Why can the right people go to hell? Or why faith in the soul may not save a person! Where does a suicide go after death?

Hello Vasily.

Look, a person is the owner of his soul, his heart, and everyone decides how he will dispose of his property with his free will. Which force will give the opportunity to settle in the heart and be a commander, and there are two forces, either it is GOD LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST, or the enemy. You see GOD gave every person a GIFT. BE THE CREATOR OF YOUR OWN DESTINY, that’s why GOD is waiting for a decision. Those who want to accept CHRIST into their hearts accept CHRIST into their whole hearts in baptism, and then they try to lead a Christian saving lifestyle. They try so that the amount of GOD OF LOVE does not decrease in the heart, because Christians try to be in the commandments, TO BE Servants of GOD, a Christian monitors the state of his heart, and if the GOD OF LOVE decreases, then a Christian knows how to cleanse his heart from sins. From the enemy, and Christians know that they must accept CHRIST into a purified heart through communion, and this is the attitude and behavior. all this allows the GOD OF LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST to live in the heart constantly, with such a state of the heart, when the owner of his heart has given his soul to GOD and one must live in this world so as not to perish, because when CHRIST lives in the heart, then this person is capable of LOVE. AND TO BE LOVED means to be happy. And already here on earth it turns out WITH A SWEET HEAVEN IN A HUT, you see you live in the body, and on earth, but in your mood, as in heaven, that’s when you already have GOD in your heart, and you yourself LOVE. AND YOU ARE LOVED, AND IT IS ALREADY WORKING OUT TO BE REALIZED IN THIS WORLD WITH THE HELP OF GOD, and if you die, with such a state of heart when the time comes. Then GOD LOVE, being in the heart, will take this soul to his kingdom of LOVE in paradise, THIS IS GOD’S PLAN. FOR EVERY PERSON, you see what state of heart you need to have, YOU NEED TO ACCEPT CHRIST INTO YOUR HEART in baptism, YOU NEED TO KEEP THIS QUANTITY OF GOD IN YOUR HEART, YOU NEED TO PROVIDE THE CONDITIONS FOR GOD TO LIVE IN YOUR HEART, that’s when you can already BE THE CREATOR OF YOUR OWN DESTINY, that’s when you succeed ASK AND IT WILL BE GIVEN, and EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE TO HE WHO BELIEVES AND TRUSTS, so it would be. If there was only GOD, but there is also an enemy, and he also wants to live in the heart, only the enemy has his own plan for each person. And as an enemy, he can get into the heart, and the enemy has only one way to get into the heart, into the soul, and this is if, by our own free will, we violate the commandments and laws of GOD. If we betray the GOD of LOVE by deed in word and thought, YOU HAVE THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, they contain the will of GOD, AND IF YOU DISOBEY, THEN these are the gates through which the enemy manages to get into the heart. And when the enemy enters the heart through sins, then the same amount of GOD OF LOVE BECOME LESS IN THE HEART. This is how the state of the heart changes, and when the enemy gets into the heart, then the enemy has our disorders, our torments, our hell on earth and in heaven, this is his harvest. This is the enemy's plan for every person. This is how you pose the question, you seem to ask whether a sinful soul can be taken to hell. As if a person lives, but there is no soul in him, if there is no soul, then the body turns out to be dead. But you see when the enemy gets into the heart through sins. then he immediately puts his plan into action, this soul is already captured by the enemy. You see, a man is alive, but he has placed an enemy in his soul through his behavior through sins, and the enemy needs our frustrations, our torments, the enemy prepares souls for his kingdom of torment, because the enemy has our hell on earth and in heaven, this is his harvest, you see because hell is already beginning here on earth. AND WHILE A LIVING MAN'S SOUL IS WITH HIM, GOD DECIDED SO, BECAUSE THERE IS STILL A STRUGGLE FOR THIS SOUL, AND THE ISSUE IS NOT YET RESOLVED, THERE HAS NOT BEEN A JUDGMENT YET. WHERE WILL THIS SOUL BE, AND WILL THE JUDGMENT BE AFTER DEATH. These are sins. And the enemy has already occupied some area in the heart, in the soul, and immediately tries to use his plan to destroy, because as soon as the enemy in sins is added to the soul, then there follows a loss of peace in the heart, and joy, you can run into various passions, and This may result in various losses, financial, health, relatives and loved ones, etc. which are arranged by the enemy, and all this is accompanied by depression and frustration. torment. You see, here he is a man here on earth, and his soul is with him, but he has only given the opportunity for the enemy, through sins, to take up residence in his heart, in his soul, and already in his mood, he is already in hell, in torment. When the enemy is in the heart, then he already becomes the commander of the one who let him into his heart, because the enemy builds his plans, and tries to quickly deal with everyone who lets him into the heart, and the enemy knows how to do this, when it is in the heart, then the enemy manages to keep a person in his passions, these are the passions of drinking, injecting drugs, smoking, passion for gold, for evil, etc. there are many passions, and here is the harvest of passions. In Russia, about thirty thousand people a year die from alcohol poisoning, three times as many die from drug overdose, etc. You