How to quarrel among themselves. The magic of parting: how to separate people forever

“Friends do not spill water,” as people say. In an age when close and dear people, childhood friends become our main enemies, envy and plot, it is very difficult to remain calm. How can you make sure that, without quarreling with a loved one, you simply stop communicating with him? There is a way out - you can use a conspiracy.

We don't always know the reason why we lose people close to us. Why do they begin to hate us and turn away from us? Friends turn away from you for the following reasons:

  1. They envy you.
  2. You are hated for some reason.
  3. You crossed the road for someone and became more successful.

A conspiracy to break up close friends, who over time have become enemies of each other, is an indispensable assistant in achieving the goal. It will also be effective if you need to separate your spouse and your rival.

Such conspiracies are usually very strong. Therefore, before performing such rituals, always carefully weigh the pros and cons. And only then perform the ritual of quarreling friends.

Here is an example of one of the simple but quite powerful conspiracies:

Take a handful of salt or earth from the cemetery and quietly throw it under the door of the person you are fighting against. Read this sentence:

“Just as this salt can no longer be gathered together, so you will never be together! Quarrel, fight, swear! Amen".

Conspiracy on church candles

For the ritual you will need church candles - 2 pieces, black threads, a black marker, matches, a chicken egg, a small plate or saucer and a knife.

You need to place a plate to your left and place a chicken egg on it. We put a knife in our left hand and use it to cut open a chicken egg, saying the following words:

“Receive into yourself returning forces, beyond the control of the mind and disgusting passions, inaccessible to the heart, like a Temple you receive sinners.”

Church candles need to be turned over and with a needle the names of the people who need to be quarreled are scratched on them from top to bottom. After which the candles are twisted together in the form of a “pigtail” and tied with threads. Then the thread must be cut with a knife.

We take a saucer, on it, on opposite sides, you need to write with a marker the names of the friends you want to quarrel with. Place twisted candles in the center of the plate, set them on fire and read the following plot:

“I, the devil’s slave (my name), will stand, without blessing, I will go from door to door, from gate to gate of the newlyweds, without crossing myself, and I will go out into an open field, into a devil’s swamp. There are fir trees in an open field, and forty-forty men are sitting on the fir trees - satanic power. And in the devilish swamp Latyr there is a white stone, and on Latyr the white stone sits Satan himself. And I, a slave, will go to the Latyr Bel Stone and I, a slave (my name), will bow to Satan himself and ask him: Oh, you mighty Satan, just as you knew how to bring (Vasily and Martha) together, so know how to separate each other so that they loved each other, beat each other and sometimes stabbed each other with a knife. After all, I am your slave, I am your servant to this day and to this hour and to my judgment - forever and ever.” Then you can add the following words: “I didn’t say it, I didn’t cast a spell. The white woman, the clay grandfather, cast spells.”

When the candles have completely burned out, the saucer is turned over, placed on the floor and broken with a foot. The resulting fragments are divided approximately in half and wrapped in different bags. The names of former friends must be indicated on the packages. The bags must be thrown into different trash containers.

The egg cut with a knife should be taken to the nearest intersection and left there. And at another intersection, place a glass of vodka, a piece of black bread and a cigarette, saying:

“You should drink vodka and go for a walk, but I’ll feast on the victory.”

The ritual is completed. When you return to your home, be sure to take a shower and change clothes.

Waning moon spell

If you need to quarrel with close friends so that they stop communicating, you can use such a quarrel. If all the steps are followed, the spell will definitely work.

On the waning moon, the best day of the week for this is Thursday. You need to come to a river or pond where there is a bridge. Collect ten small stones from the right bank, saying:

“Just as one bank does not converge with another, so (names of friends) will diverge from each other. They don’t start conversations, they don’t form strong friendships, they swear and fight. I collect stones from one bank and call them by the name of (the first of my friends). Amen".

On the left bank they perform the same actions. One difference: in the hex, it is necessary to change places the names of those friends on whom the ritual is being performed. The pebbles you collect must be placed in separate bags and under no circumstances should they be mixed up. Bags of stones need to be taken to the cemetery, find graves with the same names and scatter these stones on them.

