can be used to make doors: MDF, chipboard, natural wood, plastic, tempered glass or mirror surfaces.
Environmentally friendly natural wood is the most expensive and high-quality material. A door surface made of tempered glass or mirror will make the room visually larger, expanding the space and filling the room with air. When choosing such a material, it should be taken into account that the door will require more careful care, and its low strength will require careful handling.

Most often, MDF or chipboard panels are used to make doors. These wear-resistant materials have long been deservedly appreciated by manufacturers of cabinet furniture. Such panels are easy to process, resistant to moisture and sun, and allow you to create any door shape, making it reliable and durable. MDF is a safe material, and when using chipboard, it is necessary to carefully check the quality and degree of reliable protection against possible exposure to harmful substances contained in the adhesive base.
The rich color palette of all materials allows you to create any visual perception of the wardrobe. By choosing dark and bright colors against the backdrop of a light interior, the cabinet will draw attention to itself, creating the effect of a monumental and significant piece of furniture. Light shades, or glass or mirror doors, will fill the room with lightness and grace. You can use different materials, combining them and complementing each other.

The use of the latest modern technologies makes it possible to make the facade of the corner wardrobe unique. Photo printing technology allows you to apply a design to any surface of the door. For this, you can choose your favorite painting or photograph, an arbitrary abstract drawing or composition, a natural landscape or a fairy-tale plot. Such cabinets perform a special aesthetic function, creating the mood and atmosphere of the room. The applied images are particularly durable, do not erase or fade, and do not deteriorate from temperature changes or exposure to moisture.

The use of sandblasting technology for applying patterns to the surface of glass or mirror allows you to create surprisingly delicate and original images. Doors with such decorative finishing bring lightness to the interior and become a real decoration of any room.

To decorate the front side, it is practical to use laminate, which, thanks to its coating with a durable film, will reliably serve for many years. Modern materials, presented in a wide range, can fit into any interior style and make a corner wardrobe a decoration of a room that efficiently performs all the functions assigned to it.
When purchasing a cabinet model of a corner wardrobe, you need to pay attention to the quality of all its components. Sometimes manufacturers, trying to reduce the price, use cheap accessories, which significantly reduce the service life of the product. When buying an IKEA corner cabinet, you can be sure of the good quality of the purchased product. The company produces a huge variety of models, with classic interior configurations. The furniture is easy to assemble and can be equipped with any additional module. The IKEA corner cabinet has an ergonomic appearance, so it will organically fit into any interior style, emphasizing its sophistication and restraint.

Inner world

Being a decoration for a room, the main requirements for any corner wardrobe is the set of functionality assigned to it initially. This depends on the internal content, i.e. a set of standard elements in various combinations. The main components filling the interior space of the cabinet include:

  1. shelves and cells;
  2. drawers on rollers;
  3. pipe rods for hanging hangers;
  4. retractable and rotating hangers;
  5. baskets;
  6. large niches for placing large objects or mechanisms.

The main materials for the manufacture of all internal elements are chipboard and aluminum wire coated with polymer paint. For some elements it is possible to use plastic, a cheaper and softer material. Elements made of aluminum wire allow better air circulation inside the cabinet, preventing things from getting stale, which is especially important during long-term storage.
For convenience and ergonomics, the internal filling is equipped with special mechanisms: pantograph-lift, rollers, wheels and lifts. Such mechanisms allow you to use the entire internal space of the cabinet and make the process of removing things easy and convenient. Thanks to them, perfect order will always reign in the closet, and each item will have its own permanent place. The presence of such mechanisms significantly increases the price of purchased furniture. Therefore, if you want to buy a corner wardrobe inexpensively, you need to settle on the most necessary set of such elements.

