Is the jourdain in good condition? J.B

Mr. Jourdain is the main character of Moliere's play "". He is rich, but not famous. His father is a simple merchant. Jourdain hides his origin and tries with all his might to pose as a nobleman in order to get a pass to high society.

He believes that everything is about money. And if they exist, you can buy absolutely everything, from knowledge to positions and titles. Jourdain invites teachers to his house to learn the basics of science and learn the rules of behavior in secular society. The scenes of teaching an overaged student are comical: the bourgeois is ignorant and does not know the most basic things. This, of course, is also a kind of stone in the garden of education of that time.

Jourdain is stupid and simple-minded, but is ready to do anything to achieve his goal. And therefore he is easily deceived by those who are greedy for money. The bourgeois is susceptible to flattery. He is easily bribed with good respectful address. In fact, everyone, from teachers to tailors, is only interested in Jourdain’s tight wallet. He himself does not evoke even a drop of respect from them.

A bourgeois without a clan or tribe is pitiful and ridiculous in his insane, bordering on insanity, desire to become an aristocrat. The author shows how vice and passionate desire crowd out all good thoughts and principles from a person. Jourdain is so carried away by his crazy idea that it completely fills his inner world and outer life.

He's actually not that stupid. He managed not only to preserve, but also to increase the capital left by his father. He notices the tailor's fraud and Dorant's deception. True, he hides that he sees and understands everything in order to be able to communicate with aristocratic society. Jourdain himself is well versed in music, giving preference to folk motifs rather than salon songs.

In teachers, he also exposes the bluff: they give truths that are long dead, which in no way can influence the development of human nature, his inclinations and abilities. But the desire to become a nobleman is stronger than all arguments and common sense: Jourdain’s internal inclinations pale before his vain passion.

Everyone in the play laughs at the bourgeoisie. True, some openly, and some secretly. The wife is frank in her ridicule and torment. The servants, Coviel and Nicole, seeing Jourdain in secular attire, cannot contain their loud laughter. But this does not in any way affect his path to achieving his goal; he will definitely not turn away from it. Although over time this desire becomes not just comical, but dangerous. And first of all for the Jourdain family: he deceives his wife, insults her, is cruel and despotic in his treatment of servants, wants to marry his daughter to the marquis, not caring that she is already in love with another person.

In the play, Jourdain is an uneducated and rude bourgeois, but in reality he is not devoid of good nature and sincerity, and is sometimes touching and naive, like a child. It’s as if he is discovering the world for the first time at the age of forty, and this causes a smile, not contempt.

The literary process of the 17th century was characterized by the direction of classicism, which reflected the features of ancient literature. Moliere's play "The Bourgeois in the Nobility" is a kind of standard of the literary movement of this period.

Characteristics of Jourdain's image

The main character of the play “A Bourgeois in the Nobility,” Jourdain, became a kind of mirror in which the author reflected all the shortcomings and vices of society. Jourdain is a fairly elderly merchant, who once had an irresistible desire to become part of an aristocratic society.

The main character began to completely rebuild his life and old habits in order to resemble a nobleman as much as possible. He hires a teacher and learns to dance, like secular gentlemen, arranges his apartment according to the example of fashionable salons, dresses in clothes made from expensive materials ordered abroad, and looks for a groom with a noble pedigree for his daughter.

But this does not help Jourdain to join the coveted society, since all his actions on the way to achieving his goal only cause ridicule from others. After all, what could be more amusing than an uneducated merchant imagining himself as a nobleman?

Close people use him for personal purposes: his daughter and wife demand new expensive outfits in order to match the future aristocrat. In order to marry off her daughter to her loved one, Jourdain’s wife puts on a real performance for her husband.

A low-income groom is dressed up as a Turkish sultan, whom, according to the script, the daughter is supposed to marry. Jourdain has become so accustomed to the role of an aristocrat that he does not see in the Sultan the poor guy Clement, who asked for the hand of his child a month ago.

Playing along with the upper class in everything, Jourdain is nothing more, nothing less than an unsuccessful caricature of it. Probably, his image would have caused ridicule of more than one generation of readers if not for the epiphany that Jourdain had at the end of the play.

He realized that all his life he had been striving for something more sublime than everyday vanity, and chose the wrong path, wanting to inherit the nobility. Jourdain realized that he had actually lived prosaically his entire life, while his soul longed for lyricism.

