The magic of numbers. Why does the dreamer dream about Cabbage?

The article on the topic: “dream book of cabbage seedlings” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Why do you dream about seedlings? It means change, improvement of life. The dream book interprets the symbol as follows: a person will have a favorable period and everything will turn out great. It also matters what kind of seedlings you saw in your dream: tomatoes, cabbage, flowers, other plants.

General value

Why dream of planting seedlings yourself and watering them? The interpretation of the vision is as follows: after previous trials, fate finally decided to reward the dreamer. A streak of luck is coming, so you need to take as much as possible from it.

Did you dream about seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, or other garden plants? This is a favorable sign. The dream book states: fortune will smile on you, circumstances will change for the better.

To see in a dream the land where young shoots of strawberries and cucumbers were planted - your work will be appreciated and you will be able to realize your plan. Planting flower seedlings - the vision symbolizes useful actions, creativity, and a pleasant time spent.

What were the plants?

Dreaming of young cabbage sprouts just emerging from the ground means a new exciting business or the foundation of a new house. Growing them on your windowsill in a dream means many different events will happen. Thinning out - according to the dream book, there will be concerns about children.

Why do you dream about tomato seedlings? To an unexpected visit from an unpleasant visitor. It can create chaos, both in your home and business. The consequence of this will be significant difficulties. However, with enough determination, you will be able to correct the consequences.

Planting flower seedlings in a dream means realizing your purpose, strengthening your position in life, taking an important step, for example, starting a family. The dream book informs: life now gives all the best, and the dreamer will be able to preserve and increase these gifts of fate.

Grow young strawberry plants on the balcony - use your talents to help a friend. Did you dream of her bushes growing in the room? A person is ready to move to a new stage of life.

What did they do with her?

Why dream of selling green seedlings in a dream? This is a warning: if you forget about caution, you yourself can ruin what you put a lot of work into. The dream book recommends: by carefully thinking through your actions and words, avoid possible negative consequences.

Did you grow it, water it, care for it yourself? You can achieve stability with your hard work, perseverance, and determination. If you bought it, your financial condition will improve. If you were selling, you will make an offensive mistake, so you will have to start achieving your goal all over again.

Asking someone for cabbage seedlings in a dream means in reality being dependent on someone. Sharing it with others means earning a good opinion of other people about yourself.

Affairs, welfare

Dreaming of young sprouts portends a gradual improvement in the affairs and prosperity of the sleeper. The dream book reports: large, strong plants enhance this meaning, while weak, small ones are advised not to wait for significant progress yet.

Green seedlings in a dream represent a good business start. You can make bold plans and start new projects. It will be possible to successfully complete what has already been started, even those that seem to have “stalled.”

Dreaming of garden or flower seedlings also means new debts. You may need a large sum to purchase the necessary item, but think carefully about whether you will repay the debt on time.

Love, relationships

Planting tomato seedlings in a dream means the dreamer hopes to strengthen love relationships and have a prosperous family life. The dream book indicates: harmony depends on him, so you need to make every effort. However, you should not impose yourself too much on your loved one, because then you can only push him away.

Why dream of watching as if someone is planting or watering it? Soon you will receive help from relatives and friends. The dream book also interprets such a plot as a sign of impending favorable changes.

Why do you dream about Seedlings?

Why do you dream about seedlings, tomatoes or cucumbers? In most cases, such dreams foreshadow the beginning of a new life stage and a series of inevitable future changes. In dream interpreters, such a sign is associated with a favorable period, during which all endeavors will end in the best possible way. What you were able to see in the dream will also play a big role.

What should you pay attention to?

As the dream book emphasizes, seedlings are a sign that fate has decided to reward you for your labors and trials .

There will be a bright streak in life, which you just need to manage correctly. You may dream of seedlings of different plants - all these are favorable symbols that will tell you that circumstances will begin to change for the better.

Seeing small sprouts of strawberries or cucumbers means your efforts will finally be rewarded, and any plan will be realized. The main thing is not to forget that fortune is not always favorable to you; you cannot waste a minute. If flower seedlings appear in your dream, it means that in real life you will be doing really useful things that will be of great benefit not only to you, but also to the people around you.

If you dreamed of seedlings

What plants?

To form a general understanding, you need to decide what kind of vegetation you were able to see.

If in your night dreams you were able to see young sprouts of cabbage that just appeared above the ground, then the dreamer will expect positive changes:

  • opening your own business;
  • start of house construction;
  • renewal of old relationships, etc.

Growing on a windowsill means a lot of events that can be pleasantly tiring. Thinning out young shoots means increasing care for children.

If you dreamed of tomato seedlings, it means that in real life you will be awaiting the visit of an unpleasant guest who can bring a lot of troubles to a measured lifestyle. It can bring chaos, which will negatively affect not only work, but also household affairs.

As a result of this, the dreamer may begin to have serious problems, which can be eliminated with the proper degree of determination.

Flowers emerging from the ground

Planting flower seedlings means realizing your purpose and strengthening your position in life. Most likely, in your life you will need to take a difficult step that will radically change your life. According to most dream interpreters, the sign seen foreshadows favorable changes. The main thing is to use the gift of fate correctly, since such an opportunity comes only once in a lifetime. Your task is not just to maintain the result obtained, but also to try to increase it.

When the dreamer begins to grow strawberries on the windowsill, it means that in life you will have to learn skills to save your close friend. If small bushes grow in your room, then the dreamer will be able to reach a new level of development. It should be noted that changes should be smooth and uniform.

What did you do?

After you have managed to identify the plant you were dealing with, you need to understand what happened to it next.

Selling plants in a dream

If a sleeping person begins to sell fresh and green seedlings, then such a dream will play a warning role. Forgetting about your own caution, you can face big problems, and the work you have been working on for a long period of time will be irretrievably lost.

The dreamer caring for the plant will constantly strive to achieve stability. Everything will depend on what efforts he made: the harder he worked, the faster he will achieve his goal.

Other interpretations

If you managed to see young shoots, then your business will gradually begin to go uphill. If the plant is large and strong, then success will be quick, but if it is small, then you will have to put in more effort.

Green seedlings are a sign of the beginning of a business relationship. You can safely plan a major project and gradually begin to implement it. You will be able to complete even something that was impossible to achieve.