see in this soul who is already living in passion as an enemy, and in order for the enemy to be able to send this soul to eternal torment, the enemy must quickly send the sinner out of this world into another, before this soul comes to its senses. And she didn’t resort to GOD’s help, you see the enemy has a plan to take possession of the soul. With the heart in this world, and then quickly deal with it, kill it, through passions, through illness, depression, etc. and when he has already died, when the soul has left, here he is the enemy in the soul, the enemy will lead to show his kingdom of evil, there the soul goes further on its path after death, because if you die with such a state of the heart. When an enemy settles in the heart through sins, then the enemy will deal with this person; whoever is in passion, then the enemy, being in this soul in another world, will lead this soul to his kingdom of torment in hell, BUT HELL IT CAN START HERE ON EARTH, you see on earth at the beginning you can end up in hell depending on your mood, and with such a state of heart. You can already end up in hell in another world, as if it turns out from small torments from hell on earth, this soul ends up in great and eternal torment in hell in another world. Of course, there is GOD’S JUDGMENT over every soul. Therefore, at GOD’s judgment it will not be so easy to justify yourself when you have given yourself with all your heart, with all your soul to the enemy, but you see, they are the prayers of relatives, they can somehow help. When someone falls into the clutches of the enemy through sins, when the enemy gets into the soul. It induces passions and this is here on earth, of course, everyone has them - parents, mother, father, sister and brother. Husbands, wives, children, etc. You see, some of those around you, LOVING, NEIGHBORS, Christians, are already beginning to pray for the salvation of this soul, because they know the end of such passions, and this is the destruction of both body and soul, therefore prayers begin in this world for those who are in passion. dies, but prayers continue when already in another world. Therefore, there are results of prayer, when with the help of GOD it is possible to save others, already in this world, there are many examples, and this proves it. That her soul is here. who is in this world, that’s when passion is overcome with the help of GOD, the enemy retreats, and CHRIST re-enters this soul, and salvation has come, and you can find these examples on the Internet. Look, THERE IS REPENTANCE, THERE IS FORGIVENESS, AND THIS MEANS THAT YOU CAN CLEANSE YOUR SOUL FROM SINS, IN THIS WORLD, WHY LIVE WITH SINS AND STILL WAIT TO DIE, IT’S AS WELL AS YOU WRITE ABOUT SINS AS SOMETHING ALREADY SOLID, BUT YOU SEE SIN, AND MEANS THE ENEMY LIVES IN YOUR HEART, UNTIL REPENTANCE, IN CONFESSION AND REPENTANCE, YOU FOUND YOUR SINS, SHOWED LIGHT ON THE ENEMY, HERE IT IS, LORD HAVE MERCY, AND THEN YOU NEED TO REFUSE TO SERVE SINS ON THE ENEMY, IN CONFESSION AND REPENTANCE CHRISTIANS RECEIVE FORGIVENESS FROM CHRIST, AND IT’S HEART IS CLEARED FROM SINS, FROM THE ENEMY, SO THE END OF EARTHLY HELL COMES, YOU SEE ALREADY AFTER COMMUNION YOU ALREADY HAVE TO GO TO THIS PLACE IN THE HEART WHERE THE ENEMY LIVED IN SINS, YOU NEED TO ACCEPT CHRIST INTO YOUR HEART AT COMMUNION. You see again the state of the heart is the same as at baptism, there is a lot of CHRIST in the heart. Look, if you wrote this, and that next to you someone is just such a person, a sinner, and is dying, then of course you need to pray for him, and GOD, through the prayers of his neighbors, can put on this person’s heart the desire to be baptized, and if a Christian, then the desire to repent of sins and receive communion. You should figure it out yourself, otherwise you put out such thoughts that if you think like that, there are sins. And that you yourself are alive, but your soul is already in hell, you see, then it begs itself, why go to church, why repentance and communion. But when to think. That your soul is with you. If it turns out that you have experienced hell on earth, then the desire should already appear so as not to fall into eternal torment; if it is bad here on earth, and there is hellish living, then this means that in another world it is also hell. Many times more, because it’s not the body that hurts. but my soul hurts. Therefore, if you think that the soul is already in hell in another world, then you can already think that everything has been decided where to be in another world, and if you think that the soul is in the body and everything can still be changed and dealt with in a Christian way, you see, there are two ways, there is a plan of the enemy. and there is GOD’s plan, there is a choice for action, either to be saved or to live out your life in sins. When everything has already been decided, IF YOU THINK SO, you see the enemy is already deceiving you in your thoughts, it turns out that the enemy has power over you too, if you say this, then start with yourself, deal with your sins, add the GIFTS OF GOD FAITH HOPE LOVE to your heart, but most importantly this is Love. Christians know the plans of the enemy, but the enemy must live in the heart, and the enemy replenishes his kingdom of evil in another world, and the enemy will succeed. If you do not lead a Christian saving lifestyle, if you do not monitor the state of your heart, the enemy lives in the heart, in the soul, if there is no repentance, no communion, then the enemy uses all his strength to deceive, because here you need to know the truth, then you can pray There will be strength, you already know that you can get through.