At this moment, the main character becomes truly sorry. However, this feeling is replaced by joy for him - he finally saw the light and looked at the world with a completely different look.

The meaning of the story

In the play “The Bourgeois in the Nobility”, in addition to people who want to be considered equal to high-ranking society, the aristocracy itself is ridiculed, along with its meaningless and empty laws of life.

Jourdain's play at nobility is actually a demonstration performance for the upper class, because sometimes they themselves, with their fictitious rules of good manners and bad taste in some things, look just as comical as the main character of the play.

“The Bourgeois in the Nobility” is a comedy-ballet created by the great Molière in 1670. This is a classic work, complemented by elements of folk farce, features of ancient comedy and satirical compositions of the Renaissance.

History of creation

In the autumn of 1669, ambassadors from the Ottoman Sultan visited Paris. The Turks were greeted with particular pomp. But the decorations, spectacular meeting and luxurious apartments did not surprise the guests. Moreover, the delegation stated that the reception was sparse. It soon turned out that it was not ambassadors who visited the palace, but impostors.

However, the offended King Louis nevertheless demanded that Moliere create a work that would ridicule the pompous Turkish customs and specific morals of Eastern culture. It took only 10 rehearsals and the play “Turkish Ceremony” was demonstrated to the king. A month later in 1670, at the end of November, the performance was presented at the Palais Royal.

However, after some time, the talented playwright radically transformed the original play. In addition to satire on Turkish customs, he supplemented the work with reflections on the topic of modern mores of the nobles.

Analysis of the work


Mr. Jourdain has money, a family and a good house, but he wants to become a true aristocrat. He pays barbers, tailors and teachers to make him a respectable nobleman. The more his servants praised him, the more he paid them. Any whims of the gentleman were embodied in reality, while those around him generously praised the naive Jourdain.

The dance teacher taught the minuet and the art of bowing correctly. This was important for Jourdain, who was in love with a marquise. The fencing teacher told me how to strike correctly. He was taught spelling, philosophy, and learned the intricacies of prose and poetry.

Dressed in a new suit, Jourdain decided to take a walk around the city. Madame Jourdain and the maid Nicole told the man that he looked like a buffoon and everyone was rushing around with him only because of his generosity and wealth. A quarrel ensues. Count Dorant appears and asks Jourdain to lend him some more money, despite the fact that the amount of debt is already quite substantial.

A young man named Cleon loves Lucille, who reciprocates his feelings. Madame Jourdain agrees to her daughter's marriage to her lover. Mr. Jourdain, having learned that Cleont is not of noble origin, sharply refuses. At this moment Count Dorant and Dorimena appear. An enterprising adventurer courtes the marquise, transferring gifts from the naive Jourdain in his own name.

The owner of the house invites everyone to the table. The Marquise is enjoying delicious treats when suddenly Jourdain’s wife appears, who was sent to her sister. She understands what is happening and causes a scandal. The Count and the Marquise leave the house.

Koviel immediately appears. He introduces himself as a friend of Jourdain's father and a real nobleman. He talks about how the Turkish heir to the throne arrived in the city, madly in love with the daughter of Mr. Jourdain.

To become related, Jourdain needs to undergo a rite of passage into mamamushi. Then the Sultan himself appears - Cleont in disguise. He speaks in a fictitious language, and Koviel translates. This is followed by a mixed initiation ceremony, complete with ridiculous rituals.

Characteristics of the main characters

Jourdain is the main character of the comedy, a bourgeois who wants to become a nobleman. He is naive and spontaneous, generous and reckless. Goes ahead towards his dream. He'll be happy to lend you money. If you make him angry, he instantly flares up and starts screaming and making trouble.

He believes in the omnipotence of money, so he uses the services of the most expensive tailors, hoping that their clothes will “do the trick.” He is fooled by everyone: from servants to close relatives and false friends. Rudeness and bad manners, ignorance and vulgarity contrast very noticeably with claims to noble gloss and grace.

Jourdain's wife

The wife of a tyrant and false nobleman is contrasted with her husband in the work. She is well-mannered and full of common sense. A practical and sophisticated lady always behaves with dignity. The wife tries to direct her husband to the “path of truth”, explaining to him that everyone is using him.