Garden seedlings - to new debts. If the dreamer wants to purchase the necessary thing, he will have to refuse the loan or loan, since it is not a fact that he will be able to return it on time.

Why do you dream of cabbage of various shapes based on the interpretations of different dream books?

The world of night dreams is filled with many symbols and secrets that hint at possible upcoming events in a person’s life. Sometimes it’s worth listening to them in order to unravel the meaning and protect yourself from possible unpleasant events or the evil machinations of enemies in your immediate environment.

Dreams can be quite unusual. For example, a person dreamed of cabbage. In everyday life, this vegetable has a rather symbolic meaning, with which many analogies are associated: “cutting the cabbage”, “finding the child in the cabbage”. However, everything is not so simple. It is worth paying special attention to such a dream. It can have different interpretations. In order to solve it, you need to remember all the smallest details of your night dreams.

If you dreamed about cabbage in a dream at night, then in order to accurately find out its meaning you need to analyze all the details:

  • White cabbage, especially its planting, portends unexpected monetary profits and success in all financial matters. It is also considered a very favorable sign to eat a salad made from this vegetable.
  • Why do you dream about cauliflower? This is a symbol that a person will be able to cope with all the problems that he could not solve for quite a long time. The dreamer's life will be filled with joyful and pleasant events.
  • Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi are a sign that the dreamer is very dear to someone and reciprocity is expected from him.
  • If you see seaweed, it means that the sleeper is healthy both physically and psychologically. One can only envy his physical shape, as well as his mental balance.
  • Why do you dream about salted cabbage? This is a sign of a favorable disposition towards a person of destiny in all areas of life. It is possible to win big, receive an inheritance, provide financial incentives to your superiors at work, or sign a lucrative contract. This will be a reward for all the efforts and hard work of the dreamer.
  • If in night dreams a person enjoys the taste of stewed vegetables, then this is not the most favorable sign. Such a dream promises immediate troubles in almost all areas of life. There is a high probability of big scandals in the family, disagreements with superiors, misunderstandings among colleagues and friends. Financial problems are also expected. You need to learn to make compromises. This will help alleviate the circumstances a little.
  • Why do you dream about sauerkraut? Such a dream symbolizes that thanks to his abilities as an economist, a person will be able to live for a long time without knowing financial difficulties. Poverty will bypass the dreamer. However, you should also remember the second side of the coin, since greed can interfere with achieving material wealth. Another interpretation of such a dream is discord and scandals in the family based on strong jealousy and mistrust. If a sleeping person is fermenting a vegetable, this means that he will give reason for mistrust of his other half.
  • Dreaming of rotten cabbage is not a bad sign. A bright streak in life begins. In the near future, all old problems will be solved, as their root cause will become clear.

What exactly you did with the cabbage is also of great importance:

If the dream is associated with planting a vegetable or harvesting a crop, the following interpretations are possible:

  • Cabbage planted in your garden promises in the near future a meeting with a person dear to the dreamer’s heart. It may come as a surprise, or it may be planned. In any case, the date promises to leave only joyful and pleasant memories.
  • A dream in which a person plants a vegetable promises a calm, quiet and measured life, without any sharp turns of fate or adventures. A different interpretation of a dream is a huge profit.
  • Seeing cabbage in a garden bed in a dream means that a person should pay close attention to his health, as unexpected illnesses are possible in the near future. To improve the situation, the dreamer should carry out disease prevention: play sports, sleep enough time, take multivitamin complexes and make sure that the diet is rational.
  • Another meaning of dreams in which the dreamer sees a vegetable in the garden is receiving pleasant news from afar or the arrival of long-awaited guests, a meeting with whom will leave pleasant memories in the memory for a long time.
  • Watering the beds where vegetables grow means being too loyal to your children. You must learn to be stricter and not indulge every whim, otherwise you will face troubles in the future.
  • A different interpretation of such a dream warns that you need to be more responsible about your work in order to avoid unpleasant situations with your superiors.
  • If you dreamed of cabbage in the form of seedlings, it means good news from afar.
  • Why do you dream about cabbage in heads? Collecting cabbage from the beds means an unreasonable waste of a large amount of money. In order not to become very poor and not end up in a remote corner, you need to learn to save and monitor your financial situation.
  • The second interpretation of such a dream has a particularly positive meaning. This promises the imminent arrival of a welcome guest, whom the dreamer has long dreamed of meeting.
  • Why does a woman dream about a head of cabbage? This is an unfavorable sign for the fair sex, as it foreshadows some kind of illness, the baseless jealousy of the husband or his betrayal.
  • If in a dream a person carefully cuts off a stalk, it is a sign that the dreamer is too wasteful. We need to learn to live more economically.
  • A large amount of vegetables in a dream foretells that events will happen in the near future that will upset a person. An unexpected meeting with a person from the past is possible, which will bring sad memories of a time when there was a very difficult period in life.

Various sleep variations:

  • Cooking dishes from vegetables means large financial debts that will be difficult to cope with. To avoid such a situation, you need to learn to be more economical, not borrow money from anyone, and try, as far as possible, to solve financial problems yourself.
  • If you dream about pies with cabbage, it means a quick break from everyday worries. Seeing a lot of pies means wealth and prosperity for the family, as well as mutual understanding and love in relationships with your significant other. Buying a pie is an unexpected and very pleasant encounter.
  • Receiving a treat in the form of a pie with vegetable filling is a sign of imminent good news or intrigue that will bring a lot of grief. Baking delicious buns means expecting big profits in the near future, which will be a reward for the dreamer’s long and hard work.
  • Cabbage salad - to a quick unexpected profit on a large scale.
  • A young girl who recently got married may dream of cabbage. In this case, in the near future she can become a happy mother.
  • Cutting cabbage leaves means possible illness. Taking a head of cabbage into separate leaves means a severe cold. To prevent this, you should pay special attention to your health, try not to freeze and dress warmly.
  • If you dream of a large field of cabbage, then this foreshadows dramatic changes in life for the better, especially in the professional field. But in order to achieve success, you need to be more active in making independent decisions.
  • Harvesting vegetables in the field is a sign of a difficult financial situation, perhaps even bankruptcy. You should be more careful in solving financial issues and control your expenses. Otherwise, you can end up in a debt hole, from which it will be very difficult to get out.
  • Another interpretation of such a dream is empty gossip and talk about the dreamer. Unforeseen troubles are also possible, which a person can quickly cope with.
  • Why do you dream of big and fresh cabbage? This is an unfavorable sign of betrayal, betrayal and deception of the other half. It is worth paying attention to the relationship with a loved one.
  • A dream in which young cabbage appears should make you think about your attitude towards people. Deception and failure to fulfill a promised word are not a good basis for relationships with others. This undermines the authority and trust in a person. It is urgent to change the situation, since there is a possibility that even the closest and dearest people will not believe the dreamer.