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After overhearing the conversation that took place between the Acting Officer and the Black People, the Official’s Soul felt bad.
- What’s wrong with you, our Soul? - The Devils asked sarcastically, feigning grimaces of sympathy.
- I feel bad...
- Should I call an ambulance?
The Official's Soul was alarmed by the sympathy on the part of the Devils: who knows, they certainly weren't capable of it! She felt something was wrong here.
- Maybe I should give you a phone number? Call, call an ambulance... - the Devils did not let up.
Out of nowhere, a mobile phone suddenly appeared in their hands.
Continuing to feel some kind of catch, the Official Soul timidly extended her hand and took it. I dialed the number.
- Ambulance. - they answered on the phone.
“I feel bad...” the Official Soul said in a weak voice.
- Your name, surname, address, please.
The Official Soul, covering the telephone receiver, quietly asked the Devils:
- What address are we at now?
- In Purgatory! - the Devils answered and, as usual, laughed.
The Official Soul continued the conversation on the phone:
- My name is the Official Soul, I am now in Purgatory. Please come quickly and help me!
- Citizen! - the voice of the ambulance dispatcher became stern, - We have no time to joke with you! We already have a lot of work to do: “thank you” to the Official who recently died! He has done such a lot of things: how many hospitals he closed, how many doctors he left without work, he created unbearable conditions for the remaining ones, and it’s better not to even talk about the conditions in which the patients are now lying! How many ambulances have he taken away from us... I bet he’s turning over in his grave now! And you, citizen, should not call here, but to a psychiatric hospital! Give me your number?
“No, thank you...” the Official Soul said sadly and pressed the end call button.
Seeing this and perfectly hearing the entire telephone conversation, the Devils, as always, burst out laughing:
- Well? Did you hear what word was used to remember your former temporary owner? Where else will you call? Maybe to the police? Will you tell them who killed the Official?
The Official Soul wanted to dial the police number, but stopped.
- What's happened? - The devils again showed grimaces of sympathy, - Do you want to call the police? And why? Are you afraid? What? Perhaps the late Official did something wrong with the police? About the same as with doctors? He deprived many people of their jobs, and created unbearable conditions for those who remained?
The Official Soul lowered its eyes guiltily.
- Yes... It was so.
The devils suddenly fell silent and stared at their captive with amazed glances. Then one of them asked carefully:
- What happened just now? Is it really repentance?
“Yes,” answered the Official Soul sadly, “You can say so.”
- So that the Official Soul would ever repent of something?!? - The devils were shocked.
They gathered in a circle and began to confer. Finally, one of them turned to the Official Soul:
- The case is, of course, unique! We can't remember anything like it! Since you repent, it may even happen that the Angels will take you away from us. It’s a pity, of course, to let you go, but the Angels are stronger than us. Although, of course, after what your former owner did during his earthly life, your chances of getting into Heaven are very, very small. We can show you the way to the Temple. There you will express all your repentance to God - in any case, He will judge you.


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Tell me about the ideas we have about you. Heaven and hell, what is it?

Form of perception or creation of the World. What is heaven and hell in your opinion?

Hell is the place where the Souls of the dead go if they sinned. There they receive punishment. And heaven, on the contrary, goes there for those Souls who behaved righteously during life.

We have already discussed with you “what sin is” - this is the irrational use of Divine energy. Irrational in the sense that it does not promote Movement and Change. Try to get away, at least for a while, from ethical constructs and think from the perspective of energy processes.

So if a person uses Divine Energy irrationally, what happens?