She is not interested in titles of nobility and is not obsessed with status. Madame Jourdain even wants to marry her beloved daughter to a person of equal status and intelligence, so that she can feel comfortable and good.


Count Dorant represents the noble class. He is aristocratic and vain. He makes friends with Jourdain solely for selfish reasons.

The man's entrepreneurial spirit is manifested in the way he cleverly appropriates the gifts of the lover Jourdain, presented to the Marquise, as his own. He even passes off a given diamond as his own gift.

Knowing about Koviel's prank, he is in no hurry to warn his friend about the insidious plans of the scoffers. Rather, on the contrary, the count himself has plenty of fun with the stupid Jourdain.


Marquise Dorimena is a widow and represents a noble noble family. For her sake, Jourdain studies all sciences, spends incredible amounts of money on expensive gifts and organizing social events.

She is full of hypocrisy and vanity. In the eyes of the owner of the house, she says that he has wasted so much on the reception, but at the same time enjoys the delicacies with pleasure. The marquise is not averse to accepting expensive gifts, but at the sight of her suitor’s wife, she pretends to be embarrassed and even offended.


Lucille and Cleonte are people of a new generation. They are well-educated, smart and resourceful. Lucille loves Cleontes, so when she learns that she will be married off to someone else, she sincerely resists.

The young man really has something to love. He is intelligent, noble in manners, honest, kind and loving. He is not ashamed of his relatives, does not chase illusory statuses, openly declares his feelings and desires.

The comedy has a particularly thoughtful and clear structure: 5 acts, as required by the canons of classicism. One action is not interrupted by secondary lines. Moliere introduces ballet into a dramatic work. This violates the requirements of classicism.

The theme is Mr. Jourdain's obsession with noble titles and nobility. The author criticizes in his work the aristocratic mood, the humiliation of the bourgeoisie before the class that supposedly dominates.

Comedy is not an easy genre. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, better known under the pseudonym Molière, is considered the creator of the classic comedy. His works are witty and full of philosophical ideas. In his comedy "The Bourgeois in the Nobility" he raised one of the most pressing themes of the 17th century - the attempt of the petty bourgeoisie to penetrate the world of the aristocracy. In order to obtain titles, they were ready to pay huge amounts of money, buy lands and positions, master noble manners, and most importantly, make secular friends.

The main character of the comedy is an ordinary tradesman, Mr. Jourdain, who has everything necessary for happiness, except for the title of nobleman. Despite the fact that he is not a nobleman either by birth or upbringing, he strives at all costs to become a true aristocrat. For the sake of his crazy dream, he is ready to spend fortunes, hire teachers of logic, dance, music, fencing, tailors, hairdressers and other employees so that they can make him a different person. He himself is rude and uneducated by nature, so it is not easy for teachers to teach him secular manners. However, in words they promise him any changes.

Jourdain, without a moment's hesitation, pays this entire army of scammers and firmly believes that this will help in making his dream come true. In turn, the tailor deceives him. He sews ridiculous outfits for him, calling them secular, while Jourdain himself has no idea what they actually wear in society. He sews clothes for himself from leftover materials. Many of Jourdain’s employees receive money only for praising his new robe or cap, listening to his mediocre folk song and obsequiously calling him “Your Grace” or something else. Count Dorant, although of aristocratic blood, is not rich. He is friends with Jourdain only for money and often borrows money from him.

Mr. Jourdain's wife is more perceptive. She sees and understands all this, but when she tries to reason with her husband, he doesn’t want to listen to her. Moreover, he became interested in the cutesy Marchioness Dorimena, for whom he organizes lavish receptions and buys insanely expensive gifts. All of Jourdain’s actions are aimed at buying something that he actually does not have and can never have. After all, he already has everything else: family, money, health. But he will never be able to buy noble origins, since, in fact, he is a tradesman. Jourdain's actions cannot be called stupid or undignified. He just wants to be closer to the secular public, to profitably marry his daughter to some marquis or count, learn to behave in society and simply get an education that he did not receive in his youth.