The meaning of a dream in which a person dreamed of a vegetable can vary greatly. It is advisable to remember the context of the dream and the details associated with it as accurately as possible, since its decoding can be completely different:

  • Surprisingly, the dream book of the great soothsayer Vanga, unfortunately, does not mention anything about such a common vegetable.
  • According to the women's dream book, why do you dream about cabbage? This is a very unfavorable sign for family integrity. Betrayal and betrayal on the part of the other half is possible. It is worth paying attention to the relationship between the spouses and doing everything possible to find mutual understanding. Otherwise, divorce cannot be avoided.
  • Velesov’s dream book states that cabbage in a dream means the imminent appearance of some kind of illness, and the greater the amount of cabbage, the more serious the illness. There may also be troubles due to the fairer sex or losses. Tearing a vegetable means gossip. Eating means an unexpected gift. Plant or cut - hear interesting and unexpected news.
  • If you dreamed about cabbage, the dream book of the writer Aesop interprets this as a lack of attention that the dreamer pays to his children. This can lead to alienation of the child not only physically, but also spiritually.
  • Esotericist E. Tsvetkov interprets a dream about cabbage, in which it is cut or boiled, as an unexpected gift or good news from afar.
  • According to the 21st century dream book, if you often see cabbage in your dreams, this means a lot of trouble. Pickling a vegetable means being deceived or betrayed. Green cabbage means a quarrel with a loved one or financial difficulties. Watching cabbage grow means that the black streak in life will be replaced by a white one, all problems will soon be solved. If a young girl dreams of cauliflower, then she will marry not out of love, but according to the will of her parents.
  • The Tarot Dream Book interprets such dreams as the need for self-sacrifice in the near future.
  • Psychologist Miller says that seeing green cabbage is a sign of great deception and betrayal of the other half. It is necessary to decide to have a frank conversation in order to clarify the current situation. A dream in which cabbage is chopped means unexpected waste and poverty. It is necessary to strictly monitor your income and expenses.
  • According to the White Magician’s dream book, seeing white cabbage in a dream means the dreamer’s dream or innermost desire will come true. If a sleeping person dreams of a vegetable of some other variety, this indicates secret love. You need to take a closer look at your surroundings - and it will become clear whose heart is not indifferent to the dreamer.
  • The esoteric dream book says that planting cabbage means big profits. You should not make large purchases in the near future if you dreamed that a person was chopping cabbage. The purchase you make will be completely unsuccessful.

You need to perceive the meanings of dream books objectively and without unnecessary worries. Even in the case of a negative interpretation of night dreams, one must remember that a person’s whole life depends largely only on his will and desires. A dream book can just be a good hint in which direction you should move forward in life.

Seedlings - You will get into new debts. Why do you dream about Seedlings according to the dream book: Seedlings - For news that will make you dumbfounded, the news will be good, as the dream book predictor reports. Seedlings - Planting garden seedlings is a sign that circumstances will soon change for the better and fortune will reward you for your efforts.

Growing or buying garden seedlings, planting them in beds or greenhouses means that circumstances will turn out for the better for you, you will be generously rewarded by fate for previous trials. Why do you dream about Seedlings according to the dream book: Seedlings - Green sprouts of seedlings on a windowsill, in a greenhouse or in a garden bed are a symbol of changes in your life for the better. If you grow, buy or plant seedlings, you will be rewarded for past vicissitudes.

Why do you dream about Seedlings - interpretation by day of the week

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about seedlings?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Seedlings

Finally, changes for the better will soon occur in your life - this is predicted by a dream about seedlings. Very soon you will receive a great reward for the previous blows that fate dealt you - this is indicated by a dream about seedlings that you planted and watered yourself. In the very near future in the future, you will receive help from someone close to you, and good changes will happen in your life - this is what the dream says about seedlings that someone else is planting and watering, and you are just watching. If you are not careful, you will destroy the fruits of your labors yourself - a dream about the seedlings that you sold warns about this.

In our dream book you can find out not only what dreams about seedlings mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see seedlings in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.


Why do you dream about tomatoes? Dream interpretation of tomatoes.

Tomata is a plant of the Solanaceae genus of the Solanaceae family, an annual or perennial herb. Cultivated as a vegetable crop. Tomato fruits are known as tomatoes. The type of fruit is a berry. The name tomato comes from Italian. pomo d'oro - golden apple.

The Aztecs had the real name - tomatl, the French remade it into French. tomate (tomato). The difference between scientific and everyday (culinary) ideas about fruits, berries, fruits, vegetables in the case of tomato (as well as some other plants, for example, cucumbers) leads to confusion. Tomatoes are tomato fruits - from a botanical point of view, they are multilocular paracarpous berries.

In English there is no difference between the terms fruit and fruit. In 1893, the US Supreme Court unanimously ruled that tomatoes should be considered vegetables for purposes of customs duties (although the court noted that, from a botanical point of view, tomatoes are fruits. In 2001, the European Union decided that tomatoes are not vegetables, but fruits.

Dream book of Gustav Hindman Miller. Interpretation of the word tomato.

If you eat tomatoes in a dream, it means... You are getting better. Growing tomatoes promise you happiness and joy in your family life.

If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream, it means that she will be happy in her marriage.

Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov. Meaning of the word tomato.

Modern dream book. Why dream about a tomato?

