Teaching reading using the Nadezhda Zhukova method. Why do children behave this way and not otherwise? Teaching reading author

Parents who have small children are often interested in at what age can a child be taught to read syllables, and what is the best way to do this?

Pros and cons of homeschooling

Some of the positive aspects of teaching reading at home include:

  1. Floating schedule. Mother and child do not need to rush, adjust to the schedule of the teacher or courses.
  2. Ability to use different techniques. Typically, teachers and training centers specialize in a narrow area. For example, they work with children only with Zaitsev’s cubes, or according to Zhukova’s method. At home, through trial and error, you can choose the most effective technique specifically for your tomboy. But this takes time.
  3. Individual approach. At home they do not study in groups, but one-on-one. You can devote exactly as much time to a topic as a single student needs, without waiting for those who are lagging behind and without rushing after those who are running ahead.
  4. Contact with parents is maintained. A preschooler is emotionally comfortable being with his parents in difficult moments, and learning to read is a responsible undertaking.

There are not many negative aspects, but they do exist. Among the disadvantages of learning to read at home are:

  • Lack of training of parents
    Unfortunately, mothers and fathers who do not have special education make a lot of mistakes when learning to read. For example, they name letters with overtones, make pauses between phonemes in the process of adding syllables and words. Children get used to reading incorrectly, and it is very difficult to retrain them.
  • The child is not socialized
    In pedagogical centers, the child communicates with other adults, gets used to the school environment, responsibility, and learns behavior. He won't get that experience at home.

Where and how to teach a child to read is up to parents to choose. If you have a difficult financial situation, then the only option left is at home. In this case, spend time studying books and methods of working with preschool children. This will help teach a kindergartener how to read and instill a love of literature.

Preparatory stage

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to try to explain something to a one-year-old baby and teach him to pronounce words or parts of them, although it is possible. According to the latest research, experts believe that some children can start learning simple words and connecting syllables as early as 2 or 3 years old.

However, at such an early age you should not overload children with information that is unnecessary for them, but devote more to the preparatory stage: help the baby develop and learn letters.

The development of phonemic hearing is facilitated by reading and memorizing nursery rhymes, short poems and songs.

It is better to study letters.

Creative tricks for memorizing letters:

  1. Trace, color, shade letters with pencils.
  2. Sculpt letters from plasticine and kinetic sand.
  3. Lay out letters from sticks, mosaics, cubes.

Techniques for memorizing letters for preschoolers: modeling with plasticine

When is a child ready to learn syllables?

  • the baby can already pronounce words quite well;
  • pronounces individual sounds more or less clearly without swallowing them;
  • pronounces the letter “r”, or tries to do so;
  • does not have significant distortions in pronunciation.

Why is it important that early reading instruction occurs at the right time? We learn to read letters and syllables with speech skills. The fact is that if you teach a 2, 3 or 4 year old child to read and form letters without teaching him to speak correctly, the same errors may appear in reading tasks and in subsequent writing. In the future, the baby will confuse sounds and letter symbols, and relearning is much more difficult than initially teaching correctly. Therefore, you should immediately tune in: learn syllables correctly.

Another important factor in successfully teaching preschoolers to read is the ability of children to analyze text, to understand that in front of them there are not just pictures, but letters, which, in turn, indicate specific sounds. And only then comes the realization that letters can be combined together and form syllables for learning to read. Such understanding usually comes no earlier than 4-5 years, and sometimes at 6 years old - this is the age that is considered ideal for learning. How to teach a child aged 5-6 years to read?

It’s worth noting right away that teaching preschoolers to read is a rather painstaking and responsible process. Just because they are ready to learn to read at age 5 does not mean that they will learn to read quickly and effectively. You should not immediately overload children with read information and teach them to read words syllable by syllable from morning to evening.

You should adhere to the following pace: read, repeat several times, rest.


What is the best and most effective method of teaching reading? There are many opinions on this matter; a lot of arguments are put forward in favor of certain methodological developments and approaches. Most experts are inclined to believe that the first thing you should start reading by syllables is use a primer for learning to read or cubes, where letters and syllables are accompanied by colorful images.

Training using the Doman method

Glen Doman spent a long time researching the intellectual capabilities of children and came to the conclusion that basic information is stored in the brain before the age of 6, and it takes a minimum of time to master.

Cards must be shown daily, holding eye contact for a couple of seconds. The amount of material shown increases gradually. For example, in the first 3 days, show 2-3 cards, at least 2-4 times a day. For days 4-7, 5 cards each. And so on.

Don’t expect lightning-fast results, but in a month or a month and a half, the child will already know and read more than 30 words. You can start learning from diapers.

Reading by syllables

All parents own it. It was according to this system that children were taught to read in Soviet schools. First, the baby learns the alphabet, then puts them into syllables, simple words. This is the best option for home learning process. It is understandable to non-professional teachers and children. It is easily absorbed and brings good results in a short period of time.

Reading by warehouses

The child needs to learn vowels. Secure them firmly. Then move on to mastering consonants, while simultaneously adding melodious sounds to them for reading.

When reading, the word is divided not into syllables, but into clauses. For example, CHA-SH-KA. Each consonant is responsible for one warehouse.

The set contains 52 units of demo material. These are square cubes with syllables. They are of different sizes and colors. 7 of them are repeated. The cubes sound: they make noise if they have a voiced consonant written on them, they jingle if they have a voiced consonant. They cannot be used to form words that are spelled incorrectly. For example, there is no syllable ZHY, SHCHYA. The baby gains literacy skills.

In the first lessons with children 4-5 years old, you should invite them to play with blocks, without focusing on letters and syllables. The child himself will understand that they are different from each other.

In the following lessons, the child can begin to put words together according to a pattern and begin to read. It is important for parents not to force learning, but to give knowledge gradually, by prompting and telling during the game.

Zaitsev's kit includes tables. They are hung at the baby's eye level. The information is remembered automatically.

Methodology of N. Zhukova

Zhukova’s method of teaching reading for preschoolers is considered the most effective, since teaches a child to read from sounds to letters. This is important, because in this case the child learns to first hear the sounds in the word, and then the letters.