To make fighting between friends more effective, cemeteries should be in different places. It is advisable if the cemeteries are located on opposite sides of the same body of water. On the graves where pebbles were scattered, it is necessary to place a burial plot. With the help of such a ritual, you can forever quarrel between friends.

Quarrel over photography

This ritual is easy to perform at home. You need to have a photograph of the person with whom you want to stop communicating, as well as salt and a candle bought in the church.

The inverted candle is lit at the bottom edge. Take photographs of people performing the ritual and place them at a distance of five centimeters next to each other. You need to heat a spoon with salt over a lit candle while reading the following slander:

“The salt is hot, and the relationship (names) is cooling. A black cat ran by, wagged its tail, a black raven flew in and sat down between you. There is power in my words."

When the ritual is completed, salt should be scattered between the photographs of former friends and left in this form until the next morning, covering them with a towel. In the morning, salt should be quietly thrown into the house or into the clothes of the person against whom the fight was made.

This kind of lapel works very quickly. It is important that no one finds out about what has been done. Those people on whom the ritual was performed will never communicate with each other again.

A plot to break up may not give the expected result if it was carried out without complying with the proper requirements. It is worth thinking carefully before performing such a ritual, whether it will “boomerang” back to you. Or maybe you shouldn’t stop communicating with this person altogether.

A magical action that causes induction of swearing, strife, quarrels, aimed at breaking the relationship between people is called a quarrel. This ritual is performed with the goal of breaking the ties that exist between people, to discord relationships in a couple, so that the person you love goes to you and does not stay with your current half (to strengthen a man’s love, you can use). A strong quarrel can be caused by envious friends. It can also be performed for the purpose of revenge, and you can do it yourself at home.

The ritual can be intentional, that is, done using a special magical rite, or it can be unintentional. A random quarrel is a special negative impact that occurs during a burst of rage. A person can wish bad things on a happy couple and then regret what they did. However, having repented, he will not be able to undo the effect of his own words. This type of influence on relationships is not at all durable and goes away on its own.

Deliberate quarreling is accomplished with the help of special rituals. When performing this action, you need to remember that when introducing negativity into the lives of others, you need to think about your own protection, otherwise everything will come back to you like a boomerang. To carry out this procedure, it is necessary to select a fixed time, which is the waning phase of the moon. Among the days of the week, Tuesday or Saturday are perfect. Since Friday is the day of Venus, that is, the goddess of love, you should under no circumstances have a fight on this day. In the best case scenario, the ritual performed on Friday will have a weak effect and the lovers will make peace fairly quickly.

Examples of quarrels and conspiracies at home

Season with salt and pepper

Take some salt and pepper and mix it carefully in a plastic bag so you don't spill the mixture in your home. Using the index finger of your right hand, draw crosses in the resulting slurry, saying and visualizing the quarrel of the separated couple: “As this salt is salty and this pepper is bitter, so let the life of (names) be salty and bitter.” Then scatter the mixture at the threshold or where one of those being separated walks, scatter it in a cross, repeating the spell.

Using a photo

A simple way is to sort by photo. It’s all quite easy: take a photograph of two people you want to quarrel with and viciously tear it up, saying the words:

“Yes, so that you separate, so that you part forever and are always disgusted with each other.”

The photograph torn to shreds must be burned and sentenced: “ So your ideal relationship burned out and you parted ways". You need to blow the ashes out the window and whisper: “As the ashes scattered, so you forever fled and scattered from each other.” If you do not have a photo of a couple in love, write their names and during the entire magical ritual imagine their faces, hate their relationship. See also video:

To restore the family

A popular quarrel between a husband and his mistress in everyday life, which you can do yourself. When you notice a grub on the ground, look at it and say:

“As much as this grub is indifferent and disgusting to me, my rival, the servant of God (name), would become disgusting to my husband. Amen".

A quarrel between husband and wife, as a rule, does not entail the departure of one of the spouses from the family. It only threatens to worsen relations and increase the number of conflicts.

