Who and why needed the Eighth Ecumenical Council. The beginning of a new era, a new world order and a one world religion

A few days remain until the date from which a new countdown, a new era, will begin. Where are the flashy headlines? News reports, or at least just articles revealing the progress of preparations? There are practically none. What is happening is carefully hidden, in order to avoid not only unrest among Christians, but also to avoid sabotage of what is being prepared.

Only those who really care know: less than a week is left until the date for which the Eighth Ecumenical Council is scheduled. The Pan-Orthodox Council (the official name of the event) will be held on June 19, 2016, on the day of Pentecost. And its goal will be nothing more than to establish a new world order.

The last such gathering, the Seventh Ecumenical Council, took place more than a thousand years ago. And from that time on, terrible trials tormented both the faith and the people. The only thing that remained unchanged was that the world's rulers were leading us all into chaos and destruction. However, the world has never been so close to the Apocalypse as it is now. And the holding of the Wolf Cathedral is a sign of this.

Preparations for this event have been going on for more than half a century, but they do not write about it in popular newspapers, do not talk on the radio, and television is in no hurry to give out any details about what is coming. The world behind the scenes is making a lot of efforts to ensure that conversations about the future do not become public and remain only in those human minds that are capable of analytics.

Many years are required for this last bell to ring, a harbinger of the fact that the Antichrist has not only gained the upper hand, but has long since gathered an entire army. They spent more than half a century so that people would stop thinking and taking the scriptures seriously. So that the Bible becomes the subject of ridicule, however, it is according to it, as the most detailed and reliable scenario, that events will develop. Not only the new world order, but also already described in it, but there is no one to read it.

All the information that can be found (and not without difficulty) suggests that the main goal of the Pan-Orthodox Council is the “modernization” of the church. All sources from the preparatory commission for the event unanimously reiterate that the church and church orders in their existing form are outdated. What loud statements, it’s the same as declaring faith obsolete, but how can something that is inside every Christian, something that is timeless, become obsolete?

What are they going to modernize, and most importantly, why? The Orthodox Church will be trampled upon, all existing orders will be changed. Not only the internal church order will change - no, there will be much more changes. Changing the timing of church holidays and changing the order of honoring saints are not the biggest changes to come.

The Eighth Ecumenical Council will force the Orthodox Church to unite not only with the Catholic Church, but also with Islam. Everything will be mixed up again, as it was before the fall of Babylon, and only the rulers of the world, who do not show their ugly faces from the shadows, fully understand what a catastrophe will result from the forced unification of pious Orthodox Christians with cruel Muslims, who have long been trying to restore their barbaric order and conquering more and more lands.

In this chaos controlled by the world elite, people will be turned against each other, all the values ​​of Orthodoxy will be forgotten, and many efforts aimed at destroying piety and creating a single, dirty faith, in anticipation of the coming of the Antichrist, will finally be crowned with success. The Third World War will wipe out from the face of the earth those who are still able to carry the faith and burn for their beliefs.

There is no doubt that all this chaos is his main goal. The Antichrist will come to a world where no faith will resist him. The change of festival times has long been featured in scriptures and prophecies, as one of those measures by which he will break everything that people consider holy and unshakable. The lead to chaos has been going on for decades. One has only to remember the Second Vatican Council, when the death of Christ at the hands of the Jews was called into question, when his murderers were acquitted. It was stated that there was no murder. Then the storm that had arisen was quickly calmed down, leaving the people suffering.

One can only guess what exactly will be done to quell the growing wave of discontent. But all prophecies invariably agree on one thing: World War III is inevitably approaching. It will be the last step to bring the world into a new order, the one that is necessary for the reign of the false god - the Antichrist.

In an attempt to extinguish all those waves of discontent and indignation of Christians that the Eighth Ecumenical Council causes, supposedly “programs” of this action are published, however, even in programs that are trying with all their might to make them look innocent, the violation of faith is visible to the naked eye. Those who have no right not only to decide something, but also to represent their churches in general, agree with these publications, will discuss the new world order of the existence of faith.

