Liver boiled sausage. Homemade liver sausage is very simple and incredibly tasty

If you've never tried making liver sausage at home, this recipe is for you. Without unnecessary additives, dyes and other harmful E, you get a natural product of which you can be sure. If cooking is not just torment at the stove, but your favorite pastime, it will be doubly nice to treat your family to another tasty treat.

We can use any liver, I used chicken liver. You can also shape sausage in various ways; today I will show you how to make liver sausage at home in a bag and in cling film.

The taste is delicate, but at the same time very satisfying; in the morning for breakfast, use it for a sandwich. When my family tried the sausage, they said that the liver tasted very good, and the taste was significantly superior to the store-bought kind.

How to make homemade liver sausage


  • Liver – 500 g
  • Fresh lard – 500 gr
  • Garlic – 4-5 cloves
  • Flour – 1 tbsp + 1/3 tbsp (250 ml glass)
  • Starch – 1/3 tbsp (250 ml glass)
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise – 2 tbsp (can be replaced with sour cream)
  • Salt, pepper to taste


The list of spices can be expanded and you can add your favorite ones; in addition to pepper, I sometimes add either nutmeg or a little coriander. Everything here is up to your taste, add what you like or leave it as minimal as possible.

Rinse the liver well; if you use beef liver, remove the film. Place in a food processor or use a meat grinder.

Divide the lard into two equal parts. Add one part to the liver in a food processor, cut the other into small cubes. It is necessary to cut off the skin; we don’t need it. To make lard cut better, place it in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

We make minced meat from lard and liver.

Add the second part of the lard to the minced meat.

Next are eggs, flour, starch, salt, pepper, mayonnaise and chopped garlic. Mix everything well. Taste and add salt or pepper if necessary, or you may want to increase the amount of garlic to make your homemade liver sausage more flavorful.

How to shape liver sausage

Since we are making homemade liver sausage without intestines, we will use ordinary plastic bags or cling film for this purpose. I'll show you how to do it in two different ways.

First option. In a bag: divide the mass into two or three parts and put each in a bag. We try to squeeze out all the air, just leave a little on top so that the distance from the minced liver to the top of the bag is about 1-2 cm, tie the bag. Place the sausage in 2 more bags, don’t forget to tie each one. And boil it like this.

Second option. In cling film: here we will form it in the same way as we did, only we will make the liver sausage larger.

Spread the film on a cutting board, spoon out the mixture, moving 8-10 cm from the edge. Be careful not to transfer the minced liver onto the film, it is quite liquid and can “run away”. Approximately 5-6 tbsp.

Cover with film and wrap like candy on both edges.

There is no need to twist too tightly and expel all the air, some air should remain, and the sausage itself will not be wrapped so tightly. You need about 5-6 layers, no more is required, this is quite enough. We tie the edges with thread.

I got 5 sausages. I put two in the freezer, and boiled three right away.

How and how much to cook homemade liver sausage

You will need a large saucepan. This is necessary so that the sausage does not deform during cooking and remains flat. Pour water, about half the pan or even a little more. Place on the stove, when it boils, lower the sausage. Salt the water, otherwise it will take salt from the sausage and it will end up under-salted.

I cooked for an hour on medium heat. My sausage was about 5-6 cm in diameter. Then I took it out and cooled it a little. I took off the film and tried it, it seemed to me that it was damp and its color was a little pink inside, so I boiled it for another 30 minutes. What I want to say is that nothing has changed, it was completely cooked in an hour. The pinkish tint completely went away when it cooled and sat in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. If you want to play it safe, cook for 1 hour and 15-20 minutes, this will be enough.

We cook the sausage in the bag according to the same principle, only if you divided it into two parts - cook for 2 hours, for three - 1.5 hours.

Increase the cooking time for frozen sausage by 15 minutes.

There is nothing difficult to prepare, the products are very simple, but homemade liver sausage turns out incredibly tasty, try it yourself. You know the composition of such a sausage, and you shouldn’t worry about it. There are no thickeners or flavorings! There is a recipe on the website, I recommend it, it’s even easier to prepare and very tasty.

Bon appetit!

With uv. Margarita.

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Liver sausage is a delicious dish that surpasses any store-bought product in its taste. In the process of preparing the dish, you can use your favorite spices, herbs and types of meat.

We will tell you how liver sausage can be prepared at home and what points you should pay attention to.

Culinary tricks

The proposed recipes for delicious liver sausage are very simple, so even novice cooks will not have any problems with the cooking process. To make a truly tasty and aromatic dish, you need to use only fresh beef, pork or chicken offal.