Using a bow

The bow scatter is quite difficult to perform, since it is read at a cemetery crossroads. First you need to ask the Owner for help. However, the mechanism of action is quite simple. You need to take a photo of the couple you want to break up and an onion. The onion is cut in half, the names of the people who are about to quarrel are written on its different halves, the onion itself is salted, and the photographs are placed with their backs to each other. Then, using black thread, the whole thing is fastened crosswise and set aside. When the onion rots, then the relationship will end.

To quarrel friends

In recent years, quarrels between friends have become popular among business partners. Why, you tell me, is this necessary? The answer is quite simple. Many people interact quite closely with each other at work, which leads to the fact that the husband or wife stays late at work, spending less time with their family. To separate such people, you need to turn the table upside down in your own home, grab the knife by the blade with your hand and start knocking on the legs of the table, mentioning the names of those people who need to be separated. In this case, you need to pronounce the following words:

“Don’t sit together. Don't look into each other's eyes. We can’t be together, we can’t eat, we can’t drink, but we can be enemies.”

These words are read three times, and at the end of their reading, “so be it” is added.

Using a needle

Sewing a needle involves purchasing a spool of black thread and new sewing needles. The magical ritual is performed after sunset, when you sit down at the table and place one wax candle to the right and left of you, which must be lit with one match. You need to concentrate on what you need, that is, on how your husband leaves his mistress forever. A fight with your mistress will be successful when you count out six needles, gather them together in a small bunch and squeeze them with your fingers. This bunch of needles needs to be tied with black thread. While winding, read the following plot for a falling out:

Wait until the candles burn out completely. A bunch of needles is thrown with the tip towards the door of the house where the rival lives. The effect of this action can be obtained after two weeks. However, if it does not work, then you need the help of a specialist qualified in the field of magic.

Using utensils

For the rite of discord on a plate, you will need to buy a white plate without any drawings or patterns, two small wax candles and black threads. Please note that if the candle is a church candle, then it must be turned over. Money must be given without change, and the purchase must be made on the waning moon. After sunset, you need to write the names of those who need to be separated on different sides of the plate. The same names must be scratched on the purchased candles. The candles are twisted into a braid and tied with thread, and then placed in the middle of the plate. Until the candles burn out, a plot to break up with your mistress is read:

As soon as the candles burn out, you need to take the plate and take it outside, where it should be broken with the heel of your left foot. The fragments containing particles of one and the other name are carefully separated and carried to different places. Since this ritual clearly relates to black magic, it is worth considering that in order to implement it, you need to make a payment. To break up the husband and mother-in-law, a bottle quarrel can be used. Runes are an item that has powerful power in quarrels. It is worth noting that runic quarrels serve as a powerful lever to completely ruin a person. However, to do this you need to have information about various runic alignments, which does not always allow you to do the alignment yourself.

Universal ritual for relatives

A quarrel between mother and son (universal conspiracy). A joint photo is taken, which shows only mother and son. If you don’t have such a photograph, then you can take separate photos, since in any case you will need to cut out the images along the contour. Using the wax of a black candle, an inverted cross is dripped onto each photo, that is, from the head to the feet. Initially, the candle wax should fall on the photograph of the person for whom the ritual is being performed. The images should then be attached back to each other. Then the plot is read, and the photo is put away in a secluded place. It is worth noting that the black cross method can be both a love spell and a discord, so before using it, you need to contact a specialist.

Afterword of self-initiation of a quarrel

A fight is negative energy directed at certain people. A professional can tell you how to do the spacing correctly, but remember that the strongest spacing has a great effect and even the most experienced specialist is sometimes unable to remove the spacing. - this is the same quarrel, that is, the complete separation of one person (wife, husband, mistress, colleague) from another. Signs of a quarrel: conflicts and quarrels, complete discord in relationships up to the departure of one of the family members (if it was done, for example, between husband and wife). There are a huge number of ways that describe how to make a squabble. It’s easy to describe how the ritual works in a nutshell: after some time (from one day to several weeks), a quarrel or conflict arises between people, which either slows down in development or progresses further. An absolute quarrel implies a complete breakdown of relationships that cannot be restored. A quick one can have both a short-term effect and a final one. In any case, we advise you to think about whether you should take any action before separating people from each other. Remember that everything in life is harmonious, and the energy that you direct against others today can return to you.