Studying the ABC book with your child, say sounds out loud, not letters: the sound “M”, not the letter “EM”, the sound “S”, not the letter “ES”. This will allow the child to avoid mistakes when connecting letters into syllables.

Zhukova’s method of teaching reading for preschoolers is considered the most effective, as it teaches the child to read from sounds to letters. This is important, because in this case the child learns to first hear the sounds in the word, and then the letters. The baby first learns to read individual letters and then connect the letters into syllables.

Nadezhda Zhukova’s primer is the most effective method of teaching reading to preschoolers

When using Zhukova’s primer, be sure to read the author’s recommendations on how to start learning correctly. They are located at the bottom of the primer page.

How to teach a child to add his first syllables?

You should not learn the alphabet in order. The first sounds with which you should start quickly learning to read are vowel sounds: “A”, “O”, “U”, “E”, “I”. Kids can pronounce them and even sing them.

Then the iotated vowels should be gradually added “I”, “E”, “Yo”, “Yu” and sound “Y”.

Having mastered vowels, you can move on to consonants. Start with sonorant and voiced consonants, gradually moving to voiceless ones.

Sonorant consonants: “L”, “M”, “N”, “R”

Voiced consonants: “B”, “C”, “G”, “D”, “F”, “Z”

Voiceless consonants: “P”, “F”, “K”, “T”, “W”, “S”, “X”, “C”, “H”, “Shch”

The study should be completed with letters “Y”, “b” and “b”– you also need to know about their existence.

How to quickly teach a child to read

How to teach a child to connect different sounds and pronounce them together?

  • First teach your child to combine vowels and pronounce them together: AU, UA, OU.
  • Then move on to syllables that combine vowels and consonants: MA, BA, DA.
  • It is better to start teaching your child with the letters “M” and “A”, since their combination is familiar to him from birth, it underlies the simplest word - “mother”.
  • Draw the first sound, and then attach the second to it: M-M-M A-A-A, MMMAAA. Please note that in Zhukova’s ABC book the picture shows how the letter “M” runs to the letter “A” and then they are connected to form the syllable “MA”.

Primer by Nadezhda Zhukova

  • After the child masters direct syllables (consonant - vowel), move on to studying reverse syllables (vowel - consonant): AM, UM, US.
  • Connect letters according to the voiced - unvoiced principle, alternating and combining: PA-BA, ZA-SA.
  • Read syllables starting with consonants also slowly, in a chant.
  • Pronounce and read consonants as sounds: M-M-M, S-S-S.
  • Teach your child first to read simple words consisting of 1 syllable:
    Then from the word 4 letters, 2 syllables: MOM, BABA, DAD, SOAP
    Then from 3 syllables or more: MILK, FORTY.
  • Teach your child to read simple texts and fairy tales with a repeating plot: “Ryaba the Hen,” “Kolobok,” “Turnip.”

Among the useful and popular methods are games for teaching reading, educational cards, courses for children 5 years old and younger. I read by syllables, in which children learn the basics of word composition in a detailed and visual form; they are taught to read books by syllables.

A set of cards “Funny syllables for children” for studying at home.

Set of cards “Funny syllables for children”

Of course, it is important not only to know how to quickly teach a child to read syllables, but also to let him understand that the words we use every day do not consist exclusively of easy elements that are convenient to pronounce, and gradually teach the child to add syllables ending in consonants sounds.

At first, children may make mistakes, long pauses, and confuse certain letters. In no case should you scold them for this, but be patient and continue learning to read step by step, using flashcards and other materials.

After some time, you will see noticeable results, since children very quickly grasp and process any information that is new to them. Very soon your child will be able to proudly declare: “I read syllables!”, and demonstrate his skills to an enthusiastic public.

This is an auxiliary teaching material necessary for teaching speed reading and instilling the skill of a good rhythm of assimilation of information. The syllabary table consists of columns of vowels and consonants.

You can use it immediately after learning a new phoneme. For example, a preschooler has mastered the letter N. He can immediately begin reading syllables with this consonant. During classes, the baby will learn what an open syllable is, how syllables and words are formed. If you read syllables from the table regularly, the pace and rhythm of reading increases and literacy becomes automated.

Comparison of techniques

Comparison table of popular reading teaching methods.

Benefits for home use
Disadvantages for Homeschooling
You can practice from infancy. There is no need to obtain additional education or teaching skills.

Classes are held daily, without special preparation for parents and children.

The method is based on photo memory. In the future, you will have to teach your child to read in a more classical way.
Suitable for hyperactive kids. The first lessons can be taught at an early age, after the child learns to sit.

The technique combines the development of motor skills, speech apparatus, literacy, and phonemic hearing.

The technique is more effective when practiced in a group.
Reading by syllablesA simple technique known to all parents and grandparents. It is easily absorbed by preschoolers and does not require additional literature or equipment. Handmade cards, a notebook and a pen are suitable for lessons.It is considered a universal technique, the best for Russian schools and home classes.
Reading by warehousesEasily absorbed by children in a playful and serious form.Most likely, the child will have to relearn at school, since reading is quite slow.
Zhukova's techniqueThe sound is emphasized, not the syllable. The child’s psyche is better prepared for this method. The primer is illustrated with bright pictures; it is interesting for a child to study with such a book.

Zhukova does not advise rushing a child in learning to read; the transition to complex tasks is very soft and unhurried.

Parents should monitor the regularity of classes. Before starting Zhukova's alphabet lessons, you need to introduce your child to the alphabet.


Game-based learning is considered the most effective. Do not waste time on educational entertainment for preschoolers, forget about boring lessons, then you will achieve success faster.

Letter learning games

  • We draw letters, paint them, sculpt them.
    Use coloring books, prepare stencils yourself.
  • Puzzles. Assembling letters from parts. Make the puzzles yourself and cut them into large pieces or buy teaching material at the store.
  • Memory. Write down the letters on small pieces of paper. Lay out the cards on the table. Let the baby remember, then turn it over. Let him look for the desired letter according to the model.
  • We write on sand and semolina. Attaching letters on loose material trains memory and motor skills at the same time.