You are islands of Divine Energy. And in order to create a system of inlet and outlet valves, you have a chakra system. Each chakra regulates a kind of pressure of energy processes occurring in your island of perception. But the bulk of your energy is simply circulating within you. It cannot disappear, it can only change its characteristics due to external or internal influence. If you spend it transforming your reality, then it continues to exist in the form of this reality.

Where did the concept of hell come from? From human ideas about him.

What is punishment?

Everything is a Reflection of the Divine Light. And, like a reflection, it cannot be right or wrong. It simply is.

Which color in the rainbow is right and which is wrong? Everything is there - countless Glares contemplated by God. And, as you have already seen, he has no preferences. Each newly created Blik is amazing in its diversity.

So why would God punish someone and for what, if for him everything is His Reflection? This means that all existing Reflections are equal or equally interesting and acceptable, since it is He Himself.

There is no punishment. Or, simply, it exists in your heads.

Look. A child does something that his parents don't like. And they tell him: this is bad. They, in turn, were taught this by their parents, and so on. Gradually, a person develops the concept of “good and bad”. In the same way you formed the concept of hell and heaven.

So, you want to say that neither hell nor heaven exists?

Everything you believe in exists. If you believe that in hell the devils fry sinners in a frying pan, but you won't go there because you behave well, then that's true. And if you are afraid that you will end up there for your sins, then so be it.

This means that there are many worlds and spaces created by the faith and thoughts of people, including heaven and hell?

Or rather: numerous variations of the spaces you call heaven and hell. And for everyone they are personal.

Where does the human Soul go after the death of the physical body?

Where he expects her to go. Anyone who is confident that he will simply dissolve into pure Light does just that. Anyone who is confident that he will begin to travel through numerous worlds does so. Anyone who is sure that he will go to heaven goes there in accordance with his ideas about heaven.

Where do the Souls of atheists go? Those who do not believe in heaven, hell, or God?

Where they believe. If a person believes that there is emptiness beyond the threshold of death, then he ends up in this emptiness. Everything is a Prism of Reflection.

But we are taught that after death the Soul is met by Teachers and Angels. And they review with us our lessons learned. And then we wait for a new incarnation to work on the mistakes.

You keep coming back to the concepts of right and wrong.

What is an error? Which reflection of God can be called erroneous?

That is, the Angels and Teachers are wrong?

Everyone creates the world in which they believe. And Angels and Teachers. Everyone creates within themselves. Everything is similar. And everyone describes their world to you.

And you?

And I am as a part of you. And you are like a part of me.

If the Soul of a person after death enters the world that it created with its imagination, then how long does it stay there?

You will be surprised, but exactly as much as you choose. Until she decides that this experience is enough for her. For example, that she has already atoned for her sins in hell. Or she got bored in paradise. Or that she wants to return to the dense world again.

If you follow this concept, then the Soul can return to the dense world and not as a baby? Why do we come to the dense world this way?

Why did you decide that this is the only way? There are many worlds of varying densities, and many can be reached simply by the power of thought.

Why did all the people on our planet come through birth?

Not all. But most of them ended up that way because they chose it. I chose to go through all the stages: to be a child, a teenager, an adult and an old man.

Chose to be old?

Yes. Why does it surprise you? Some of you did not choose old age, but chose to leave this world in another way, through unnatural death, through illness or disaster, through murder and suicide, and so on.

Are you saying that suicides choose their death in advance?

You identify important points on your route. Death or exit to a different density is one of these points.

So all suicides chose this type of death in advance?

Not all, but most.

For what?

It's better to ask them. Everything is experience.

But we have a belief that the souls of suicides after death go to hell or some other terrible place.

If they are afraid of going to hell, then they will go. You create all the terrible worlds yourself.

There are many works that describe hell and heaven. Dante, Daniil Andreev, church performances. Are you saying that this is all fantasy?

Yes. Or an imposed perception. They're similar. Let's say, Dante's descriptions are very similar to church ideas of the time when the Divine Comedy was written.

As for Daniil Andreev, this is a very interesting form of Light refraction. You see, the refraction of Divine Light occurs constantly. And, being in the subtle worlds after physical death, the Soul also constantly refracts the Light and perceives these worlds through its prism of perception. Daniil Andreev only remembered and described his posthumous experience of perception.

Does this mean that he himself created all the levels that he describes?

Exactly. And anyone can get to these levels if they believe in them and choose to do so.

But if I choose an already created world, am I creating?

Yes. Because the world you create will still be different from the one you chose. You are the Prism of Reflection. Simply, in this case, you create by reflecting the already reflected and structured Light.

What then is expulsion from Paradise? And the Tree of Knowledge and the Tempting Serpent?

Let's look at cognition. What can you know? What does it mean to “know”? .It means “to know after”, after when it already exists. You can know that you are the Creator of realities. But you can only know this reality after its creation.