Of course, many understand that they will not decide anything, everything has long been decided for them, and people are being led into the fiery abyss, like lambs to the slaughter. However, the very fact that decisions will be made by the episcopate, which canonically and morally cannot represent the will of the church, is just another confirmation that what is coming is just a preparation for the long-ago coming of the Antichrist.

One should not think that it is enough just to prevent the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in order to prevent the inevitable from happening. What was predicted cannot be undone. And only the participation of the Orthodox righteous can turn the course of history, delay the overthrow into chaos and give Christians a breath of hope that both their children and their children’s children will not serve the false god - the Antichrist.

Only the dissemination of information, reading the Holy Scriptures and faith, true faith, can help prevent the destruction of all that is holy. A new world order is inevitable, but only the living can decide what it will be like and under whose authority.

“We are talking about codes for the first time
We heard from the priest / Schema-Archimandrite Isaiah / about their danger. Father
said: the whole world rests only on the Orthodox Liturgy, where
is pronounced “We also pray for our God-protected country, the authorities and
her army,” as soon as it ceases to take place, great destruction will come, and
If a new Ecumenical Council takes place, then, of course, the world will be shaken.”
(Schiarchimandrite Isaiah (Korovai) /27/, p.69). “The eighth is planned
ecumenical council. If this happens, then after the cathedral go to churches
It will no longer be possible, grace will go away. If the council takes place, then China
will attack Russia..." (Elder Adrian /51/). “...soon all /religions/
will unite... before the end, but not the end. This is more like the beginning. Start
irreversibility, the countdown will begin. And if we call this the end, then
the end of the course of the usual world order" (Fr. Anthony in the book: A. Krasnov /2/,
With. 126). “The end times are coming. Soon there will be an ecumenical council
called "Saint". But this will be the same “eighth council” that
will be a gathering of the godless. On it all faiths will unite into one. Then there will be
all posts will be abolished, monasticism will be completely destroyed, bishops
will be married. The New Calendar will be introduced in the Universal Church.
Be carefull. Try to visit God's temples while they are still ours.
Soon it will be impossible to go there, everything will change. Only a select few will see
This. People will be forced to go to church, but we won't have to.
Do not go there under any circumstances. I pray you, stand in the Orthodox faith until
the end of your days and you will be saved!” (Reverend Kuksha of Odessa in the book: A. Krasnov
/2/, p. 272). The Eighth Council will be wicked. The Antichrist will not let you sing
"I believe." The bird will fly by, he will order it: “At my feet,” she, not
breaking the wall, will fall at his feet. And then many told him right there
they will bow, but not everyone. Many Orthodox priests will bow when they see
miracle. At the eighth council there will be a rainbow around him. He will still show his strength,
and then many will worship him. And which of the priests will not bow, here
will kill him. (/12/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin,
1:16). At the Antichrist Council there will be not only unification
"churches", but also the worldwide renunciation of humanity from God Almighty"
(Fr. Anthony in the book: A. Krasnov /2/, p. 127). “The Gospel says that
persecution will be everywhere, and woe to him who changes the Gospel.” (archimandrite
Gabriel (Urgebadze) /49/). “Father /Gury/ said that the VIII Ecumenical
The cathedral will no longer be Orthodox; he will be present at it secretly
Antichrist. There will be only three Orthodox (bishops) in the Holy Synod,
the rest will greet the Antichrist with open arms."
(Radiant Father (about Abbot Guria) /8/, p.80). As soon as the Antichrist
will reign at the Eighth Council, it will immediately fly around the entire Earth and everyone will
declare: “I am the king” so that everyone bows to him. After the seal of forgiveness there is no
will. (/12/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 1:26).
“Remembering the prediction of St. Lavrenty Chernigovsky about the times
the threshold of the Antichrist / in connection with the upcoming Eighth Ecumenical Council
and the issues that will be discussed at it - about changing the calendar to
new style, etc./, we came to ask Father / Schema-Archimandrite Isaiah
(Cow) / what should we all do. If we don't perceive it all,
leave the monastery? He replied that there is no need to leave, we need to defend
ours, and if they kick us out, then it’s no longer our will. We told him again: “Well,
Father, where should we go, where should we go?” He reassures: “What are you
do you think? Will everyone rush to all these innovations? No. There will be deacons and