A plot to break up, which needs to be read with salt, has long been recognized by practicing magicians as one of the most effective and most effective rituals for causing discord between people. We won’t talk for a long time about why this ritual is performed; each of us has our own reasons for resorting to magic with the goal of destroying something or harming someone. Many people suffer in silence from the injustice of this world. Because the beloved has found a new passion, and everything is going well with them. Because the daughter-in-law has turned his son’s head, but in reality she is far from being as nice as he believes. But for some, an alliance, or a strong friendship between two people, in the professional sphere is simply unprofitable. And someone does not agree to put up with the fact that it brings difficulties into his life, and simply takes on board ancient knowledge.

A falling out conspiracy is one of the most effective rituals for creating discord between people.

Features of salt scattering

Since ancient times, magicians have used salt as a universal means of transmitting information (spell), both positive and negative. Salt is a special substance in its structure; its crystalline structure is capable of not only reflection, but also accumulation of a certain kind of information. Its ability to accumulate and preserve energy impulses in dry form, and the ability to release energy when crystals dissolve, can only be compared with the efficiency of transmitting information using spring water.

When making a spell for a quarrel, for salt, the magician puts a certain amount of negative information into its crystals. Salt absorbs this negativity, enclosing it in crystals. When moisture gets on the substance, or it dissolves under the influence of moist air, the information contained in the crystals is released and begins to act. This is the effect of a conspiracy to quarrel, which must be read in detail.

Several varieties of the salt quarrel plot

Practical magic offers immediately several types of ritual for a fight:

  • using a common photo of two people;
  • using an element of the personal belongings of one of a pair of people who need to quarrel;
  • using pepper;
  • and just a ritual with salt.

Each of these magical actions is effective in its own way, but each has its own characteristics.

There are several types of ritual for falling out

Salt squabble ritual using a shared photo

To perform this ritual you will need:

  • container with salt;
  • a general photo of two people, on which you will need to read the plot (just make sure that it is not a group photo, otherwise you will accidentally quarrel with a lot of people);
  • pure water.

In this matter, the sequence of actions and strict adherence to the rules are important. Before you begin performing the ritual, you need to carry out a certain adjustment of your consciousness. Do not forget that in magic it is the charge of energy that plays a very important role.

  1. Take a group photo of the people you plan to quarrel with. Look carefully at them, at their happy faces, absorb their energy of happiness and watch your emotions. If their photo makes you irritated, angry, furious, resentful, if you want to erase their smiles, destroy their happiness, we can say that you are ready to perform the ritual. To give the photo, and the ritual itself, the right charge, remember all your grievances, tears, and problems associated with the fact that these two entered into an alliance.
  2. When resentment and anger reach their climax in your soul, when you feel that rage is looking for a way out, start tearing the photo into small pieces, putting all your resentment and anger into it.
  3. In the process of destroying the photo, you need to say: “You shouldn’t be together! Not to be! Don't rejoice at your happiness! Don't be happy! Just as I tear your photo to pieces, I will break your happiness into fragments! Let your anger at each other boil and irreconcilable resentment cloud your eyes! I hate you!".
  4. Place the photograph torn into small particles into a container with salt and mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour some water into the salt and mix again.

Now we place the container on the window in the sun and cover it with a cloth (from prying eyes).

When the salt begins to melt under the influence of moisture, the separation ritual will come into effect.

Ritual of discord for salt and group photo

Ritual for a falling out using salt, an element, and personal belongings

Such a ritual is especially useful for bringing quarrels and scandals into the new relationship of a former lover, or into the relationship between a son and his chosen one that you dislike. To perform the ritual you will need:

  • personal item of one of the couple;
  • container with water;
  • container with salt.

In this ritual you need to choose the right time. This action works especially powerfully during the full moon.