Cognition is the process of perception of realities created by you.

But what is perception? This is a reflection. This means that the knowledge of the reality you created is also your reflection. Every time you learn something, you change this something, that is, you reflect it.

Just some kind of looking glass. If this is so, then I understand why the Universe is infinite. If each Essence, every moment, reflects already created realities in a new way and creates and fantasizes new ones, then there can be no boundaries?

Boundaries are an illusion. There is only one boundary - that part of you where you come into contact with God.

Heaven and hell exist in your imagination. And you can only expel yourself from it yourself.

According to legend, until Adam and Eve received some knowledge by eating the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge, they lived in paradise. But, having tasted them, they realized that they were naked and God expelled them from paradise for disobedience.

Of course this is an allegory. Adam and Eve were given the right to choose. They learned that everything depends on their choice and chose to leave the place called heaven. But they forgot the way back. And now they are looking for ways to return there.

Then who is the devil? He exists?

Everything you believe in exists. People believed in the existence of the devil so much that he got his own existence. As a reflection of the Reflection of the Divine Light in those who believe in it.

If I don't believe in you, then you don't exist?

Yes, in your reality I will not exist and will not talk to you if you believe that I do not exist. You don’t believe in the existence of the devil, so he doesn’t exist in your reality.

Where did such concepts as the Devil and Satan come from?

It is difficult for a person to believe that the source of his troubles is himself. And if we take your centuries-old religious upbringing, then for some of you the devil is a completely existing phenomenon.

There is nothing around you except God. And all that exists in your life is a superbly created script for you with the participation of various actors and extras. They all appear in your life at your call and at your choice. The process of creation is so bizarre, sometimes some of you manage to create phantasmagoric pictures. They create an image of the devil and worship him and make sacrifices to him.

But there was a time when sacrifices were made to the gods. You choose idols for yourself, on whom you hold responsible for your decisions and your creations.

Why are you considered the source of all human troubles?

Because, to some extent, I really am the source of your troubles. Because I began the division outside of God and showed you the way how you can create and be free in your choice of creation. And everyone used this opportunity in their own way.

Do you think the experiment was a success?

There are no failed experiments. An experiment can be unsuccessful if you expect some result, but it doesn’t work out. In this case, the result was unpredictable.

Do you like the result?

These are human concepts. How can you like red more than green? Do you like that there is sky, and water, and earth, and fire? What is morning and evening, day and night? It just is. Do you like the reflections of trees in the water more than the trees? This is a meaningless question.

But this experiment brought so much evil, wars, violence, murder and much more.

Evil is simply a choice of path. Why don't you say that this experiment brought a lot of good? Haven't there been wonderful moments in the history of human development? An experiment is an opportunity for independent creation for each part of God. Many of your creations are amazing and beautiful.

Are you proud of your creations?

I don't make judgments or distinctions. But I see the peaks of your refractions and your potentials of creation. They are all inside me and I understand that the experiment has led to development. He gave you freedom, he opened the paths to Infinity for you.

Where are you now?

I am everywhere, for all of you and I are the whole.

But now I am deploying my creations in other Universes.

Is the experiment over?

No, it continues. It is endless. But now you are leaving childhood and I can go away, so to speak. I can direct the bulk of my Creation Potentials to new creations and new experiments. How do your filmmakers start working on a new project? So I have a new project, a new experiment.

Whatever you choose. And I completely trust your choice.

If creation is possible only by the power of Love, does that mean you created us and our world with the power of Love? Do you love people?

More than they imagine.

But humanity as a whole does not feel positive emotions towards you.

Everything changes.

Are you expecting gratitude?

I am waiting for you to realize your power and become my equal partners in the creation of the world we have created together.

“Hell is a place where sinners are boiled in cauldrons”;

“Hell is covered in ice...”;

“Hell is a country of yellow springs, where the lowest part of the soul resides”;

Today we will talk about why people go to Hell.

Different religions have different understandings of hell. In “good and peaceful” Buddhism, there are eight of them, and each one is hot in the center, and icy along the perimeter. But all religions agree on one thing - this place is extremely unpleasant and it’s not worth going there.

But how to avoid getting caught - there are also possible options here.

In “militant” Islam, going to hell and getting out is not a question at all. Those who commit sin will certainly be plunged into torment: in Islam this is fire, and sinners will burn. Only Allah himself knows how long the torment will last; no one else, even the most senior and respected church leaders, “has access” to information about the verdicts.

But sinners themselves need not worry.

Those who, along with sins, also committed good deeds, will come out of hell thanks to the intercession of those who are allowed to intercede for them.