Tomato seedlings are an unexpected visit from an unpleasant guest. Watering tomato bushes means competition in love. Collecting ripe red tomatoes means happiness and wealth. Collecting unripe, brown or green tomatoes means an unexpected and unwanted hitch in business and at work. Spoiled, blackened tomatoes mean weakened vision. Canning tomatoes means change. views. Cutting tomatoes is a love that will soon spill out with crazy passion. Buying tomatoes - you can suffer a serious defeat


Tomatoes, like any other product that is grown in the ground, contain a set of vitamins that a person needs. Tomato seedlings can symbolize the hatching of secret plans. Due to the fact that the color of tomato juice is similar to blood, it can be assumed that this relationship can be traced in a dream .That is, this image carries a message about meeting with relatives

In contact with

If you eat tomatoes in a dream- it means you are getting better. Growing tomatoes- promise you happiness and joy in family life. If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream- it means she will be happy in marriage.

Dream book of lovers

Dreamed of growing tomatoes- a good sign that foretells success and happiness in family life. The girl who dreamed of ripe tomatoes- will be happy in marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Ripe, strong tomatoes in a dream- symbolize activity and energy. Often such dreams portend great success to your plans. However, you should remember that excessive assertiveness or immoderate pride threatens to greatly interfere with your plans. Rotten or damaged tomatoes- a harbinger of failures and losses. The dream suggests that the cause of these failures may be your arrogance or excessive ambitions.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed of ripe tomatoes- a happy marriage awaits you.

Dream book for a bitch

Tomatoes- happiness and joy in family life, mutual love and respect.

New family dream book

I dreamed that I was eating tomatoes- great, that means you are getting better. Growing tomatoes- dream of happiness and joy in family life. The girl who saw ripe tomatoes in a dream- will be happy in marriage.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Tomato- it is possible that there are stones in your kidneys or liver.

Children's dream book

Tomato- to a new, rather pleasant, acquaintance.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing ripe tomatoes on the bushes in a dream- to joy and happiness in family life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

There are red tomatoes in a dream- to pleasure.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Dreaming of a red tomato- get angry; green- to bewilderment.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Growing tomatoes at home in a dream- means secret love, carefully hidden from envious rivals. Caring for tomatoes in the garden- portends that overly curious people may find out and divulge your heartfelt secret. Tomato seedlings- means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest. Watering tall, large tomato bushes in a dream- foreshadowing a bountiful harvest, indicates that you will soon learn about the existence of a rival living next door to you. Picking ripe red tomatoes- to happiness and wealth; unripe, brown or green- to an unexpected and unwanted hitch in business at work. Spoiled tomatoes, blackened by unexpectedly early fogs- a bad sign that foretells weakened vision or progressive eye disease. Throw away rotten tomatoes- fail due to your own carelessness, feed to cattle- to the illness or death of loved ones. Canning salted or pickled tomatoes in a dream- means a change in views on what seemed to you an unshakable axiom. Cut tomatoes for salad- portends a decline in business or a delay in wages, cook borscht with tomatoes- love is ripening in the soul and will soon spill out with crazy passion. Buy tomatoes in a dream- portends that you may suffer a serious defeat in competition from your commercial rivals. There are fresh tomatoes- carefully monitor your property, which you may lose; tomato dishes- you will reach a ripe old age.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation from A to Z Tomato»›

Growing tomatoes at home in a dream: means secret love, carefully hidden from envious rivals. Caring for tomatoes in the garden Tomato seedlings: means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest.

Watering tall, large tomato bushes in a dream: foreshadowing a bountiful harvest, suggests that you will soon learn about the existence of a rival living next door to you. Picking ripe red tomatoes unripe, brown or green: to an unexpected and unwanted hitch in business at work.

Spoiled tomatoes, blackened by unexpectedly early fogs: a bad sign foreshadowing weakened vision or progressive eye disease. Throw away rotten tomatoes Canning salted or pickled tomatoes in a dream: means a change in views on what seemed to you an unshakable axiom.

Cut tomatoes for salad Buy tomatoes in a dream: portends that you may suffer a serious defeat in competition from your commercial rivals. There are fresh tomatoes tomato dishes: you will reach a ripe old age.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman Tomato»›

Eating tomatoes in a dream: to recovery from illness. Growing tomatoes: portend happiness and joy in family life. If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream: she will be happy in marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter Tomato»›

Ripe, strong tomatoes in a dream: symbolize activity and energy. Often such dreams portend great success to your plans.

However, you should remember that excessive assertiveness or immoderate pride threatens to greatly interfere with your plans. Rotten or damaged tomatoes: a harbinger of failures and losses. The dream suggests that the cause of these failures may be your arrogance or excessive ambitions.

Psychoanalytic dream book Tomato»›

Tomatoes: associated with blood, fear of rape or fantasies about it.

Newest dream book Tomato»›

Tomato: It is possible that there are stones in your kidneys or liver.

Dream Interpretation 2015 Tomato»›

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a Tomato, to see a Tomato in a dream

Tomato - Seeing ripe tomatoes on the bushes in a dream means joy and happiness in family life, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had. What does it mean according to the dream book if you dream of a Tomato: Tomato - If you dreamed that you were eating tomatoes, it was great. So you are getting better.

Growing tomatoes dream of happiness and joy in family life. A girl who sees ripe tomatoes in a dream will be happy in her marriage. Tomato - dream of a red tomato - get angry; green - to bewilderment. Tomatoes.

Yes - to improved health or recovery; to see growing tomatoes is a sign of happiness and joy in family life. For a girl to see ripe tomatoes in a dream - to a happy marriage, an improvement in relations with her lover, many dream books interpret such a dream this way. Tomatoes - Tomatoes mean secret love.

Tomato seedlings are an unexpected visit from an unpleasant guest. Watering tomato bushes means rivalry in love. Picking ripe red tomatoes is a sign of happiness and wealth.

Collecting unripe, brown or green tomatoes means an unexpected and unwanted hitch in business and at work. Spoiled, blackened tomatoes - weakened vision. Canning tomatoes is a change of heart.

Cutting tomatoes is a love that will soon burst out into mad passion. Buying tomatoes - you can suffer a serious defeat. Tomatoes - Eating red tomatoes in a dream means pleasure.

Why do you dream about a Tomato according to the dream book: Tomatoes on a plate - a pleasant surprise awaits you in the very near future. Cutting tomatoes for salad - you will make an important decision, the consequences of which will affect your future life.

Picking up scattered tomatoes from the floor - things or household items that you thought were long lost will suddenly be found, and in the most inappropriate place. Why do you dream about a Tomato according to the dream book:

Looking at tomatoes in a dream means feeling secret love for someone; beautiful tomatoes on the bushes or picking tomatoes - fortunately, joy in family life. Eating tomatoes means getting better. Green tomatoes are a sign of premature and wrong decisions.