Games for the ability to add syllables

  • Collect the word. Syllables are laid out on cards in front of the preschooler. Task: collect words, one or more.
  • Guess a riddle. In front of the baby there is a path of words, among them you need to find the hidden word.
  • Word in word. The child is offered a long word, 12-15 letters. You need to make smaller words from it.
  • Walking games. Prepare the playing field yourself. Write the letters in the empty cells. When walking the chip, the child reads the sounds, putting them into syllables.

To develop reading skills

  • Sounds in a circle. Children need to come up with words that begin with the last letter of the previous word. For example, window-OSA-Album, etc.
  • Reading with adults. The book is placed on the table so that the text is visible to the parent and baby. When one reads, the other follows. Stop unexpectedly and ask to continue. Attention and visual memory develop.
  • We are looking for an error. Parents give the child a text with errors and catches. For example, KoSa ate all the grass in the field. Sol(b) was spilled onto the table. The child’s task is to find and correct the mistake while reading.
  • Who's speaking? Animal toys and clean leaves will come in handy. Together with your child, sign the cards: Mee, Oink, Mu, etc. Empty will substitute the required syllable for the toys and read.


  • Reading "Tug"
  • Divide into syllables

The game is played orally or in writing. Start with simple words, gradually move on to more complex ones.

  • Let's catch up with the letter

M………., A, S…………….O The baby should pull his finger along the path, pronouncing sounds.

  • How the letters became friends

Draw letters and pull their handles towards each other. You can use simple arithmetic schemes C+O=CO.

  • What's extra?

From the words written syllable by syllable on the sheet, you need to cross out the unnecessary. For example, apple, pear, tomato.


During the homeschooling process, parents will need methodological support. To do this, you can use the following manuals:

  1. O. Uzorova “Quick learning to read.”
  2. N. S. Zhukova “Primer”.
  3. I. Brodsky “Working ABC”.
  4. G. R. Lazgdyn “Speech therapy alphabet”.
  5. Kozhevnikova A. Yu. “Battlers.”
  6. Teacher's aids from the set for Zaitsev's cubes and Doman's cards.

  1. Name sounds to children clearly and clearly, without trying to deliberately distort them to make it easier to pronounce. When your baby hears it from you for the first time, he will remember it. Try to read clearly.
  2. If mistakes occur, do not scold the children, but carefully correct them, making sure that in the end the sound is pronounced correctly, and then the whole word, even if this is already the fifth or sixth attempt.
  3. As soon as you see that the baby is already tired and has difficulty perceiving new information, immediately take a break, play other educational games with him, or even better, switch his attention and just take a walk outside. Walking in the fresh summer air has a beneficial effect on the perception of new information and improves overall well-being.
  4. Make the most of games with syllables for preschoolers, interactive ways of learning in a playful way, cards. Often the words “let's play” have a magical effect on children.
  5. Anna Rovenskaya

    Teacher of Russian language and literature, employee of the Educational Center for Early Development.

    Among the huge selection of methods, teaching reading using Nadezhda Zhukova’s method is very popular. Her method is adapted for self-study by parents and children at home. N. Zhukova’s textbooks are affordable and can be purchased in almost all bookstores. Let's try to figure out what's special about this technique and why it's so popular.

    From the biography

    Nadezhda Zhukova is a well-known domestic teacher, a candidate of pedagogical sciences, and has extensive speech therapy experience. She is the creator of a whole series of educational literature for children, which is published in multi-million copies. Many of her scientific works have been published not only in Russian, but also in specialized publications in other countries.

    Nadezhda Zhukova conducted a lot of research with preschool children, carefully studying the progressive processes of their speech development. She has created a unique technique with which children can quickly learn to read and easily move from it to writing. In her method, N. Zhukova teaches children to correctly add syllables, which she uses as a single part in reading and writing in the future.

    Sales of her modern “Primer” exceeded 3 million copies. From these figures, according to statistics, we can conclude that every fourth child learns to read using it. In 2005, it was awarded the title of “Classical Textbook”.

    In the 1960s, Nadezhda Zhukova was an active worker in an initiative group that dealt with the creation of specialized groups for children with problems and disorders of speech activity. Now such speech therapy groups and entire kindergartens with this focus are widespread not only in our country, but also in the CIS countries.

    Features of the technique

    In creating her own special method, N. Zhukova took advantage of her 30 years of speech therapy work experience. She was able to build a successful combination of teaching literacy with the ability to prevent mistakes children make when writing. The textbook is based on a traditional approach to teaching reading, which is supplemented with unique features.

    In speech activity, it is psychologically easier for a child to isolate a syllable than a separate sound in a spoken word. This principle is used in N. Zhukova’s technique. Reading syllables is offered already in the third lesson. Due to the fact that at the very beginning of learning to read, this process for children is a mechanism for reproducing the letter model of a word into a sound one, the child should already be familiar with letters by the time he learns to read.

    It is not worth teaching your child all the letters of the alphabet at once. The baby's first acquaintance should be with vowels. Explain to your child that vowels are singing letters and can be sung. Start by studying the so-called hard vowels (A, U, O). After the baby has become familiar with them, you need to start adding up: AU, AO, OU, UA, OU, OA, OU. Of course, these are not syllables, but it is with this combination of vowels that it is easiest to explain to the baby the principle of adding syllables. Let the child, helping himself with his finger, draw paths from letter to letter, singing them. This way he can read the combination of two vowels. Next, you can start memorizing consonants.

    Then, when you start teaching your baby to read, explain to him how to determine by hearing how many sounds or letters you have pronounced, which sound in a word sounds first, last, second. Here N. Zhukova’s “Magnetic ABC” can help you in learning. With its help, you can ask your baby to lay out the syllables you pronounce.

    You can also feel the letters and trace them with your finger, which will contribute to their tactile memorization. When the baby learns to merge syllables, you can invite him to read words with three letters or words with two syllables. (O-SA, MA-MA).