  1. As soon as the moon appears in the sky, open the window so that the moonlight falls into your room.
  2. Place three large plates in front of you.
  3. In one place put the personal item of the person you want to quarrel with someone. In the second, add salt. In the third, pour clean water.

Now let's move on to the ritual itself. But first, let’s figure out why exactly these things should take part in a conspiracy to break up. First, the element of a personal item: such things, especially with prolonged use, accumulate a certain amount of human energy. You could say they carry a part of his soul. The total energy is connected to each particle by invisible but strong bonds. And by influencing a thing, you thereby influence the entire energy of a person. Salt, like sugar, thanks to its special structure, crystals, is able to accumulate and release the energy, the energetic charge that you put into it. Water in the world of magic is a universal conductor. It is moisture that has the ability to transform energy. Transfers certain energy charges from one thing to another.

The salt ritual will be useful to bring quarrels and scandals into new relationships.

The ritual itself includes the following actions:

  1. We slander the personal belongings of one of the couple: “You cannot live with her with the Servant of God (name), she is not yours, you do not need her! You don’t want to listen to her heart, she’s not yours, you don’t need her!”
  2. We slander salt: “Just as salt is very hot and tart, so the Servant of God (name) will burn and resist you. Just as a living person cannot eat salt alone and enjoy its taste, so you cannot constantly see slave (name) in front of you. You will refuse it, you will resist it, you will be angry with it, and you will bear resentment for its burning and cloying nature!”
  3. Next you need to start charging the water. This is done like this: pick up a container of water and start slandering it: “Why don’t I like their union? Because my happiness is more important than their well-being! Why don't I want them to be together? Because they don't suit each other. The water is pure, my sister, bring quarrels and squabbles into their house, let them have no peace next to each other!”
  4. Now you need to generously sprinkle salt on the thing of the person on whom the conspiracy is being made. And then moisten the salt with water. The item must absorb the salt through the water. This will help the information carried by salt mix with the information that you put into the water and easily interact with human energy.

This practice ritual is called especially effective if, during its performance, you express and reprimand all your grievances and complaints about the union of these two people. The more emotions you have, the stronger the charge will be. This is a very powerful conspiracy and it lasts for a very long time.

Ritual for breaking apart using salt and pepper

Today there are a lot of separation rituals online using pepper and salt. The whole point is that salt is associated with the fact that people together do not have sweetness, but pepper burns and bakes. Such a separation spell is simple, acts for a very long time and is powerful, but at the same time requires some information:

  • where do the lovers live?
  • where does the homewrecker live?
  • when you can perform a ritual at her house without being noticed;
  • know exactly what a homewrecker looks like.

The spell for separation using salt and pepper is simple, works for a very long time, and is powerful.

The ritual itself is not complicated, and it is simple to perform; to perform it you will need:

  • salt and pepper in equal quantities;
  • small plastic bag;
  • knowing the address of the homewrecker.

Now let's get started:

  1. Add equal amounts of salt and pepper into the bag.
  2. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Using the ring finger of your left hand, draw crosses in the resulting mixture and pronounce the spell: “The pepper bakes, the salt burns. Just as a person cannot enjoy the taste of pepper and salt, so you cannot, the servant of God (name), enjoy the love of the Servant of God (name). Let it burn you, let it bake you! You shouldn't be together! Don’t admire, don’t kiss, you won’t understand and forgive each other!”
  4. In the process of casting a separation spell, you need to imagine how the two whom you plan to separate are quarreling among themselves and getting angry at each other. The more clearly you imagine this, the stronger the effect of the conspiracy will be.
  5. Then you will need to take the bag with the charmed mixture to the house of one of those for whom the ritual is being performed, and simply pour it out at the doorstep. Or, if you don't know where they live, then pour it out where they will definitely walk. This can be done even at the office door. Just remember, you don’t just need to pour out the mixture, but sprinkle it crosswise, saying: “May your common life be also unbearably salty, as bitter as salt and pepper!” Let your quarrels bring tears, salt and bitterness of insults into your souls! You shouldn't be together! Amen!".
  6. You need to leave the enchanted place in silence, do not talk to anyone. Turn off your phone. And if necessary, then walk home. But, remain silent until you cross the threshold of your home. Only then will the conspiracy begin to take effect. This, too, according to practitioners, is a very strong conspiracy, and it works very well.