If in a dream you grow tomatoes in greenhouses, then you will experience a complete absence of any troubles associated with family life, children or parents. Tomatoes - Only for women - For a girl, seeing ripe tomatoes means a successful marriage.

If you dream about a Tomato, what does it mean: Tomatoes - good health. Sexual pleasures. Seeing tomatoes in a dream is a good sign that promises good luck in all your endeavors.

Dream Interpretation Tomatoes, why do you dream of Tomatoes, in a dream Tomatoes

If you had a dream in which you eat tomatoes, then in real life you don’t have to worry about your own health - your health is excellent. If you dreamed of tomatoes growing in a garden bed or in a country house, then you can soon expect good news, joyful events in your life. If a young woman saw tomatoes in a dream, then the most favorable period in her life is coming for a romantic acquaintance, a successful marriage - the chosen one will be a reliable and worthy young man, and the marriage will be strong, happy and long-lasting. If you saw If you see green tomatoes in a dream, then such a dream may mean that in the near future you will have to spend a lot of effort and time in order to achieve your goal. And at the same time, if you do not give up, but go through all the tests sent to you by fate, the result will exceed your wildest expectations. If you watch tomatoes grow in a dream, then in reality you will be able to achieve amazing success in your chosen field in a fairly short period of time. If in a dream you take care of tomatoes - water them, weed them, and so on, then in reality your efforts will pay off doubly.

I dreamed about tomatoes in a dream. Dream Interpretation fresh and salted tomatoes

Dream interpretation of tomatoes. Why do you dream about red tomatoes?

Like most juicy red fruits, tomatoes are included in the dream book section of love dreams. But the neutral or sour taste of a tomato represents cooler or suppressed feelings and emotions.

So far, they have not manifested themselves in any way in the dreamer’s life, but there are vague prerequisites for their origin or manifestation. One of the circumstances that does not involve an open demonstration of feelings is secret intentions or secret love.

So a tomato is not such a simple symbol in a dream. Seeing tomatoes in a dream means secretly desiring a love relationship. New meetings, renewal of old acquaintances, strengthening family ties - all this awaits you in the future, as indicated by the dream book.

Why do you dream about tomatoes? Like all juicy and red vegetables - for love pleasures.

Fresh - stale, ripe - unripe tomatoes in a dream

Seeing fresh tomatoes in a dream means meeting your life partner in the very near future. For men, this dream symbolizes the love pleasures delivered by a partner. Ripe tomatoes in a dream foretell family happiness.

Picking ripe vegetables means that your chosen one is ready to offer his hand and heart. Watering ripe tomatoes means getting ready for the wedding. Why do you dream of red tomatoes?

If you recently met in reality, then dreamed of red, ripe, juicy tomatoes, then a fire may flare up in these relationships, but in the end, the relationship will still not live up to expectations. According to the dream book, red tomatoes on the bushes also often appear in a dream as a sign of good luck, success in business and happiness in your personal life. Seeing large, ripe vegetables among green bushes in a dream means that you will soon receive a lot of money, which you will have to pay to pay off debts. If you dreamed of a lot of red tomatoes, it means strangers will find out your love secrets, and therefore you will have to blush from embarrassment.

But you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions about your partner’s infidelity; perhaps, with the help of innocent flirting on the side, he makes up for the lack of attention from the sleeping person. Intentions to change or betrayal itself are suggested by a dream where a lover eats tomatoes, or buys them at the market, or brings them home.

Eating red tomatoes in a dream is a sign of a lack of love emotions in real life, dissatisfaction with your personal life, a desire to get acquainted, a desire to feel the sharpness and completeness of your intimate life. If the tomatoes are unripe and green - why do you dream of green tomatoes - the sleeper is not proactive in love and is not ready to realize his love desires.

Yellow tomatoes dream of unjustified jealousy. As the dream book says, spoiled, rotten tomatoes in a dream - a love partner will upset the sleeping person; this dream may mean a quarrel with a lover or a family conflict. It is also possible that the relationship is running out of steam or that there is a lack of passion in the couple's intimate relationship.

Garden and tomato dreams

A tomato garden can mean different things. Taking care of these vegetables, such as watering, weeding or tying them, means that many people will find out about your personal life. Beware of gossip.

If you are just looking at the tomatoes growing in the garden, then you will have friendly communication with your family. Why do you dream about tomato seedlings? To an unexpected and unpleasant visit. Your guest will create a mess in your home and possibly your business, making your life very difficult.

Planting tomatoes in a dream means hoping for strengthening love relationships and happiness in family life. If in a dream you throw away rotten tomatoes, this means that troubles await you soon. As the dream book says, tomatoes in the garden dream of joyful changes in your personal life.

Get ready to open a new page in your biography; perhaps you will soon get married or meet your chosen one. Tomato bushes in a dream promise a cheerful feast with close friends. During this holiday, you may meet your future husband.

Picking tomatoes in a dream

Picking tomatoes, the red fruits of which hang down to the ground, means rushing to enjoy love. However, there is no need to force events; your partner may misunderstand you, as the dream book writes.

Picking unripe tomatoes means that you are not yet ready for a serious relationship. If in a dream you are trying to pick a green fruit, then in reality you are taking premature action. If you dream that you are eating ripe tomatoes, the dream book interprets this as success, wealth, good health and a harmonious family life. If the sleeper is sick, then such a dream portends a speedy recovery.

Other tomato dreams

Canned tomatoes - to a change in views and tastes in the sphere of love. Getting dirty with tomatoes or being pelted with tomatoes (if someone threw a tomato at the dreamer) means receiving an insult or causing disrespect and contempt (from the one who threw it).

Tomatoes in a jar appear in a dream to mean that happy changes may pass by and not touch your life. Don’t be too conservative, let changes for the better into your home. Why do you dream of salted tomatoes?

These vegetables appear in a dream to signal changes not only in life, but also in the thoughts of the sleeper. A new understanding of the situation will bring a quick solution to personal problems, which will lead to success in love relationships.


As the dream book writes, salted tomatoes in a jar foretell that long-term stagnation is possible in love affairs. Your chosen one is not yet ready for the wedding, so the relationship will not develop. Pickled tomatoes mean a spicy situation.