priests who will not accept such innovations. And we are around them
Let's unite. As St. Ignatius the God-Bearer says: where the bishop is, there
Church". (Schibishop Alypiy (Pogrebnyak) in the book: “Schiarchimandrite Isaiah
(Korovai)”, p.375). “And if everything works out with them and the Council, then there will be
the dogmatic legality of ecumenism has been accepted, and our Patriarchs will become
remember the Pope. Then Orthodox people will find themselves in a very difficult situation.
Then the devoted children of Christ will need to assemble their own Council, and in
publicly condemn the Council of Rhodes, if one happens. And reprove
all his legalized heresies. And it will be necessary to canonically anathematize
all participants in the Council, thus purifying the Church. I think so
will! And our Church, by the grace of God, will keep itself immaculate
purity even with two or three faithful bishops. If there are none
is found, then we will have to look for one faithful bishop, and to him
to cling to, to be saved near him. As is known, before the Second
At the coming of Christ the church will be like a harlot sitting on a beast -
this will already be the Antichrist Church, and the Church of Christ will go into
catacombs" (Elder Raphael /51/). “Before the appearance of the Antichrist, I must
the Eighth Ecumenical Council of all Churches under the One Head of Christ will take place
Giver of Life and under the single Protection of the Mother of God, One according to God
Almighty, with the first patriarch retaining his royal power,
as a prototype of the eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ, also for the unification and
reunification of all the holy Churches of Christ against the impending
anti-Christian direction under the United Head of Christ the Life-Giver and under
a single cover of His Most Pure Mother and for the final damnation of everything
Freemasonry and all similar parties (under whatever names they are not
would appear), the main leaders of which have one common goal: under
the pretext of complete equal improvement on earth with the help
fanatic people to cause anarchy in all states and
destroy Christianity throughout the world and, finally, with the power of gold,
concentrated in their hands, to subjugate the whole world to anti-Christianity, represented by
autocratic tsar, the God-fighting tsar, one over all
peace. Satan was the first revolutionary, and through this he fell from heaven. Between
the teachings of his followers and the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ there is nothing
In general, there is a huge chasm here. The Lord through doing what He gave
commandments calls humanity to heaven, where truth dwells. Spirit of Darkness
promises the establishment of heaven on earth." (Reverend Seraphim of Sarov /52/).
WHEN IS IT STILL POSSIBLE TO GO TO TEMPLES “While the Divine is being performed according to order -
walk and sing, take communion” (Fr. Anthony in the book: A. Krasnov /2/, p. 292).
“Repairs of churches will continue until the coming of the Antichrist, and
everywhere there will be unprecedented splendor. And you will be in repair for our church
moderate in its appearance. Pray more, go to church, bye
there is an opportunity, especially at the Liturgy, at which the Bloodless
A sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. Confess often and receive Holy Communion and
blood of Christ, and the Lord will strengthen you” (Venerable Lavrenty of Chernigov
/4/, p.99). “Take Holy Communion often. Christ's Mysteries. Run, crawl to the temple,
While you can. And when the Antichrist comes and sits on the throne, then they will change
the entire service (they will change the “Creed”, “Our Father”), then the grace of God
will leave the temple, and it will no longer be possible to go there” (Radiant Father (about
abbot of Guria) /8/, p.77). There will be no crosses in churches. First they will disappear
crosses for monks, then other crosses will begin to disappear. And when
the child will need to be baptized, but there will be no crosses. (/12/ “Salt of the Earth”
(Film 2), Schearchim. Christopher, 2:29). “And further, father/schema-archimandrite
Christopher/ blessed us to stock up on crosses. “Krestov,” said, “not
will. First, monastic crosses will disappear, then small body crosses
crosses... you want to baptize your child, but there will be no crosses. Stock up
crosses. Stock up on candles, stock up on oil so you can light at home
a candle, a lamp and pray. - And when it is impossible to receive communion,
Father blessed us to stock up on Epiphany water and prosphora: -
Cut the prosphora finely, dry it and put it in airtight jars,
so that not a single bug crawls up. And then, according to your prayers,
A drop of Epiphany water and a drop of prosphora. The Lord will be for you
impute to Communion. We take communion in church, but we can’t go to church
will walk, and Epiphany water and prosphora will be given to you instead
Communions... And then our churches will be occupied, and everything will be destroyed, as it was then
(into the revolution), it will be like this again” (Book: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher /20/,