A corner wardrobe with a variety of fittings and special mechanisms will allow you to properly organize clothes, shoes, various household items and household utensils. The configuration of the various elements inside the sliding wardrobe depends on the room where it is located and the requirements of the home owners. It is worthwhile to carefully consider in advance the required number of different elements and their location. If necessary, you can change or add something, but it’s better to think through everything carefully in advance. It is convenient to create a detailed drawing that allows you to look at the future cabinet in advance and place everything you need correctly and competently.
An example of a possible diagram of a corner cabinet in the photo inside with dimensions and placement of contents:

The photo shows a diagram of a corner wardrobe inside with dimensions and its finished prototype:

Configuration of corner wardrobes

The shape of the corner wardrobe can be varied and can compactly fit into any size and interior of the apartment. Based on the individual configuration of the room, you can choose an option that will advantageously and unconventionally use the free corner in the room, making its area useful.
The main types of corner wardrobes include:

You can select a combined form of a corner cabinet, which allows you to complement and combine the main types in order to make maximum use of the entire free area of ​​the corner and make the furniture individual and comfortable.


Installing a triangular-shaped cabinet in a free corner of the room allows you to fence off part of the corner with a door. Such structures usually do not have side walls and shelves or other contents are attached directly to the walls. The triangular shape advantageously hides the corners of the room, making it smoother, and looks especially harmonious in square rooms.


In the trapezoidal structure, on one side, a small side wall is provided, creating the shape of an irregular trapezoid. The internal space can be organized more rationally by installing additional structures.


The most common shape of corner wardrobes is L-shaped. This universal form is suitable for any size room and is a combination of two straight cabinets combined into a single unit. Allows you to make maximum use of the inside, filling it with a variety of components.


The five-wall shape is distinguished by the presence of small side walls, which make it possible to make the internal contents more functional and to harmoniously place additional consoles and modules on the outside.

One of the varieties of triangular shape is the radius corner wardrobe. Its unique configuration lies in the special design of the door, which has a rounded shape, which is provided by guides. Such a cabinet may have convex, concave or wavy doors.

The streamlined shape of the cabinet visually significantly corrects the space, harmonizing it by smoothing the corners. The price of a radius sliding wardrobe significantly exceeds the cost of furniture of a regular shape, due to expensive components.

Corner wardrobe in different rooms

The placement of a corner wardrobe is appropriate in any room; the filling of various functional elements depends on its location.


A corner wardrobe in the hallway should have an open hanger for storing daily items, and shoe shelves. It is practical to use retractable shelves for shoes, located at an angle and made of wire. Such shelves provide a complete overview of the contents and provide good ventilation.
Convenient and practical corner wardrobe in the hallway photo:

A corner wardrobe in a hallway usually has a small depth, so it is convenient to use end retractable guides to place hangers. There are always a lot of different small accessories in the hallway; placing small drawers will allow you to organize them.
If the size of the cabinet allows it, then it is practical to arrange a utility unit for convenient storage of household appliances and accessories: vacuum cleaner, iron, ironing board, etc. For this purpose, there are special fasteners, thanks to which all household accessories will be securely and compactly placed. The upper, hard-to-reach mezzanines are convenient to use for storing seasonal and rarely used items.
Corner wardrobe in the hallway photo:


If the apartment has a separate dressing room, then there is no need to place a closet in the bedroom. But in ordinary apartments there is no possibility of creating such a separate room, so its function is performed by a sliding wardrobe. It is more convenient and practical to install a corner wardrobe in the bedroom to place all the necessary things and bedding. The filling of such a closet should be designed to accommodate a large number of hangers with things. It is convenient when each item hangs on a separate hanger, this provides easy access to them, they are clearly visible and do not wrinkle during storage. The height of the rods should be different; this is convenient for hanging things of different lengths. For dresses and suits, it is convenient to use a higher height of the bar; for blouses and shirts, you can place the bars at a lower height. This solution will significantly save space in the closet and hang more wardrobe items.
Internal filling of the corner wardrobe in the bedroom photo:

The corner closet in the bedroom should contain small drawers for storing small wardrobe items, underwear and socks. For convenient storage of ties, belts and trousers, special hangers are provided that allow you to place these items ergonomically. You can use wide shelves for bed linen, and the upper part of the closet for storing rare items. For a corner wardrobe in the bedroom, it is appropriate to have laundry baskets and shallow drawers with dividers.
To decorate the closet doors in the bedroom, any material is used that organically fits into the overall interior. Installation of mirror doors is convenient, this makes it possible to use it as a large mirror.
Corner wardrobe in the bedroom photo:

When renovating, the question often arises of how to play around the corners of a room in order to use them rationally. Nowadays, in large rooms, such as a living room, you can install corner cabinets of absolutely any design, from compartments with glass doors and shelves for dishes to a large dressing room.