Perhaps you are being misled and deliberately provoked into conflict with your lover. Take a closer look at your surroundings, you will probably find an envious person in them. Eating salted tomatoes means that you have to do something unusual.

If you dreamed that in a dream you were eating not only tomatoes, but also pickles, this means that trouble awaits. Perhaps the lover will become interested in another woman.

Serious tests await your love. Buying tomatoes means that you have a rival, but your lover is not interested in her. An unexpected obstacle awaits if the tomatoes you bought are unripe or rotten. Salting tomatoes portends promotion of changes in your personal life.

You yourself will become the reason for breaking up with your partner. New love and family happiness await you. Cutting tomatoes means hidden anxiety and worry. Secret love may be revealed and you are afraid of the consequences.

Why do you dream about seedlings? It means change, improvement of life. The dream book interprets the symbol as follows: a person will have a favorable period and everything will turn out great. It also matters what kind of seedlings you saw in your dream: tomatoes, cabbage, flowers, other plants.

General value

Why dream of planting seedlings yourself and watering them? The interpretation of the vision is as follows: after previous trials, fate finally decided to reward the dreamer. A streak of luck is coming, so you need to take as much as possible from it.

Did you dream about seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, or other garden plants? This is a favorable sign. The dream book states: fortune will smile on you, circumstances will change for the better.

To see in a dream the land where young shoots of strawberries and cucumbers were planted - your work will be appreciated and you will be able to realize your plan. Planting flower seedlings - the vision symbolizes useful actions, creativity, and a pleasant time spent.

What were the plants?

Dreaming of young cabbage sprouts just emerging from the ground means a new exciting business or the foundation of a new house. Growing them on your windowsill in a dream means many different events will happen. Thinning out - according to the dream book, there will be concerns about children.

Why do you dream about tomato seedlings? To an unexpected visit from an unpleasant visitor. It can create chaos, both in your home and business. The consequence of this will be significant difficulties. However, with enough determination, you will be able to correct the consequences.

Planting flower seedlings in a dream means realizing your purpose, strengthening your position in life, taking an important step, for example, starting a family. The dream book informs: life now gives all the best, and the dreamer will be able to preserve and increase these gifts of fate.

Grow young strawberry plants on the balcony - use your talents to help a friend. Did you dream of her bushes growing in the room? A person is ready to move to a new stage of life.

What did they do with her?

Why dream of selling green seedlings in a dream? This is a warning: if you forget about caution, you yourself can ruin what you put a lot of work into. The dream book recommends: by carefully thinking through your actions and words, avoid possible negative consequences.

Did you grow it, water it, care for it yourself? You can achieve stability with your hard work, perseverance, and determination. If you bought it, your financial condition will improve. If you were selling, you will make an offensive mistake, so you will have to start achieving your goal all over again.

Asking someone for cabbage seedlings in a dream means in reality being dependent on someone. Sharing it with others means earning a good opinion of other people about yourself.

Affairs, welfare

Dreaming of young sprouts portends a gradual improvement in the affairs and prosperity of the sleeper. The dream book reports: large, strong plants enhance this meaning, while weak, small ones are advised not to wait for significant progress yet.

Green seedlings in a dream represent a good business start. You can make bold plans and start new projects. It will be possible to successfully complete what has already been started, even those that seem to have “stalled.”

Dreaming of garden or flower seedlings also means new debts. You may need a large sum to purchase the necessary item, but think carefully about whether you will repay the debt on time.

Love, relationships

Planting tomato seedlings in a dream means the dreamer hopes to strengthen love relationships and have a prosperous family life. The dream book indicates: harmony depends on him, so you need to make every effort. However, you should not impose yourself too much on your loved one, because then you can only push him away.

Why dream of watching as if someone is planting or watering it? Soon you will receive help from relatives and friends. The dream book also interprets such a plot as a sign of impending favorable changes.

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the dream “seedlings”: what the dream means and a full interpretation from various points of view.

Why do you dream about seedlings? It means change, improvement of life. The dream book interprets the symbol as follows: a person will have a favorable period and everything will turn out great. It also matters what kind of seedlings you saw in your dream: tomatoes, cabbage, flowers, other plants.

General value

Why dream of planting seedlings yourself and watering them? The interpretation of the vision is as follows: after previous trials, fate finally decided to reward the dreamer. A streak of luck is coming, so you need to take as much as possible from it.

Did you dream about seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, or other garden plants? This is a favorable sign. The dream book states: fortune will smile on you, circumstances will change for the better.

To see in a dream the land where young shoots of strawberries and cucumbers were planted - your work will be appreciated and you will be able to realize your plan. Planting flower seedlings - the vision symbolizes useful actions, creativity, and a pleasant time spent.

What were the plants?

Dreaming of young cabbage sprouts just emerging from the ground means a new exciting business or the foundation of a new house. Growing them on your windowsill in a dream means many different events will happen. Thinning out - according to the dream book, there will be concerns about children.

Why do you dream about tomato seedlings? To an unexpected visit from an unpleasant visitor. It can create chaos, both in your home and business. The consequence of this will be significant difficulties. However, with enough determination, you will be able to correct the consequences.

Planting flower seedlings in a dream means realizing your purpose, strengthening your position in life, taking an important step, for example, starting a family. The dream book informs: life now gives all the best, and the dreamer will be able to preserve and increase these gifts of fate.

Grow young strawberry plants on the balcony - use your talents to help a friend. Did you dream of her bushes growing in the room? A person is ready to move to a new stage of life.

What did they do with her?

Why dream of selling green seedlings in a dream? This is a warning: if you forget about caution, you yourself can ruin what you put a lot of work into. The dream book recommends: by carefully thinking through your actions and words, avoid possible negative consequences.

Did you grow it, water it, care for it yourself? You can achieve stability with your hard work, perseverance, and determination. If you bought it, your financial condition will improve. If you were selling, you will make an offensive mistake, so you will have to start achieving your goal all over again.

Asking someone for cabbage seedlings in a dream means in reality being dependent on someone. Sharing it with others means earning a good opinion of other people about yourself.

Affairs, welfare

Dreaming of young sprouts portends a gradual improvement in the affairs and prosperity of the sleeper. The dream book reports: large, strong plants enhance this meaning, while weak, small ones are advised not to wait for significant progress yet.