With. 329). CATHOLICIZATION OF RUSSIA Father Christopher to his spiritual daughter: There will be
Catholic service. Listen, they won’t read “We sing”, “Our Father”,
“I believe” - don’t go to church. Then there will be nowhere to go. (/12/ “Salt
Earth" (Film 2), Schearchim. Christopher, 2:06). “The Schema-Archimandrite spoke
Christopher / that soon everything in the Church will be Catholic, like in churches
they will change the Creed, it will be impossible to walk like that, and then all the churches will be
close” (Book: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher /20/, p. 257). Will
Catholicization of Orthodox churches. (/12/ “Salt of the Earth” (Movie 5),
Hegumen Gury, 2:01). “Catholicism is coming to Russia, and it is already near...”
(Schigumen Alexy (Shumilin) ​​/21/, p. 43). There will be one or three left in Vologda
Orthodox churches, the remaining churches will be occupied by Catholics. (/12/ “Salt of the Earth”
(Film 5), Hegumen Gury, 2:19,2:49). “Shortly before death /Mother
Alypia / changed fasts and holidays for two weeks” (“In the pasture
Mother of God” /15/, p.21). “The Bible that is printed is wrong. They
(apparently, the Pharisaical Jews. - Author) will be thrown out of there and they will
concerns, they don’t want reproach (03.14.89).” (Schemonun Macaria from the book.
“God given” /30/, p.188). “A change of faith is being prepared. When is that
happens, the saints will retreat and will not pray for Russia. And those who
there is (from the faithful. - Author). The Lord will take you to Himself. And the bishops who
this will be allowed, neither here nor there (in the next world. - Author
To see the link you need to log in or register
.) They will not see the Lord. (Schemonun Macaria from the book “Given by God” /30/,
p.188). “Soon the service will be reduced to half capacity and will be reduced. (07/11/88).
They will retain the service only in large monasteries, and in other places they will
change (05.27.88). I only say one thing: grief comes to the priesthood,
they will scatter one by one and live (06/28/89). In churches in red
dresses will serve. Now the evil Satan will take everyone
(05.20.89).” (Schemonun Macaria from the book “Given by God” /30/, p.188).
Ecumenism will be imposed on the church, there will be a strong Catholicization of Russia. Some kind of
a trick will be invented, and two or three true ones will remain in Tula
priest; at least one, if they beg. (/12/ “Salt of the Earth” (Movie 2),
Schearchim. Christopher, 2:01). There will be no Sacrament of Communion in churches. (/12/
“Salt of the Earth” (Film 2), Schearchim. Christopher, 2:30). The time will come
that you will receive communion in the catacombs. We must prepare for this time
Cahors, prosphora, flour. There will not be a single Russian church. Catholics will
be driven into churches by force, and persecution will begin against those who do not go.
You are not allowed to enter these temples. And if you come in, you’ll have to shed a lot of tears,
so that the Lord forgives (/12/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 2), Schearchim. Christopher,
1:55). I was young then, I had no idea what the catacombs were,
I didn’t even know that word. Father Kuksha explained to me: - In the cellars,
that means, at some believing priest’s, prepare some wine and
prosphora, and he will be in the cellar at night, so that no one recognizes
to give communion (with spare Gifts)" (Book: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher /20/, p.
237). “And then there will be a confusion of faiths. They will slowly disappear from
sales of crosses, body crosses, paramaniacal crosses. Then you can go to temples
will not be possible, there will be no Holy Communion, i.e. There will be no Eucharist
be accomplished, - and therefore the priest blessed to stock up on candles, oil
lamps, crosses, Epiphany water, prosphora, antidor. And at home
instead of the temple, pray unceasingly. There will be no Holy Communion, but
The Lord will then count a sip of holy water and a piece of antidor as
Participle. And for the coming of the Antichrist throughout Tula (Tula diocese)
only one monastery will remain - in Kolyupanovo, and there is blessed water
Euphrosyne will never dry up, it will not be anywhere, but in Kolyupanovo
there will be kilometer-long queues for water.” (Book: Schema-Archimandrite
Christopher /20/, p. 87). Kuksha of Odessa spoke to his spiritual daughter,
that there will be only Catholic churches. (/12/ “Salt of the Earth” (Movie 2),
Schearchim. Christopher, 1:54). “... the demon will enter the monastery with heresy, and there will be
then it is no longer a holy monastery, but simple walls from which it will retreat
grace" (Reverend Anatoly Optinsky in the book: A. Krasnov /2/, p. 237). "More
I repeat once again that it will be impossible to go to those churches, there is no grace in them
it will be” (Rev. Lavrenty Chernigovsky /4/, p.99). “The dominance of the Catholicized
very soon it will be complete, they will lead the Church to the abomination of desolation.
Their time has come. They wear Orthodox robes just so that
seduce the flock rather than preserve it.” (Fr. Anthony in the book: A. Krasnov /2/, p.