Those who managed not to commit a single good deed... will also come out - with the infinite mercy of Allah.

You can just be envious!

Although in Christianity, envy is one of the surest ways to go to hell. Moreover, not in purgatory, from where you can still get out, even after centuries of torment. Namely, to hell, from where there is no exit.

“A sentence that knows no withdrawal”

“…Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch’entrate” translated from Italian – “Abandon hope, all who enter here.” The inscription above the gates of hell in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, written 700 years ago, still frightens impressionable people. Still would…

“Naked souls, weak and light,

Having accepted the sentence that knows no withdrawal,

Chatting teeth, pale with melancholy

They shouted curses to the Lord..."

In the Catholic version of Christianity, there are seven deadly sins: pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony and laziness. That is, according to this “report card” you can go to hell for an extra piece of pie at dinner or for not making your bed in the morning... Pretty cool, no?

But a funny conclusion follows from this: sins have different “weights” and there is a kind of “divine price list”, where each deed has its own price tag.

You can get acquainted with it in the same “Divine Comedy”, where it is quite complete. Dante was not lazy and clearly described: who, where, to what address, to what torment and for what sin. According to this classification, those obsessed with passion are condemned to the “lightest” torments. Heavy ones are for traitors. The worst thing in hell is for those who betray trust.

And, meanwhile, the “perfect code” says that the punishment for any sin, small or large, is death (does this mean that those who have not sinned either by deed, or by inaction, or even by thought will live forever?).

Why is Divine Light turned off?

Orthodoxy is at the same time softer and stricter. “Gehenna of Fire” is not a place for people at all, it is intended for “fallen spirits rooted in evil.”

But for us humans, there is only health and illness of the soul. And Orthodox hell itself is not something material, like an ungreased frying pan for a sinner, but simple and terrible: the death of the soul. When you think about it, it becomes clear why the question sounds so strange: “How to save a soul in hell?” No way. It's like trying to resurrect a dead person. “She died, she died.”

Why is the Divine Light turned off? Obviously not for eating a cutlet during Lent.

The list of sins is the same, but the unforgivable sin (guaranteed and definitively killing the soul) is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. “A sentence that knows no withdrawal” is imposed only for this - for the fact that you have opposed yourself to God. Like Satan and Company.

But what needs to be done (or rather, of course, not necessary) to quarrel with God completely and irrevocably? Start a war? Create a sect? Selling drugs? Or is everything simpler, and it’s enough, as 9 out of 10 priests teach, to just not go to church and “believe at home”?

Why is the “home temple” dangerous?

“If you don’t go to church and listen to the priest, then who will teach you how to believe in God? You will begin to decide for yourself what is sin and what is not. And you will definitely make a mistake, because the devil is wicked and will find a loophole in a person’s heart.”

It is not for nothing that among the sins that need repentance and forgiveness in Orthodoxy there are: “condemnation of priests, rare visits to church, failure to observe fasts, violation of church and prayer rules.”

“Man is weak and susceptible to temptation, the sheep needs a shepherd...”

It's hard to argue with this. Yes, we are weak.

But who is stopping us from becoming stronger? “Who can teach you to believe in God correctly?” And he himself? Why can't it? Doesn’t He speak to each of us, isn’t He in our hearts? Why don't we hear Him? Or do we not understand? Or do we understand it wrong? Why do we need interpreters?

How to throw away the key to hell's door

The ancient Slavs considered Krivda the most terrible of the “dark gods”. That is a lie.

It’s quite strange and even wild from the position of a modern person who lies as if he breathes and does not consider lying not only a sin, but even any serious offense.

“Come on, if you don’t lie, you won’t live.”

Why did our distant ancestors think differently and consider lying a worse offense than murder?

Because before you do something, you ALLOW yourself to do it yourself. In the shower. “He already has a lot,” before stealing. “I have no other choice” - before betraying, changing. “There’s nothing wrong with this,” you tell yourself and give permission to do evil.

Lies are the very key that opens the doors of hell. With it begins the disintegration and death of the soul.

Don’t lie to yourself... At least to yourself - and this door will never open.

So simple. And it's so difficult.

Adoniev Dmitry, assistant to the dean of the Dobrinsky Central Church for missionary service.