To prepare the delicacy yourself, you will need the following equipment:

  • meat grinder or food processor;
  • pork intestine (you can use lamb intestine);
  • nozzle for placing minced meat into the intestine.

Different methods of preparing the dish involve the use of different “astringent” products.

Some recipes use semolina, others use buckwheat. The most popular of them will be discussed further.

How to treat intestines?

Preparing delicacies in the gut always begins with pre-processing the natural shells.

The processing method directly depends on the type of intestines:

  • Dry. Store-bought casings must first be soaked in water. To do this, the intestines are filled with clean water at room temperature and left for several hours;
  • Fresh. The first thing you need to do is wash them and soak them in a solution of lemon juice and water for several hours. This will soften the product a little and rid it of the unpleasant odor.

Sausage in the gut

This recipe for preparing a liver delicacy involves the use of chicken by-products. Cooking will take no more than half an hour, so even the busiest housewife will be able to pamper her household with a tasty and aromatic treat.

What products should I take?

  • chicken liver – 1000 g;
  • lard – 250 g;
  • spices (salt, curry, dried herbs);
  • pork intestines – 250 g.

Cooking process:

  1. grind the by-products with lard in a meat grinder;
  2. Add spices to the resulting minced meat to taste;
  3. using a special nozzle, fill the intestine with minced meat;
  4. place the treat in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Homemade sausages prepared this way can be served with green beans, lentils or mashed potatoes.

Sausage without guts

Is it possible to make liver sausage at home without using intestines? This recipe allows you to quickly and without any problems prepare an appetizing dish without the use of a meat grinder with a special attachment.

What ingredients do we need for this?

  • pork liver – 800 g;
  • chicken breast – 200 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • lard (pork) – 150 g;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • seasonings;
  • foil.

Cooking process:

  1. finely chop chicken meat and offal;
  2. add lard to the minced meat and mix everything well;
  3. beat the eggs until foamy;
  4. chop the garlic and add it to the eggs;
  5. We form small sausages and dip them in the egg;
  6. Wrap the pieces in foil and place in the oven for 50 minutes.

This recipe will certainly appeal to those who cannot devote much time to cooking. It will take you no more than an hour and a half to do everything.

Sausages with semolina

Liver sausages with semolina are very juicy and aromatic. There is no shame in decorating a holiday table with them and pampering friends and acquaintances.

For cooking we need to take the following ingredients:

  • pork liver – 600 g;
  • semolina – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • intestines – 150 g;
  • fresh eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • lard – 100 g;
  • spices.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind all the meat ingredients and lard in a meat grinder and mix;
  2. Add chopped garlic and onion to the minced meat;
  3. Add semolina, starch and spices to beaten eggs;
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly;
  5. Fill pork casing with minced meat;
  6. Place the semi-finished dish on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for at least half an hour.

A tender and juicy delicacy with semolina can be decorated with fresh herbs and served with boiled rice, mashed potatoes or meatless risotto.

Sausages with buckwheat

How to make liver sausages with boiled buckwheat at home? In this case, it is better to use pork offal and intestines.

What cooking ingredients will we need to take?

  • lard – 100 g;
  • liver – 500 g;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • buckwheat – 300 g;
  • seasonings

Boil the washed liver in salted water until tender. Cook lard in a separate pan.

Cut the boiled liver with lard into small pieces and let them cool. Peel, wash and cut the onion into four parts. Pass everything through a meat grinder.

Salt and sprinkle with pepper. Mix the liver mass well.

Place a well-washed, cleaned intestine onto the sausage attachment and tie the end with a thread. I didn’t have any cooking thread, I used ordinary thread for sewing.

Fill the intestine with the prepared minced meat, but not too tightly so that it does not burst during cooking.

Prepare all the sausages in this way. Then use a needle to make pricks all over the sausage, this is necessary so that it does not swell or tear during cooking.

Place in boiling water and cook homemade liver sausage for 30 minutes.

But to give it a more appetizing appearance with a golden crust, you can fry it a little in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

on both sides.

Delicious homemade liver sausage is ready.

Serve cold with mustard.

Bon appetit!

Homemade liver sausage with lard and garlic

I have been using this proven recipe for about fifteen years, and everyone who tried this sausage asked me to teach how to cook it, and then wondered why it was so easy. Therefore, I share the recipe with pleasure with everyone: cook, feed your loved ones tasty and healthy (because only the lazy don’t talk about the dangers of store-bought sausage these days).