Green seedlings in a dream represent a good business start. You can make bold plans and start new projects. It will be possible to successfully complete what has already been started, even those that seem to have “stalled.”

Dreaming of garden or flower seedlings also means new debts. You may need a large sum to purchase the necessary item, but think carefully about whether you will repay the debt on time.

Love, relationships

Planting tomato seedlings in a dream means the dreamer hopes to strengthen love relationships and have a prosperous family life. The dream book indicates: harmony depends on him, so you need to make every effort. However, you should not impose yourself too much on your loved one, because then you can only push him away.

Why dream of watching as if someone is planting or watering it? Soon you will receive help from relatives and friends. The dream book also interprets such a plot as a sign of impending favorable changes.

Why do you dream about seedlings? It portends change and prosperity in life. The dream book explains the symbol as follows: the dreamer faces a positive stage and everything will be as good as possible. In addition, minor details will influence the meaning of the dream. So, the interpretation will depend on what kind of seedlings you looked at in a dream.

General value

Why dream of planting seedlings yourself and moistening the soil? The interpretation of the dream is this: after the end of the difficulties endured, fate decided to give a reward to the dreamer. A white streak comes in life, so you need to enjoy it to the fullest.

Did you dream about seedlings of vegetable plants from the garden? This is a positive sign. The dream book makes it clear: fortune will be on your side, circumstances will change for the better.

Seeing in a dream the soil where young bushes of strawberries or cucumbers are planted - your efforts will be appreciated, you will be ready to realize your plans. Planting seedlings of flower plants - a dream foreshadows the things you need, creative work, and desired leisure time.

What were the plants?

The vision of green cabbage shoots, which have recently emerged from the soil, predicts a new attractive undertaking or the foundation of a mansion under construction. Growing them in a dream in your house on the window means many different incidents will happen. Thinning cabbage - according to the dream book, troubles about children are expected.

Why do you dream about tomato seedlings? To the unexpected arrival of an unwanted guest. He is capable of turning the situation into chaos, both in your family and at work. This will result in great difficulties. But, with a decent amount of determination, you will be able to improve your results.

Planting flowers in a dream means understanding your own mission in life, stabilizing your position, moving forward, for example, starting a family. The dream book indicates: fate is currently presenting all the best, and the dreamer will find the strength to preserve all her gifts and then increase them.

Growing strawberries on a loggia means using your talents in practice to help a friend. Did you dream about strawberry bushes that grow within the house? A person wants to start a new life.

What did they do with her?

Why do you dream of selling green seedlings in a dream? This is a sign: remember to take precautions - there is a chance of ruining something where a lot of effort was invested. The dream book advises: by thinking through your own actions and statements as best as possible, prevent possible adverse consequences.

Did you raise her yourself, moisturize her, take care of her? You will be able to achieve stability through your own work, drive and determination. Bought - your financial condition will improve. Sold - you make a mistake, after which you will have to start all over again from the very beginning.

Asking for cabbage seedlings from a stranger in a dream means actually being dependent on someone. To change something else for something else is to achieve a positive opinion about one’s own person from other people.

Affairs, welfare

Young shoots seen in night dreams predict a gradual increase in the dreamer’s financial wealth. The dream book informs: large, strong plants enhance this interpretation, while sluggish and small ones recommend not expecting big changes for now.

Green seedlings in a dream foreshadow a favorable start to any business. You can think about new ideas and start new projects. It will be possible to successfully complete the started enterprises.

Dreamed seedlings of vegetable crops or flowers indicate new debts. You will probably need a large amount of money to buy a significant item, but it is worth considering whether you can repay the debt on time.

Love, relationships

Planting tomato seedlings in a dream means that the dreamer harbors in the depths of his soul hopes that his love relationship will finally become stronger and will lead to the creation of a family. But you shouldn’t impose yourself too much on your other half, because doing so risks ruining everything even more.

Why dream of watching someone plant and water seedlings? Very soon your family or close friends will help you. The dream book gives an additional interpretation of the dream as a sign of upcoming positive changes.

Why do you dream about cabbage seedlings?

If cabbage is often dreamed of by children, then why dream of cabbage seedlings? You should immediately make sure that such dreams will not be predictors of a new addition to the family or worries about very small creatures, although not without this. For example, cabbage seedlings, which just hatched from the ground, may be a harbinger of the start of a new business or the foundation of a new house.

Growing cabbage on a windowsill- be at the center of events. young cabbage - to manage not only with your own affairs, but also to help others. But in a dream - to care about children, their well-being and health. - act through intermediaries. from cups - parting with loved ones. - To count money. – and in reality depend on someone. But with your cabbage with others, people will have a good opinion of you. – and actually get rid of unnecessary excess.

Dream Interpretation Seedlings, why do you dream about seeing Seedlings in a dream

Seedlings - You will get into new debts. Why do you dream about Seedlings according to the dream book: Seedlings - For news that will make you dumbfounded, the news will be good, as the dream book predictor reports. Seedlings - Planting garden seedlings is a sign that circumstances will soon change for the better and fortune will reward you for your efforts.

Growing or buying garden seedlings, planting them in beds or greenhouses means that circumstances will turn out for the better for you, you will be generously rewarded by fate for previous trials. Why do you dream about Seedlings according to the dream book: Seedlings – Green sprouts of seedlings on a windowsill, in a greenhouse or in a garden bed are a symbol of changes in your life for the better. If you grow, buy or plant seedlings, you will be rewarded for past vicissitudes.

Why do you dream about Seedlings - interpretation by day of the week

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about seedlings?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Seedlings

Finally, changes for the better will soon occur in your life - this is predicted by a dream about seedlings. Very soon you will receive a great reward for the previous blows that fate dealt you - this is indicated by a dream about seedlings that you planted and watered yourself. In the very near future in the future, you will receive help from someone close to you, and good changes will happen in your life - this is what the dream says about seedlings that someone else is planting and watering, and you are just watching. If you are not careful, you will destroy the fruits of your labors yourself - a dream about the seedlings that you sold warns about this.

In our dream book you can find out not only what dreams about seedlings mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see seedlings in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.


Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seedling- to the news that makes you dumbfounded, the news will be good.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seedling- you will get into new debts.