A quarrel over salt and pepper can cause real discord in the relationship between two people

Ritual of scattering on fine salt

The ritual of scattering into fine salt is what practical magic calls the simplest and most primitive. But at the same time, practitioners say that such a quarrel can cause real discord in the relationship between two people. A plot to break up is made like this:

  1. Take a full spoon of fine salt and pour it onto the paper in a thin layer.
  2. Now draw a cross on the salt with your index finger and say: “Salt is pure, without you no dish has any taste, but if you oversalt it, then the dish itself has no taste. The salt is strong but fine. The salt is hot and tart. There is so much salt here, so much quarrel between you. You don’t want to be together, you don’t want to share bread. You don’t want to live peacefully, you don’t need admiration, you don’t need obedience, and you don’t need each other! Amen!".
  3. When the charmed salt is ready, you just need to scatter it where one of those you want to quarrel walks (you can do it near your house or office). From the moment one of those whom you are charming enters the salt, the separation spell will begin to take effect.

Practitioners say that the effect of rassorka on salt is rather short-lived. But at the same time, we should not forget about the human factor. Indeed, in the heat of a quarrel, people sometimes do such things and say such words that even after the end of the ritual, reconciliation may be impossible. It’s just that, as it were, a ritual on salt will push two people to quarrel, and then everything will depend only on themselves. Practical magic and the experience of our ancestors claim that dissolving with salt can be done many, many times. And each time the ritual will work again and again.

A falling out between friends can be used as an independent magical influence, but also in combination with other types of witchcraft influence. It all depends on the tasks that the magician sets for himself and the implementation of which he strives to achieve. And there are situations when it is necessary to artificially create a break in the relationship of blood relatives, for example, sisters.

How do siblings fight?

There is a strong quarrel between the sisters - in relation to one, for example, a cooling effect is applied, and on the other a divorce is made. Blood ties are very strong. Blood can call many years later. You need to be patient and smart, and have a good knowledge of the magical craft in order to break these strong, strong, fatal connections.

Quarrels between siblings are most often done in combination with other, stronger influences. They are used more in order to weaken feelings, to prepare the ground into which the seeds of black witchcraft will then be thrown.

A quarrel between the sisters, between whom the sorcerer has driven a wedge, becomes irreconcilable enemies, aware of each other's weaknesses, knowing where to hit the most painfully. It is in a state of confrontation that the sisters become inquisitors, placing the burden of guilt on each other and punishing for it.

Conspiracy in the photo for a quarrel between two friends

The principles of morality and the commandments established by religion become silent and lose their power when a person turns to the great power of magic, takes on a task that frightens and repels many, for this is evidence of rebellion. We are talking about magic, about ways to change your destiny and influence the destinies and lives of others. This applies to any magical influences, and conspiracies to cause a quarrel between two friends are no exception. The meaning and purpose of a quarrel is clear - to quarrel, to separate people, to prevent them from finding a common language again. The program of falling out with girlfriends leads to the fact that friends or loved ones break up.

A proven and reliable quarrel is a relationship quarrel, which can be created using photographs of girlfriends. Read on to learn how to make a rasska from a photo.

You can quarrel between friends on a full moon. Place a photo of your friends and a mirror in front of them so that the photo is reflected in it. Place a burning candle between the mirror and the photograph. Through the flame of a candle, look at the reflection in the mirror and read the plot for a quarrel between two friends: “I burn the friendship of (name) and (name), I turn it to ashes. I break friendships, I turn feelings into fragments. No one can cancel my words. No one can reconcile you, friendship cannot be returned, it cannot be brought together, it cannot be glued together. My words are true. According to my word, everything will be done, created, come true. Amen".