    In Zhukova's "Bukvara" parents will be able to find mini-studies on learning each letter and recommendations for learning to add syllables. Everything is written in accessible language. In order to use them, parents do not need to have a pedagogical education. Absolutely any adult can conduct the lesson.

    A preschooler is able to perceive information only in a playful form. For him, playing is a calm environment where no one will scold or criticize him. Do not try to force your child to quickly and immediately read syllables. For him, reading is not easy work. Be patient, show affection and love to your baby during training. This is important to him now more than ever. Showing calm and confidence, learn to add syllables, simple words, and sentences. The child must master the technique of reading. This process is not fast and difficult for him. The game will diversify learning, relieve you from the boring task of studying, and help instill a love of reading.

    Starting age

    You shouldn't rush things. It is quite normal that a 3-4 year old child is not yet capable of learning. During this age period, classes can only begin if the child shows great interest in reading activities and shows a desire to learn to read.

    A 5-6 year old child will have a completely different attitude towards this. In preschool institutions, educational programs are designed to teach children to read syllables. However, children are not always able to assimilate information received in a large group. Many children require individual lessons in order for them to understand the principles of adding syllables and words. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to work with your child at home. By coming to school well prepared, it will be easier for your child to endure the adaptation period.

    It is important to take into account psychological readiness for learning to read. Children are ready to start reading only if they already speak well. correctly form sentences in their speech, phonemic hearing is developed at the proper level. Children should not have hearing or vision problems or speech therapy problems.

    Sounds or letters?

    Getting to know letters should not begin with memorizing their names. Instead, the child must know the sound that is written with a particular letter. No EM, ER, TE, LE, etc. there shouldn't be. Instead of EM, we learn the sound “m”, instead of BE, we learn the sound “b”. This is done to facilitate the child’s understanding of the principle of adding syllables. If you learn the names of the letters, the child will not understand how the word DAD is obtained from PE-A-PE-A, and the word MOM from ME-A-ME-A. He will not add the sounds that are indicated by the letters, but the names of the letters as he has learned, and accordingly he will read PEAPEA, MEAMEA.

    Learn vowels and consonants correctly

    Don't start learning letters in alphabetical order A, B, C, D... Follow the sequence given in the Primer.

    First of all, learn the vowels (A, O, U, Y, E). Next, you should introduce the student to the hard voiced consonants M, L.

    Then we get acquainted with dull and hissing sounds (K, P, T, Sh, Ch, etc.)

    In the “Primer” by N. Zhukova, the following order of studying letters is proposed: A, U, O, M, S, X, R, W, Y, L, N, K, T, I, P, Z, J, G, V , D, B, F, E, L, I, Yu, E, Ch, E, C, F, Shch, J.

    Reinforcing the material we have learned

    Repetition of previously learned letters at each lesson will contribute to the faster development of the mechanism of competent reading in children.

    Reading by syllables

    Once you and your child have learned a few letters, it's time to learn how to form syllables. A cheerful boy helps with this in the “Bukvar”. It runs from one letter to another, forming a syllable. The first letter of the syllable must be pulled out until the baby traces the path along which the boy is running with his finger. For example, the syllable MA. The first letter is M. Place your finger at the beginning of the path near it. We make the sound M while we move our finger along the path, without stopping: M-M-M-M-M-A-A-A-A-A-A. The child must learn that the first letter stretches until the boy runs to the second, as a result they are pronounced together, without breaking away from each other.

    Let's start with simple syllables

    The child must understand the algorithm for adding syllables from sounds. To do this, he needs training first on simple syllables, such as MA, PA, MO, PO, LA, LO. Only after the child understands this mechanism and learns to read simple syllables can he begin to work on more complex syllables - with hissing and voiceless consonants (ZHA, ZHU, SHU, HA).

    Stage of learning to read closed syllables

    When the child learns to add open syllables, it is necessary to begin learning to read closed syllables, i.e. those in which the vowel comes first. AB, US, UM, OM, AN. It is much more difficult for a child to read such syllables; do not forget about regular training.

    Reading simple words

    When the child understands the mechanism of adding syllables and begins to read them with ease, the time comes to read simple words: MA-MA, PA-PA, SA-MA, KO-RO-VA.

    Watch your pronunciation and pauses

    In the process of learning to read, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s pronunciation. Pay attention to the correct reading of the endings of words; the child should not guess what is written, but read the word to the end.

    If at the initial stage of learning you taught your child to sing syllables, now the time has come to do without it. Make sure your child pauses between words. Explain to him what punctuation marks mean: commas, periods, exclamation and question marks. Let the pauses between words and sentences that the baby makes be quite long at first. Over time, he will understand and shorten them.

    By following these simple rules, you can teach your child to read quite quickly.

    Popular books for children by N. Zhukova

    In order for parents to be able to teach their child to read and write using her methods, Nadezhda Zhukova offers a whole series of books and manuals for children and parents.

    This includes:

    "Primer" and "Copybook" for children 6-7 years old in 3 parts

    The copybooks are a practical application to the Primer. The syllabic principle of graphics is adopted as the basis. A syllable acts as a separate unit of not only reading, but also writing. The recording of the vowel and consonant letters acts as a single graphic element.

    "Magnetic ABC"

    Suitable for both home use and for classes in child care institutions. A large set of letters allows you to compose not only individual words, but also sentences. The “ABC” comes with methodological recommendations for work, they are supplemented with exercises for teaching children.

    "I write correctly - from the Primer to the ability to write beautifully and competently"

    The textbook is suitable for children who have already learned to read syllables together. It is also necessary that children can identify the first and last sounds in a word, can name words based on the sound that was named to them, and indicate the location of a given sound in a word - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. The book is designed to demonstrate the creativity of the teacher who studies it. The proposed sections can be expanded or narrowed; the number of oral and written exercises is varied by the teacher. At the bottom of some pages you can see guidelines for conducting classes. Many story-based pictures, offered as illustrations for the textbook, will help the child not only easily learn the basic principles of grammar, but also develop oral speech.