In my opinion, his actions are worthy of respect. However, being a narrow-minded and simple-minded person, he often finds himself in ridiculous situations. So, for example, in the last acts of the comedy, his vanity and desire for high titles completely played a cruel joke on him. He agreed to marry Lucille to a young man who was allegedly the son of the Turkish Sultan. For this reason, he even agreed to undergo a ridiculous rite of passage into “mamamushi”. This act once again showed that the hero was so obsessed with his idea of ​​​​becoming noble that he was ready to go through any ridiculous rituals. Moreover, he is ready to believe in his transformation into a noble person.

The main character of the comedy is Mr. Jourdain. He is rich, but his family confuses him, his origin disgusts him. Jourdain has a great desire to enter the circle of high society. His opinion that money solves everything can be called erroneous. Jourdain is confident that the means will solve the issue of love, titles, knowledge and other issues. The main character is illiterate and uneducated. Therefore, people only pretend that he is smart and educated, in reality they only need his money. Jourdain is very naive and is deceived by almost all people. He is flattered and complimented, and against this background, both teachers and tailors deceive him.

The character looks very funny, especially in those situations when his desire to turn into an aristocrat is manifested. The author of the comedy makes it clear that the main character, with his desire, is emptying his soul of good inclinations. If we take it in general, then the main character is not a fool, he managed to take advantage of his father’s money and, moreover, multiply it. Jourdain also has enough intelligence to understand that his teachers are deceiving him, they are giving him the wrong truths. The truths given to him by his teachers only fetter him and prevent him from developing in the right direction. Jourdain often becomes a reason for ridicule. Even his servants, when they see him, are unable to restrain themselves from laughing. The hero notices this, but it doesn’t matter to him, because he has a goal that not only makes him a laughing stock, but also endangers those around him.

For his environment, which in no way influences his future, in his opinion, success in high society, Jourdain becomes dangerous. His wife may fall under the hot hand, and Jourdain begins to insult and deceive her. Servants are also victims of mistreatment and humiliation. Even a daughter is just a stage that can help Jourdain achieve his goal. The happiness of his daughter is in great danger, but this is not important, it is important to receive the title of aristocrat.

The author of the play, for all Jourdain’s kindness and responsiveness, still presents him as a rude, cynical and illiterate person. Of course, the hero causes laughter, but how can you despise him for this? The author mainly tried to make fun of aristocrats. No matter what the hero is, he adheres to his life line to the last, he does not change his judgment. As a result, we can say about Jourdain that he is too spoiled by a luxurious life and is bored. He is doing something completely unnecessary.

Essay about Jourdain

The main character of the creation “Bourgeois to Nobility” is Mr. Jourdain. Jourdain is a rich man who carefully hides his origins. His bad background prevented him from entering secular society.

The hero believed that money rules everything and you can buy everything with it, including love and a noble upbringing. For his money, the hero hired a large number of teachers who began to teach him the behavior of aristocrats and certain sciences. During his training, the hero managed to expose the shortcomings and ignorance of people from high society. The hero did not have special knowledge and therefore he became a victim of deceivers. Jourdain was deceived by everyone from ordinary teachers to a tailor.

The desire to become a nobleman made Jourdain a real laughing stock. The author showed that thanks to vices people can forget about their good inclinations. Hobbies became the meaning of life for the hero. Jourdain had a special mind that helped him increase his father's fortune. He knew that the tailor was deceiving him, but he did not contradict him. Because the hero really wanted to become an aristocrat. Jourdain also knew that the teachers did not teach him anything. However, the desire to become a noble was stronger than his mind.

Everyone laughed at Jourdain. His wife tried to dissuade her husband from the plan. Tailor Dorant pretended to be a friend, although in his heart he hated him. The hero became a laughing stock even in front of his servants. The reason for the laughter was Jourdain’s ridiculous outfit. His desire to break into the ranks of the nobles becomes dangerous for the people around him. He began to deceive and constantly humiliate his wife. He also began to treat his servants poorly. He even decided to sacrifice his daughter's happiness in order to become an aristocrat.

In the work, the author described Jourdain as a rude and uneducated person. At the same time, the hero was a naive, sincere and good-natured person. After studying certain sciences, the hero began to express himself in prose. His every discovery and action caused only laughter. In the play, the author laughed at the aristocrats and directed the edge of satire against them. Despite the strong desire to get into high society, Jourdain always remained a sincere person, unlike Doriman and Dorant, who have no conscience and honor. Jourdain is a kind and wealthy man who found himself an unnecessary hobby.

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