Why can the right people go to hell? Or why faith in the soul may not save a person!
The Church is a ship of salvation in the sea of ​​life.
It turns out that doing good deeds and not sinning is only part of the plan to save the soul from hell.
The Old Testament is a teacher to Christ. The whole history of the righteous and the prophets comes down to the education of the people to accept the Messiah the Savior. Before the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, all the righteous went to hell (Sheol). The souls of the righteous lived, but the life that was in Sheol is comparable to death.
The prophet psalmist David wrote in Psalm 21, verse 7: " I am a worm, not a man. Defamation of people and humiliation of people."
Christ is called a worm because he wore flesh as a bait for Satan, under which the fishing rod of the Divine was hidden. Just as a worm is a bait for fish, so Christ’s humanity was a bait for catching a great and mental whale - the devil, swimming in the sea of ​​​​real life. For, having swallowed the bait, otherwise killing and devouring Christ's humanity, he is caught by the hook of the fishing rod of His Divinity, hiding under humanity; and thus the all-devouring one is torn to pieces and killed.
God comes to earth to destroy the kingdom of Satan. What is the kingdom of death? Death is emptiness, nothingness. Therefore, death cannot simply be driven away. Death can only be filled from within. The destruction of life cannot be overcome by anything other than creation. In order to enter this emptiness and fill it from the inside, God takes on human form.
God becomes a Man, puts on flesh and unites with a rational soul in order to sanctify our souls with His Soul and heal our fallen and defiled flesh with His most pure Flesh. He became fully human, but without sin, born without a seed from the Pure Virgin and from the Holy Spirit, having first cleansed the soul and flesh of the Virgin with the Holy Spirit in the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel about the Nativity of the Lord.
Another image likens Christ to a doctor. God, before sending His Son to earth, forgave the sins of all of us. Christ comes in order, like an experienced doctor, to knit together the disintegrated human nature. Man himself, from within his own nature, must remove all the barriers separating him from God. That is, a person must learn to love, and love is a very dangerous feat. In love, a person loses himself. In a sense, all serious love is close to suicide. A person stops living for himself, he begins to live for the person he loves, otherwise it is not love. He goes beyond his own limits.
We are healed by our wounds. What is not perceived cannot be healed! Jesus Christ took on our flesh in order to heal it from sin, since He himself had no sin.
And the third image is the redemptive feat of the Son of God. He suffered for us and our salvation from sin, curse and death. Shed his blood by sacrificing himself. The Old Testament Passover, in memory of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, coincides with the New Testament Passover of the deliverance of the souls of the righteous from hell. And both events are similar in meaning to each other and, as it were, even complement each other. After all, the people of Israel prepared themselves every year by sacrificing a one-year-old lamb without blemish. The God-Man appeared as the New Testament lamb!
Now let us be clear that every word of God is “unchangeable” (Titus 1:2).
In a conversation with the secret disciple Nicodemus, Jesus Christ tells him: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” (John 3:5).
And then Jesus Christ says: “The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand. He who believes in the Son has eternal life, but he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him” (John 3: 35,36).
If I were the holy Apostle John the Theologian, I would swap these lines for missionary purposes! From these 2 sentences it follows that even if a person believes in God, but is not baptized in the Name of the Holy Trinity, he will not enter Paradise!
You say: “what then about those who have never heard of God?” Those people who have not heard about Jesus Christ will be judged by the law of conscience!
And you, my dear reader, are now aware of all the responsibility!
Listen to how Christ himself explains this, saying: “Not everyone who says to Me: “Lord! Lord!" will enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 7:21). And one blasphemy against the Spirit is enough to be cast into Gehenna.
Through the death of the cross, the Savior destroyed death, took away sin, destroyed the oath, and gave us countless blessings in life. That is why Christ wanted so much for people to believe in His incarnation - this is the root and source of countless benefits for us. At the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, Jesus Christ broke bread and said that this was his body and gave everyone a cup of wine to drink, indicating that it was his blood. These were terrible words for the Savior’s disciples! After all, some time ago He called himself the king of the Jews and on Palm Sunday entered Jerusalem on a donkey like a king. And now he established a new covenant and new rules. The God-man established a bloodless sacrifice, because he sacrificed himself for all people. And only through the Sacrament of Communion of the Holy Mysteries can one unite with God!
Many people can say that they believe in God in their souls! The Old Testament righteous believed in God in their souls and lived according to God’s commandments, regulations, and laws. But then death was not defeated and the gates of hell were closed and no one extended a hand to them to pull them out of hell.
Jesus Christ extends his hand to everyone. He created the Church and established the sacraments so that through them, as with the help of instruments, people could more easily be saved from sin and become closer to God. What is easier to walk a thousand kilometers in boots or fly on an airplane?
The Church is a ship of salvation on the sea of ​​life.
And no matter how much a person believes in God in his soul, faith without works is dead according to the words of the Apostle James. And the Holy Spirit does not live in a rotten barn. The soul can be cleansed only through confessing your sins to the priest in the Sacrament of Repentance.
As you can see, you will have to live the life of the Church and it will not work out any other way!
Otherwise, God could simply tell the devil that Jesus Christ has power over hell. But God sent His only Son to defeat death, the devil and hell itself. All the words and all the actions of the Savior are valid and necessary for our salvation.
A person, believing in God in his soul, will not be able to say at the Last Judgment that he is ready to be with God in Paradise if he did not strive to be a partaker of Paradise through the Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ!
Therefore, Jesus Christ established the Sacrament of the Eucharist, performed in churches during the Divine Liturgy, when, under the guise of wine and bread, a person accepts the body and blood of God and unites with the Almighty! Jesus Christ established the Sacrament of Love!