    "Lessons on correct speech and correct thinking"

    The book is suitable for children who already read well. Here you can read texts of the classical genre. For parents, there is a detailed methodological description of classes based on the book. A system for working on the text is attached to each work for its analysis. With its help, children learn to think, understand hidden subtext, explain, and discuss. You can also see the meaning of words unknown to the child that are in the children's dictionary. Also The author introduces children to famous poets and writers, teaches them how to read this or that work correctly.

    "Lessons in penmanship and literacy" (educational copybooks)

    A manual that complements the other elements of N. Zhukova’s system. With its help, the child will be able to learn to navigate the sheet, work according to a model, trace and independently write various elements of letters and their connections. Tasks are offered for sound-letter analysis of words, adding missing letters in a word, writing uppercase and lowercase letters, etc.

    "Speech therapist lessons"

    This textbook is characterized by a system of lessons that is understandable not only for teachers and speech therapists, but also for parents, with the help of which it is possible to achieve clear speech in children. The proposed exercises focus on developing only one specific sound. Thanks to this, classes are held with great effect. The level of speech development of the child with whom they begin to study is not so important. For all children, classes will have a positive result. Perfect for activities with children of any age.

    "I speak correctly. From the first speaking lessons to the Primer"

    The activities, arranged in a certain order, which are offered in this manual, are suitable for use in the activities of teachers, speech therapists and parents working with children 1-3 years old.

    "Speech therapy"

    With the help of this book, you can help your child gradually master their native language and provide competent assistance in the formation of speech functions. The textbook traces a clear relationship between the development of children's speech and their psyche.

    "The first book to read after the Primer"

    For children who have completed studying the Primer, it is recommended as the first book - “The first book to read after the Primer.” It will soften the transition from the Primer to ordinary literature. The main goal of this teaching aid is to develop curiosity in children, the desire to learn new things, develop intelligence and perseverance.

    1 part- these are fables and stories. They continue the texts given in the Primer, only a more complex version is proposed.

    part 2- information for the young naturalist. It offers information from encyclopedias about the main characters of stories or fables.

    Part 3 represents fragments of poems by great poets. In each passage there is a relationship with any fragment of part 1 of the book. This could be a poem about the seasons of one of the stories, about the animals of one of the fables, the weather, etc.

    Thus, with the help of Nadezhda Zhukova’s teaching methods, parents themselves will be able to perfectly prepare their child for school. Using its methodological and educational aids, you can not only teach a child to read well and correctly, but also teach him to write, introduce him to the basics of competent written speech, and avoid many speech therapy problems.

    For a review of Nadezhda Zhukova's primer, watch the following video.

    Almost each of us today can remember the famous blue primer with which we learned to read. But time passes, and the presented tool loses its relevance, giving way to special methods of teaching children to read. Today you can find many such methods, but we will tell you about the most popular ones, and also point out their main advantages and disadvantages, if any. Of course, we will say a few words about the primer, and also introduce the benefits of practical methods for teaching children to read, collected in this course by the 4Brain team. But, as is our custom, let’s talk about everything in order.

    To begin with, it would not be amiss to note once again that it is recommended to teach children to read no earlier than 4-5 years old, but cases are not excluded when children begin to master this skill earlier (we talked about indicators of children’s readiness for reading in the first lesson). The author's methods that we will talk about are designed for early, i.e. primary education of children.

    Methodology of Nikolai Zaitsev

    The meaning of this system of teaching reading, which has been used for over 20 years, is for children to learn not letters and sounds, but words. The toolkit includes static cubes that help the child master the phonetic composition of the language. In addition, didactic material is presented in 12 groups. There are gold, iron and wooden cubes with a variety of fillings. By playing with them, the baby masters the differences between vowels, consonants, voiceless, soft and hard sounds. In addition to the cubes, the set includes special tables placed on the wall slightly taller than the baby’s height, and audio recordings.

    When teaching a child to read, parents sing, rather than pronounce, the letters. This technique is called “singing”. And tables are used for better assimilation of the material. The result of regular classes according to Zaitsev’s method is that the child fluently remembers more than 240 vocabulary of the Russian language.

    It is important to say that Zaitsev’s cubes have shown themselves to be successful when working with left-handed people and children with psycho-emotional disorders. The speed of learning always depends on the age of the little students. For example, if a child is over 3 years old, he will learn to read within six months with lessons at least 2 times a week for 15-30 minutes.

    Teachers highlight both positive and negative aspects of Zaitsev’s methodology (further we will also provide information based on the opinions of teachers).

    Advantages of the technique:

    • Children remember letter combinations in a playful way, and they do not need to think about how to read this or that letter
    • The combinations of letters depicted on the cubes simplify the process of children mastering writing in the future.
    • The technique has no age restrictions
    • The child can play with the blocks independently
    • Cubes develop fine motor skills and sensory organs

    Disadvantages of the technique:

    • Children who have learned to read using Zaitsev’s method swallow some endings
    • When studying warehouses, children have difficulty understanding the composition of a word
    • Due to the color design of the cubes, in the first grade children experience difficulties with phonetic parsing of words
    • The method is inconsistent
    • Adequate preparation is required to begin classes.
    • Teaching aids are expensive

    Glen Doman Method

    Glen Doman's method is based on the child's automatic acquisition of whole words, which is achieved through the use of special cards with words and sentences. While working with children, parents show them specific cards for 15 seconds and loudly call out their meanings.

    Classes are held daily for 5-10 minutes, as a result of which the child not only develops intellectual abilities and photographic memory.

    Advantages of the technique:

    • The technique can be used from a very early age
    • Classes can be organized independently
    • Didactic material can be made independently
    • Diverse development of the child (cards can be devoted to a variety of topics)

    Disadvantages of the technique:

    • During classes, the child takes a passive position
    • The child does not master independent reading skills (the learning process is limited to the perception and analysis of information)
    • Impossibility of manifestation of creativity in the learning process
    • Uniformity of the learning process
    • The need to change the material provided daily
    • Children over three years old are reluctant to accept the technique.