The enchanted photograph of the girls must be burned immediately. The mirror must be broken at the crossroads. The ashes of the burned photograph are also buried there. The action of discord. Friends will begin to quarrel, warmth and understanding will disappear. Connections will begin to break. Former girlfriends will be surprised that they were ever able to communicate at all. &1

To quarrel between friends or girlfriends, you need a strong conspiracy to turn away from friendship. For these purposes, a variety of things are used: rotten eggs, animal droppings, cemetery soil, old things, slops or waste.

The most powerful and effective quarrel between friends takes place in the cemetery, usually at graves of the same name. Cemetery ceremonies are not safe for those conducting them, so you need to learn in advance about the rules of conduct in the territory of the dead and the appropriate tax payments.

Often wives use quarrels with their husbands and his friends so that they communicate less and do not distract him from the family. All rituals for discord are performed on the waning moon after sunset.

How to make a friend quarrel with a friend

This ritual can only be performed on friends; it is not suitable for spouses or relatives. You will need to go to the river and find a bridge there. On the right bank of the river, collect stones, saying the words:

“Just as one shore does not meet the other, so (the names of friends) will turn away from each other.
They don’t make speeches, they don’t make friends, they quarrel and fight.
I collect the earth from the right bank and name it after (the name of my first friend).

Cross the bridge and repeat the same on the left bank of the river, changing the first friend's name to the second friend's name. Place the pebbles in separate bags, and do not mix up the names. After this, you need to take the pebbles to the cemetery and pour them onto the personal graves of these friends.

That is, the names of the deceased must match the name of one friend and the second friend. Ideally, cemeteries should be different - on the right side of the river and on the left. If you manage to find such cemeteries, then you will be able to quarrel with friends for a long time. Don't forget to leave a tribute at the graves!

If friends come to the house often

If your husband’s friends often come to your house and distract him from household chores, then there is a strong quarrel, which Stepanova gave in her books.

This is how you can ward off your husband's friends. Turn the table upside down and tap the table legs with a kitchen knife, which you need to carefully hold by the blade.

At the same time, say these words:

“Don’t sit together.
Don't look into each other's eyes.
We can’t be together, we can’t eat, we can’t drink, but we can be enemies.”

Having said this plot to turn your husband away from his friends three times, end with the word “Amen.” Put the table in place. This conspiracy is very strong; it will quarrel between the husband and his best friend. This ritual can also be performed to prevent discord between any people coming to your home and between employees.

But in the case of employees, it will be necessary to turn over the table in the office or office. Only you need to turn over not just any table, but exactly the one at which the people you need are sitting! It is also advisable to take a knife from the office. But if that doesn’t work out, then buy a new one and leave it there (offices often have joint lunches).

Separate friends over photos

To quarrel between friends or two girlfriends, as well as a husband and a friend, you need to make a spell for a lapel using a photograph. Turn photos of girlfriends or boyfriends with their backs to each other and place dog droppings between them (just a little). If, in addition to photographs, there are any personal items or hair, then they will need to be attached to the photograph, which will significantly increase the effect of the ceremony. This is a very strong quarrel that will lead to a complete breakdown in relations between people.

Next, wrap these photographs in black material and bury them in any suitable place: in a trash can, in a dung heap, at an intersection, in an ant heap. There is no need to pronounce a lapel spell here, you can simply say words and wishes from the heart.

Discord on boots

This quarrel is done during the waning moon on a pair of old red boots. Very well suited for bosom friends, although with the help of this ritual you can also quarrel between friends. It was not Stepanova who gave the fight. If you couldn't find red boots, you can paint regular boots by hand. So, the boots are found, we make a lapel for our friends.

On the sole of one boot you need to write the name of the first person, and on the sole of the second boot - the name of the second person. The fight takes place on the river. Throw one boot on one side of the river, and the second boot on the other side of the river. Then stand on the bridge and say the following spell:

“How can these boots not be together, how can they not walk on the same road.
So you (names) cannot be together, do not walk on the same road, forget each other.
The key is heaven, the lock is earth.

Say the spell words three times in a row. You can increase the number of times if desired. You need to go home in silence and not look back. After rituals for negative effects, you need to wash your hands up to the elbows in running water, or with soap. And don’t forget to put on a talisman that will protect you from a backlash.