Total cooking time - 2 hours 15 minutes
Active cooking time - 0 hours 15 minutes
Cost - very economical
Calorie content per 100 g - 394 kcal
Number of servings - 20 servings


Beef liver – 500 g
Lard - 500 g
Garlic - 3 teeth.
Flour - 1.5 tbsp. (200 ml)
Starch - 0.5 tbsp. (200 ml)
Egg - 4 pcs.
Salt - to taste
Mixed peppers - to taste
Sour cream - 2 tbsp. optional



So, homemade liver sausage is, in fact, prepared from a minimal set of ingredients. No, you, of course, can add spices and herbs to suit your taste, adding flavor accents, but the base will be elementary: lard and liver. Liver and lard are taken in equal proportions, in this case half a kilo.

I always use only beef liver for this sausage. I think pork would also work, I just haven’t tried it. But the chicken one will definitely be good - my godfather cooked it according to my recipe - it turned out great (only the cooking time needs to be reduced a little).

For this dish, I buy the simplest lard; you don’t need nice, thick lard, with the obligatory layers. All you need to do is choose fresh lard. Moreover, you don’t even have to pay attention to the skin: whether it is hard or soft does not concern us in this case.

For spices, I used the basic minimum: salt and freshly ground pepper mixture. All!

By the way, this nuance was not in the basic recipe, but I will write: I add a couple of spoons of sour cream - it turns out very tasty!

First, let's prepare the liver. I have already written how to do this. Quickly and easily scald the liver with boiling water and remove all the films. We cut the liver into pieces convenient for subsequent processing.

Now let's get to the lard. We cut off the skin from the entire piece - we won’t need it. Divide a piece of lard into two equal parts. It is advisable to temporarily place one of them in the freezer, and the second part should be cut into random pieces.

Now the liver and half the lard need to be chopped. You can do this in a meat grinder, or you can - like I did this time - in a food processor.


Just a couple of minutes - and you get wonderful minced meat!


It's time to take the remaining piece of lard out of the freezer. It needs to be cut into small cubes. This is why we froze a little lard - this way it will be much easier to cut it.

However, it is not at all necessary to be especially zealous in cutting out absolutely correct cubes of lard. All the cubes you get will look beautiful in the sausage.


Combine minced liver and chopped lard in a large bowl. Salt and pepper to taste.


Now add eggs, flour and starch, sour cream if desired. The recipe called for 5 eggs, but I often make it with 4 eggs (I don’t notice the difference at all!). And - again! - the basic recipe calls for 2 cups of flour. But I replaced some of it with starch a long time ago. You can cook either way.

The minced meat needs to be mixed well, add chopped garlic. And be sure to try it. I always try raw minced meat. A little lick - and it’s immediately clear whether the salt and pepper are right, or maybe it’s worth adjusting?


Now an important point: we need to turn the minced meat into sausage. To do this, let's take 6 ordinary food bags. If you think that you can’t cook in food bags, take any other material at hand. But I’ve been doing this for many years now - and everything is always great!

So, we put half of the minced meat into a bag, carefully expel the air from the bag with our hands and tie it at the very end, leaving room for our future sausage to grow. Now we put this “gift bag” back into the bag, expel the air again, and tie it again at the very end. Once again. Total: half of the minced meat is packed in three bags. We do the same with the second half of the minced meat.


We will need a large saucepan (I used a 5-liter saucepan), pour more than half of cold water into it, put the minced meat bags into this cold (!) water, lightly cover with a lid and put on low heat. As soon as the water boils, remove the lid and cook the sausage for about 2 hours.

As you can see, the preparation process takes about 15 minutes. And if you use a food processor or electric meat grinder instead of a regular meat grinder, then even less. In the meantime, the sausage itself (!) is cooked, you can do a lot of useful things or just relax for your own pleasure.

After 2 hours, we take out the packages with the finished sausage. Cut off the packaging and remove the sausage. It needs to be cooled completely so that the sausage can then be cut well and evenly. However, in my house it’s not always possible to wait for my favorite dish to completely cool down.

Once I deliberately weighed the resulting two sausages - it turned out not a lot, not a little: almost two kilograms! So, this recipe is not only easy to follow, but also very budget-friendly!


The sausage turns out incredibly tasty - dense in consistency, delicate in taste, easy to cut and quick to eat.

You can put it on bread, adding a leaf of lettuce, herbs or vegetables to the sandwich. Easy to take with you to work.

And we liked the version with horseradish the most. A little pink horseradish for sausage or bread - how delicious it is! Now we've eaten all the pink horseradish, so we started eating it with white horseradish - great!

Enjoy your meal!
Be sure to try making this homemade liver sausage.