    Methodology of Pavel Tyulenev

    This technique is known as “PEACE”. The author describes it in detail in his book “Read Before You Walk.” The author points out that children can easily form words from letters by the age of one year, and read fluently by the age of two.

    To achieve this result, it is proposed to work with the baby from the first months of birth, showing him cards with letters and voicing them loudly. Particular attention should be paid to the first four months of a child's life - it is during this period that his brain is most receptive to graphic images.

    In addition, it is very important that during classes the child is not distracted by foreign objects, such as toys. Thanks to this, it is possible to create a developmental environment that promotes active learning in the future.

    Advantages of the technique:

    • Ease of use and no requirements for special tasks, exercises and tests
    • Classes can be organized independently
    • Suitable for all children and does not require much time

    Disadvantages of the technique:

    • There is not enough material to talk about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the method
    • Difficulty of access to didactic material (according to the author, all materials contain a certain secret)
    • Possibility of ordering didactic material only on the author’s website
    • During the learning process, the figurative and sensory-motor stages of the baby’s development are skipped

    Methodology of Elena Bakhtina

    Elena Bakhtina’s methodology is headed by, and the methodology itself is often called the “living alphabet.” The author claims that learning should begin with letters, and continue with the study of syllables. But the peculiarity of the system is that all the letters correspond to their own unique images, which is why children study the primer compiled by Bakhtina with great pleasure and subsequently do not confuse the letters at all.

    The result is guaranteed after a week of classes, and the reading skill, according to the author, is mastered by children aged 2 years in just 4 months. Elena Bakhtina also believes that reading from an early age gives children the opportunity to draw from books the same amount of knowledge as from TV.

    Advantages of the technique:

    • Ease of use
    • Possibility of using creative approaches
    • Child’s interaction with different objects (photos, drawings)
    • Can be used from a very early age
    • The opportunity to practice not only at home, but also on the street
    • Many positive reviews from parents

    Disadvantages of the technique:

    • The need for constant repetition of the material being studied

    Methodology of Evgeny Chaplygin

    The author of this technique developed the “I Read Easy” cubes. Similar to Zaitsev's cubes, they help children learn to read syllables. They are designed for children from 3 years old, but younger children can also use them if they can speak and connect what is spoken with what is written.

    The difference from Zaitsev’s method is that the emphasis is on the play component of the classes. The result is guaranteed by the author after the first lesson, and after a few days the child will begin to read independently.

    The teaching material consists of 10 wooden cubes, 10 double cubes and a cheat sheet for moms and dads, which describes the activities. By the way, Chaplygin’s cubes have already found widespread use in preschool centers.

    Using letters placed on the faces of the cubes, tens and hundreds of words are composed. In addition, it is possible to compose sentences and even fairy tales. How this is done is written in a cheat sheet.

    Advantages of the technique:

    • No distracting elements like pictures
    • Ease of use
    • Can be used from a very early age
    • High efficiency and wide application
    • Availability of auxiliary materials in the kit

    Disadvantages of the technique:

    • Didactic material cannot be compiled independently
    • Lack of contextual information on the dice

    Methodology of Vyacheslav Voskobovich

    The presented technique, called “Warehouses,” is a game designed to work with children 3-4 years old using the warehouse system that is already familiar to us. The manual consists of 21 cards with warehouses in the form of vertical columns located on both sides of the cards. Houses are made from two columns, and the images of these houses are created by drawings illustrating the entire educational system.

    For example, in the city of Skladinsk there are 20 houses, the inhabitants of which are songs about different characters. When singing such songs, parents initially show the child the warehouses, and then point their finger at them. During the lessons, it is necessary to ensure that the child has a good knowledge of warehouse songs, because This is a special tool for a child to master reading skills. You can accustom your child to a specific location of warehouses, and then he will learn to find the necessary elements himself.

    Advantages of the technique:

    • Multifunctionality of games
    • Children don’t get bored with games for a very long time
    • Benefits can be of several levels of difficulty
    • Possibility of application to children of different ages
    • Ease of use

    Disadvantages of the technique:

    • Didactic material cannot be made independently
    • The need to study the work system and examples of methodological tales

    Maria Montessori Method

    The basic principle of the Montessori method is teaching children to independently study the environment, ensuring freedom and naturalness in development. Based on the author’s ideas, a child’s personality always strives to learn, and the child himself is able to determine what he needs for learning.

    The main idea of ​​the system is direct contact of the baby with all kinds of materials. During classes, the parent takes the position of an observer. His main task is to guide the child’s actions, and when he chooses an activity or subject that interests him, the parent just needs to watch what his child is doing.

    In its traditional form, the Monessori technique is designed for children over 3 years old, but in a slightly modified form it is also applicable to younger children. As for classes, they take place continuously for up to 3 hours. During the process, the child is absolutely not attached to the place, objects and actions.

    Advantages of the technique:

    • The child can learn without parental intervention and at a pace that is convenient for him
    • The main way of learning is knowledge through discovery
    • The technique gives the baby freedom
    • A child's intellectual abilities develop through sensory perception
    • Excellent training
    • The technique develops children’s ability to make independent decisions

    Disadvantages of the technique:

    • The need to study the work system in detail using specialized materials
    • Insufficient development of creativity and imagination in children
    • Lack of information base for the child contained in fairy tales, pictures, etc.
    • No need for the child to make efforts to study, which can negatively affect the character and abilities in the future
    • In some cases, it is necessary to contact specialists using the Montessori method


    Considering the primer as a method of teaching children to read, we can only say that this method is classic. The presented type of manual is interesting because it includes many pictures and images. And the principle on which the primer is built is this: in the process of studying the manual, the child masters the skill of combining syllables into separate words.

    At the same time, the baby has the opportunity to study special sentences where there are all kinds of combinations of vowels and consonants. It is extremely important that the primer contains information about all the letters and their connections. Only by repeatedly adding syllables does a child learn to read correctly and understand the principles of reading.

    Advantages of the technique:

    • Availability
    • Wide variety of benefits
    • Ease of use
    • Opportunity for the child to work independently

    Disadvantages of the technique:

    • The monotony of the learning process
    • Inability to apply creativity and creativity

    Thus, we have looked at the most popular methods of teaching children to read. If you wish, of course, you can find several more varieties of them, but we decided that these are quite enough.