The Apostle Paul says that a person without love is nothing and his words are as empty as the wind! Love is a sacrifice! God showed true love for people by giving His only Son as a sacrifice for our sins! Love for God is expressed in attention and sacrifice of time to the Church! Stand at the Divine Service for several hours. Endure the pain in your legs! Christianity is breaking oneself. You cannot surround yourself with attributes (icons) and believe in God in your soul. Recognition of the Catholic Apostolic Church is required and must be in practice! Keeping fasts, reading prayers, participating in Divine services and Sacraments. The Church is a society of believers, united by rituals, sacraments and hierarchy. And when all believers partake of the Holy Mysteries, then together a living perfect organism is formed, about which Jesus Christ said that it is the vine, and the rest are His bunches.
Many people, due to laziness or other reasons, find excuses for themselves not to go to church. Therefore they believe in God in their souls. Some invent bad priests, and others invent prices for services. Still others lie that they go to a temple that they actually don’t go to. Don't look for an excuse! You shouldn’t consider yourself a saint, and everyone in churches is a bad person! We must remember about love for the priest and the Church and thereby love for God! It takes the experience of the church to lay hold of the hand of Christ. It's like doing a pull-up on a horizontal bar. You may not be able to immediately jump and grab a hold, let alone pull yourself up to the bar. Likewise, in the matter of saving the soul, you may simply fail to grab hold of the hand of Christ when saving you from hell!

The whole life of a Christian comes down to acquiring the Holy Spirit. The grace of God is given through the Sacraments of the Church. This strength strengthens a person physically and spiritually. And in order to fight the devil you need great spiritual strength.
Practice loving Jesus Christ through his bride the Church. Participate in Divine Services and Sacraments established in the Church!
Learn to love all people, including priests!

Visit God's house often. Follow God's 4th commandment about going to the temple on Sunday: “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall work and do all your work in them, and the seventh day (the day of rest) the Sabbath (shall be dedicated) to the Lord your God "
And remember!
To whom much is given, much is required!
God is betrayed by silence!
And woe to those who do not talk about God!
Saint John Chrysostom: “The difference in the names of the two Testaments shows the similarity of both Testaments, and this difference itself consists not in the difference in their essence, but in the difference in time. This is the only reason why the New differs from the Old, and the difference in time does not mean either a difference in belonging to someone, or a minority of one over the other. The New and Old Testaments are not opposite, but only different. The New Law is a strengthening of the first, and not a contradiction to it.

So, let us talk with Christ. Even now He stands among us and speaks to us through the prophets and through His disciples. Let us listen and obey. How long will we live in vain, without benefit? Not to do what pleases God really means to live in vain, or better, not only in vain, but also to the detriment of oneself. If we do not use the time given to us for any useful work, then, when we leave here, we will be subjected to the greatest punishment for wasting time. If someone who received money for trade and then spent it is subject to responsibility before those who entrusted it to him, then will he not be punished if he has wasted this life in vain? God did not bring us into this life and breathe in the soul so that we would use only the present, but so that we would do everything for the future life; only the dumb are created for one real life. And this is why we have an immortal soul, so that we can be fully prepared for that life. If anyone asks what the purpose of horses, donkeys, bulls and other animals is, then we will say that there is no other purpose than to serve us in this life. But this cannot be said about us; there is a better state for us after leaving here; and we need to do everything in such a way that we can shine there, rejoice with the angels, stand before the King - always, to endless ages. For this reason, our soul was created immortal, and our body will be immortal, so that we can enjoy endless benefits. If you nail yourself to the ground, when heavenly blessings are offered to you, then think what an insult this is to the Giver of them. He offers you the mountain, and you, not valuing it too much, prefer the earth. Therefore, as if offended, He threatens Gehenna, so that you will learn from this what blessings you are depriving yourself of. But may we not be subjected to this punishment, but, having pleased Christ, may we be worthy of eternal blessings, by the grace and love for mankind of our Lord Jesus Christ, with whom be glory to the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen."

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