Types of corner cabinets

Such furniture differs in its design and installation. If we take into account the last parameter, then corner cabinets can be:

  • Corpus. With this design, it turns out that the room has a full-fledged closet with rear walls and reliable partitions, only it is corner.
  • Built-in. They are made to order, in which the roof of the cabinet is the ceiling, the bottom is the floor, and the shelves are attached to two opposite walls or only one of them is present.

Which is better: cabinet or built-in wardrobe?

In modern apartments and private houses there are niches and sections of the corridor in which it is difficult to find a standard wardrobe, then the best way would be to use the space at your own discretion; you can attach shelves and hangers directly to the walls, due to which every centimeter of the partitioned off wardrobe is rationally used.

The built-in option is suitable for those who are doing major renovations or who have a small apartment but a lot of things. It is stationary and cannot be moved to another part of the room, but for those who are doing renovations for more than one year, it will be invaluable.

A cabinet cabinet is a full-fledged piece of furniture that can, if necessary, be moved to any part of the room or transported to another home. For example, if other furniture was purchased or the cabinet does not fit into the new interior, it can be sold or taken to the country. Its design includes sides, a back wall, a ceiling and a bottom.

The choice of one of these options will depend on the correctness of the measurements, the dimensions of the room, as well as the preferences of the owners.

Corner dressing rooms in the living room also differ in shape and are:

Important! When choosing the appropriate shape of a corner cabinet, it is worth considering its combination with a computer desk, a module with a TV and other elements that are often present in living rooms.

Selecting materials for corner cabinets

The durability and ease of use of such furniture is affected not only by the fastening of cabinet furniture, but also by the material, components and door opening mechanism.

Choice of material for shelves and walls

Among the most popular and reliable are:

Cabinet Door Materials

They can have any design at the request of the cabinet owner. Doors made of wood panels: veneered, laminated or painted are simple and practical. Among them there may be monochromatic varieties or those that repeat the structure of the tree. The color design of glossy and matte surfaces can be absolutely any.

More popular are mirrored doors, which carry two functions at once: beautiful appearance and functionality. You can not only look good in them, but also expand the space of the room so that it becomes unnoticeable how much space the closet takes up. If desired, you can make any pattern on their surface, gray or colored.

Frosted glass will also help expand the boundaries of the room; it is not so fastidious to clean; different designs and even photo printing can be placed on its surface. Using the latter design method, you can create a unique cabinet design.

Selecting a profile and opening mechanism

Reliable opening and closing of doors is the most important parameter when operating a cabinet. After all, everyone in the household will use it, which means that its mechanism must withstand different loads; now there are two types:

The profile may also differ in material:

  • Aluminum. They are silent during operation, externally made neatly and durable.
  • Steel. They last longer and are highly durable. The rollers are visible in them, but this does not greatly affect the overall appearance of the cabinet.
  • With ceramic coating. They have a good margin of safety, but are not as durable as steel.

Important! Plastic and ceramic profiles are cheaper, but they are inferior to metal ones in strength.

Decorating the interior of the cabinet

To properly organize the space in the closet, you need to think about where and in what order the shelves for shoes, clothes, bed linen and towels will be placed, and also provide for compact storage of large items in the form of household appliances, suitcases or sets of dishes that are used only upon the arrival of guests .

There are several important compartments of a corner cabinet:

Important! In small apartments, it would be great to make a special compartment for the ironing board in the corner closet; it would save space when ironing.

Compared to an ordinary classic cabinet, a corner cabinet looks much more aesthetically pleasing and original, and is superior in its functionality. By successfully organizing its space, you can accommodate many useful things and, if necessary, quickly find the desired item.