General dream book

Seeing seedlings in a dream- to good changes. If you dreamed that you yourself grew, bought, watered or planted seedlings- soon you will be rewarded for the previous blows of fate. Have you watched someone grow, buy, water or plant seedlings?- soon someone close to you will come to your aid, and your life will change for the better. If you dreamed that you were selling seedlings- be careful, you yourself can destroy the fruits of your labors.

Dream book of the 21st century

Planting garden seedlings- a sign that circumstances will soon change for the better and fortune will reward you for your efforts. Grow or buy garden seedlings, plant them in beds or greenhouses- means that circumstances will turn out for the better for you, you will be generously rewarded by fate for previous trials.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Seeing seedlings in a dream

A dream in which you saw seedlings indicates a slow, but final and irrevocable improvement in all your affairs; the meaning of the dream increases if the plants were strong, large, and vice versa - weak seedlings, drying up is a symbol of the fact that a significant improvement in the situation can not yet be expected.

Grow seedlings or buy

A dream where you sprouted seedlings, looked after them, watered, loosened etc. – a sign of stability that you have achieved thanks to perseverance and efficiency. Buying seedlings is a symbol of improving your financial condition, but selling them is an annoying mistake, and you will be forced to start all over again.


If you saw the ground in which you planted your seedlings, then your work will be appreciated, you will get everything you sought. Seedlings in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya Seeing seedlings in a dream means good changes.

If you dreamed that you yourself grew, bought, watered or planted seedlings, you will soon be rewarded for the previous blows of fate. You watched someone grow, buy, water or plant seedlings - soon someone close to you will come to your aid, and your life will change for the better.

If you dreamed that you were selling seedlings, be careful, you yourself can destroy the fruits of your labors. Is this a correct interpretation? Yes (0) Planting garden seedlings is a sign that circumstances will soon change for the better and fortune will reward you for your efforts.

Growing or buying garden seedlings, planting them in beds or greenhouses means that circumstances will turn out for the better for you, you will be generously rewarded by fate for previous trials. Is this a correct interpretation?Yes(0) Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seedlings - to news that will make you dumbfounded, the news will be good. Is this a correct interpretation?Yes(0) The dream of Seedlings in the dream book is interpreted as: Seedlings are a good business start.

Is this a correct interpretation?Yes(0) Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December Seedlings - you will get into new debts. Is this a correct interpretation?Yes(0) Your version of the meaning of the dream Seedling If you know another version of the interpretation of the dream “Seedlings”, write to us!

And we will publish it!

Why do you dream about seedlings?

Seedlings are a new young life, changes, a desire to change and become better. This is a symbol that everything will definitely be fine in life in the near future.

The dream is often dreamed by people who have recently encountered serious problems and failures, but in the future they will experience happiness and good luck, everything will change. The one who waters or transplants seedlings in a dream will be especially happy. If you had a dream in which a person watches someone else taking care of seedlings: watering or loosening the soil, then in a difficult situation a loved one will come to the rescue and change your life for the better.

What if you dream about seedlings?

Why do you dream about seedlings being sold? This is a warning dream that tells a person that he must be attentive to his work; it is very easy to ruin it and not get any benefit.

If in a dream garden seedlings are planted in open ground, then in a person’s life all problems that previously required a lot of attention will be quickly resolved. If you dreamed of seedlings being planted in greenhouses, then all worries will end, and fate will generously reward the person for all the problems and hardships that he has endured.

What does it portend?

Sometimes in a dream you can see drooping seedlings that will soon die. Such a dream warns that you should not take on debts, otherwise you can get into them very heavily and take a long time to pay off. Seedlings in a dream can predict unexpected news from afar, which will initially shock you, but then turn out to be good.

Purchasing seedlings in a dream is a favorable sign; life will become better and better every day. First of all, this relates to the material side; a person can expect significant profit or even wealth.

Such a dream can tell a woman about a pregnancy that has recently occurred, but she does not yet know, or that this will happen in the coming days.

When did you dream about Seedlings?

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  • How to plant cabbage seedlings in open ground
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  • Cabbage seedlings turned blue
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  • Petunia seedlings

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Seedlings – Green sprouts of seedlings on a windowsill, in a greenhouse or in a garden bed are a symbol of changes in your life for the better.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Seedlings in a dream:

Seedlings - Planting garden seedlings is a sign that circumstances will soon change for the better and fortune will reward you for your efforts.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Seedlings - A good business start.

Dream interpretation of birthday people

Taking into account the date of birth of Rassad, what does the dream mean:

If you were born in the spring, why dream of seedlings - you will get into new debts.

If you were born in the summer, why did you dream about seedlings - news that will make you dumbfounded, the news will be good, this is the interpretation of what this dream means.

If you were born in the fall, which means you dreamed that you were growing, buying or planting seedlings, then you will be rewarded for past vicissitudes of fate.

If you were born in winter, why dream of growing or buying garden seedlings, planting them in beds or greenhouses - means that circumstances will turn out for the better for you, you will be generously rewarded by fate for previous trials.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

In addition, what you see means will be indicated by the dream layout according to Lenormand. And the lunar dream calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Growing tomatoes at home in a dream means secret love, carefully hidden from envious rivals.

Caring for tomatoes in the garden foretells that overly curious people may find out and divulge your heartfelt secret.

Tomato seedlings mean confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest.

Watering tall, large tomato bushes in a dream, foreshadowing a bountiful harvest, means that you will soon learn about the existence of a rival living just next door to you.

Picking ripe red tomatoes is a sign of happiness and wealth; unripe, brown or green - to an unexpected and unwanted hitch in business at work.

Spoiled tomatoes, blackened by unexpectedly early fogs, are a bad sign, foreshadowing weakened vision or progressive eye disease.

Throwing away rotten tomatoes means failure due to your own carelessness; feeding them to livestock means illness or death of loved ones.

Canning salted or pickled tomatoes in a dream means a change in views on what seemed to you an unshakable axiom.

Cutting tomatoes for salad foreshadows a decline in business or a delay in salary, cooking borscht with tomatoes - love is ripening in the soul and will soon spill out with crazy passion.

Buying tomatoes in a dream foretells that you may suffer a serious defeat in the competition from your commercial rivals.

There are fresh tomatoes - carefully monitor your property, which you may lose; tomato dishes - you will reach a ripe old age.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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