    You have the right to use any method you like when working with your child, and the endless expanses of the Internet and a lot of literature on this topic will help you understand in more detail and get answers to all your questions.

    However, we want to tell you that a completely worthy alternative to the above-mentioned methods is the course we have developed for teaching children to read.

    Development by 4Brain

    In the course we prepared, we collected the most effective information, in our opinion, from most of the available methods, slightly reworked and adapted it for better perception and, of course, systematized it.

    In addition, many tips, exercises, methods and recommendations have been tested by members of the 4Brain team through personal experience. Therefore, if you want to get acquainted with a full-fledged tool that would help you teach your child to read, and also if you do not want to spend invaluable hours searching for additional information and scrupulously studying any methods, this course is just for you.

    Continue to get acquainted with our course - in the third lesson we will talk in more detail about what you should pay attention to when teaching children to read, and we will move directly to practice - we will introduce you to one of the easy ways to teach a child to read. And lessons from four to ten will be exclusively practical in nature.

    Test your knowledge

    If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on completion. Please note that the questions are different each time and the options are mixed.

    The optimal period for becoming familiar with letters and learning to read syllables is considered to be age from 5 to . If the child learns without any problems, then the second step - putting letters into syllables - is most often very difficult. It requires perseverance, attention and help from parents. We will tell you in our article how to teach a child to read syllables and what techniques can be used at home.

    Algorithm for teaching a child to read by syllables

    The action plan can be broken down into 3 steps:

    1. Introduction to the alphabet.

    Start this stage at 2-3 years of age. It does not cause any difficulties for children; the letters are remembered and learned easily.

    1. Adding syllables.

    Requires the child to understand sounds, not letters. There is no need to start this stage earlier than 4-5 years. If putting together syllables from consonants and vowels is difficult and discourages reading, invite your child to sing a couple of vowels together. For example, AU, EU...

    1. Continuous reading of several syllables.

    If the child is good at merging letters into syllables. It will not be difficult to move on to reading simple words.

    Thus, the main and most difficult step for preschoolers will be stage 2 of learning to read. Dedicate more time to it, conduct classes regularly so that the skill is not lost. To help yourself and your child, choose one of the methods of teaching syllabic reading, recognized in the pedagogical community, presented below.

    ABC book by Zhukova

    Nadezhda Zhukova based her methodology on learning to add syllables. Reading simple words begins already from the third lesson. Before learning begins, children should be familiar with the alphabet, although they do not need to learn all the letters at once. At first, it is enough to inform the child about vowels and explain that they are sung.

    Focus on the following points:

    • The child must help himself with his fingers.

    In N. Zhukova’s primer there are special paths for connecting letters into syllables. You need to run your fingers along them and pull the first sound, connecting it at the end of the run with the second sound. This is how the child visualizes the reading process.

    • Pay attention to articulation.

    The first sound is long, the second is short.

    • Make sure your baby doesn't separate the sounds.

    For example, PeA instead of PAAAA. You need to pronounce not letters, but sounds. It may take a long time, but learning phonics is the foundation of reading.

    • During the lesson, give your child additional tasks.

    Count how many sounds you read? How many letters are there in this word? Which sound is the first, which is the second?

    Don't forget to lead by example. Read with your child together, at the same time, in turns and after each other.

    Video teaching a child to read syllables

    Bakhtina's technique

    Suitable for young children (from 3-4 years old) who have mastered the method of fluent letter recognition. Learning according to Bakhtin is based on combinations of one vowel with different consonants. For example, today you are introducing your child to how the letter A has become friends with the consonant M. We read MA, then with G - GA and so on. A couple of consonants are enough for one day. At the next lesson, follow the same pattern, not forgetting to repeat the material from the previous lesson.

    After 5-7 lessons, you can form simple words from familiar letters: MA-MA, PA-PA, NO-GA. Leave complex vowels (E, Yu, Ya, Yo) for the last lessons. It is better to read them with sibilants.

    For lessons, use homemade flashcards or buy demonstration material from the store. Practice every day, but focus on your child’s individual pace of acquiring reading skills.

    Reading by warehouses

    Suitable for children who have difficulty adding syllables and reading letters separately from each other. For classes, parents need to prepare the following handouts:

    • Write down all the vowels in a column on a separate piece of paper.

    The child must pronounce them fluently. This one will take 1-3 lessons.

    • Make another card by adding one consonant to the vowels. For example, SA, SO, SU, etc. Syllables are written in the same column.
    • Prepare cards with syllables for the future (use all consonants).

    When the material is ready, you can start learning. Organize your learning process like this. First, practice easy recognition and pronunciation of vowels, then read syllables with one consonant, after a good assimilation of the material with the other, and so on. You need to read syllables from top to bottom, through one, from bottom to top, from left to right, only the first ones on several cards, and so on. This helps automate the skill.

    After mastering the ability to read all syllables, move on to adding simple words. If a child refuses to study, come up with games with dolls, use Zaitsev’s cubes to help, and set an example yourself. Exercise every day for 7-15 minutes, no more. You cannot take long breaks between lessons, maximum 1-2 days a week, otherwise the skill will quickly be lost and your efforts will be wasted.

    Attention! The use of any medications and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any therapeutic methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

    All parents, without exception, want their child to be the smartest, the most beautiful, the best. And in this regard, they strive to help him learn something new, develop, and improve.

    Human abilities are truly enormous, and most of them are formed in early childhood, which is why there is now a fashionable trend in early learning to read.

    Some teachers and psychologists believe that children aged 3-4 years learn information much more easily than 7-year-olds, while others, on the contrary, do not support the efforts of parents to start teaching their children as quickly as possible, they consider this premature and disrupting the natural development of the child .

    There are many methods for early learning to read, the approaches are completely different, but the essence is the same: invest as much information as possible into the child as early as possible and teach him to read.

    I propose to consider the most popular of them:

    Glen Doman's method.
    The "earliest" one. The set includes cards with words written in red; it is recommended to show them to a child from 6 months, starting with five cards and gradually increasing the number. When the child has mastered a decent set of words, it is recommended to move on to phrases, sentences and even entire books

    The main thesis of this method: Every child can become a genius, and early development is the key to his genius. The brain grows and develops only if it works. And the more intense the load on the baby’s brain in the first years of his life, the better his intelligence will develop.

    Glen Doman's method promises that a child will be able to read whole words, without memorizing letters and syllables. The baby will learn to read at the speed of an adult, and even before he says his first word.


    There are too many instructions that need to be strictly followed. Education must begin from a very early age, and be consistent; many mothers note that when starting to teach a child to read at the age of 3 using the Doman method, it is almost impossible to achieve results, since the child is no longer interested in looking at the cards. The baby is not given the opportunity to actively participate in learning; he simply watches and remembers. And finally, you need to prepare cards for activities yourself, and many parents simply do not have time for this.

    Montessori method

    Education in the Montessori system takes place in a playful way, which children undoubtedly enjoy. And the baby learns everything - reading, writing, and everyday skills - while playing.

    In general, the basis of Maria Montessori’s method is tactility, and this also applies to reading. Children remember by touch better than by hearing or even visually. Feeling the soft, rough letters gives babies pleasure and attracts attention. Before learning letters, the children trace various frames, shade the drawings, this develops spatial thinking, develops freedom of movement of the hand and firmness of the fingers, and prepares the hands for writing. Along with writing comes reading. Once children learn a few vowels and consonants, they begin to form words from the moving alphabet. A child who composes words on his own is already beginning to read. Children move from words to phrases and from handwritten font to printed font.


    The Montessori method is far from perfect, and in some aspects a little strange. Initially, it was created for the social adaptation of children with developmental delays. Since then, the methodology has been redone for the development of “ordinary” children, but it is focused on the development of logic at the expense of the development of creative abilities and speech; for example, role-playing games, which children love so much, are simply not there; they do not teach the child to fantasize.

    Zaitsev's technique

    The basic unit of language for Zaitsev is not a sound, a letter or a syllable, but a warehouse. Warehouses, unlike syllables, are parts of words that are closest to living articulation: “ba-bu-sh-ka” instead of “ba-bush-ka”.

    The classes use large and small cubes, there are single and double, gold, iron-gold, wooden-gold. There is a white cube with punctuation marks. The letters on the cubes are written in different colors: vowels - blue, consonants - blue, hard and soft signs - green. They differ in weight, sound and vibration of the filler, etc. Each feature has its own purpose to solve specific problems in teaching reading. Along with the cubes, special warehouse tables are used during training.

    The learning process using Zaitsev’s method is recommended to be carried out in a playful way. Children need not so much to teach writing and reading as to play an interesting game with them, and useful results will come in the process. Exercises with Zaitsev's cubes are designed for three-year-old children, but even the youngest can be offered these cubes as rattles with different sounds.


    Blanks for Zaitsev's cubes, tables and books with games and methodological recommendations will not be cheap. Even if you make the cubes yourself, it will take money for printing and laminating, and time too. Zaitsev's cubes are of course sold in the form of blanks, but they are cardboard, which means they are short-lived, especially for little researchers; they will definitely check what is ringing inside the cube, and you will have to buy a new set.

    Methodology "Folding" Vyacheslav Voskobovich

    This is a kind of game designed to teach children 3-4 years old to read using the warehouse system. The set includes 21 cards, on which warehouses are represented in the form of vertical columns located on the right and left sides of each card. Two columns form a house. Drawings, poems, music create images of these houses, in other words, illustrate the warehouse education system.

    Singing warehouse songs, parents first show the child the warehouse themselves, and then point his finger at it.

    When teaching a child to read using this method, you need to ensure that the child knows stock songs well; they are a kind of tool with which he masters reading. A child can be accustomed to a certain location of warehouses with songs, drawings, poems, and games. Then, if necessary, he will find the required warehouse himself.


    In my opinion, due to the lack of ear for music in the child and the parent, the technique may not be effective.

    Waldorf system

    It’s not an early system at all, but it’s also quite interesting. According to the Waldorf method, children can be taught to read and write no earlier than the child’s milk teeth are replaced by molars. Until this period, any slight load on memory and logical thinking is avoided. The oral approach is used throughout the training. The oral tradition is especially strengthened in kindergarten and first grade. Less attention is often paid to reading even in the second grade. At a Waldorf school, children learn to read by mastering writing. That is, first they unconsciously copy the letters, and then try to read what is written. Most children master reading in the third grade, although already in the second grade many children successfully cope with reading.


    I would say that the disadvantages of Waldorf pedagogy are a certain detachment from this world. Esoteric ideas about the world are imposed on children; from kindergarten on, they hear stories from teachers about angels, fairies, witches, and so on.

    Teachers spend a lot of time playing games and very little teaching; they idealize the world around them and present it as magical and fabulous. By the way, grades are not given in such schools either, and some children need to have their shortcomings pointed out and their strengths emphasized, which can be done through grades.

    Chaplygin's cubes "I read easily"

    The secret of the technique is in special cubes called dynamic ones. These are two wooden cubes connected to each other by special platforms - it is very easy for the baby to twist and twirl them. Simply by rotating the cubes, the child himself receives new words, and therefore new words. The letters are not in a random order on the sides of the cubes - this is the result of careful selection of combinations. From two dynamic cubes you can make 20 words, and from three - as many as 500.


    At school, a child may have difficulties associated with different approaches to reading, because there he will be taught to read by letter. This minus, by the way, also applies to other training systems.

    There are a great many methods for early learning to read; we have considered only the most popular ones. In the description you can see a number of advantages of this or that method, however, do not forget about the disadvantages; they exist in any system, although for some, on the contrary, they will be advantages.

    Whatever method of teaching reading you choose, remember that mother’s enthusiasm and positive attitude during lessons play a much more important role at the beginning of lessons. Only learning that brings joy will be useful and effective for the baby.