“And when the Antichrist comes and sits on the throne, then they will change the entire service
(they will change the “Creed”, “Our Father”), then the grace of God will leave
temple, and it will no longer be possible to go there.” (Radiant Father (about the abbot
Guria) /8/, p.77). “The eighth ecumenical council is planned. If this
happens, then after the cathedral it will no longer be possible to go to churches, he will leave
grace. If the council takes place, then China will attack Russia...” (Elder
Adrian /51/). “The time comes when inactive temples (closed)
They will repair and equip not only the outside, but also the inside. Domes
They will gild both temples and bell towers. And when everything is finished,
the time will come when the Antichrist will reign. Pray that the Lord
continued this time for us to strengthen ourselves, because terrible things await
us time. And see how cunningly everything is prepared? All temples will be in
the greatest splendor as never before, and you won’t be able to go to those churches.”
(Venerable Lavrenty Chernigovsky /4/, p.96). “Much Mother /Alypia/
predicted both a change in the calendar and a change in fasts, and that faith
will change, and warned: “Then you won’t be able to go to church, but
The Lord will take his own first and will not allow them to suffer.” Due to violation
calendar and fasts, first there will be a heavy loss of livestock, and then people
they will go (“Into the Pastures of the Mother of God” /15/, p. 13). Go to church
while they bring out the Life-Giving Cup and sing “I Believe.” Then they will go to church
push by force, but it will no longer be possible to walk when there is no longer grace.
(/12/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 5), Hegumen Gury, 2:27). "There will be churches, but
An Orthodox Christian will not be able to walk in them, since there is no
the Bloodless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will be offered, and everything will be there
“a satanic gathering...” (Rev. Lavrentiy Chernigovsky /4/, p.98). I
I will go to the Lord... while I can still go to church. But shortly after
there will be a confusion of faiths, and it will no longer be possible to go to churches, there will be no
There will be no Eucharist or Communion. This horned one will crawl so cunningly that
you will see: churches will be open, and the services will continue as they were
they sang, and they sing there... And then... in your cells you pray, but the prayer
never leave. Only with God, only with prayer! (Book:
Schema-Archimandrite Christopher /20/, p. 328-329). Father Christopher said
spiritual daughter: There will be a Catholic service. Listen, they won't
read “We Sing”, “Our Father”, “I Believe” - don’t go to church. Then there will be nowhere
go already. (/12/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 2), Schearchim. Christopher, 2:06).
Father Nikolai Ragozin blessed us to go to churches until the last moment, until
will not change the Creed, will stop singing the “Our Father”, will change the seal to
prosphora and the tabernacle will be removed from the throne. (/12/ “Salt of the Earth”
(Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 0:56). Noah's Ark
(the tabernacle) will be removed from the Throne, they will not sing “I Believe” and “Father
Our". It is impossible to conduct a service without the Ark. (/12/ “Salt of the Earth” (Movie 1),
Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 1:06). St. Hippolytus of Rome (†30.01.268)
says: “I will also mourn the great sorrow of the Church. After all (then) there won’t be
no offerings, no incense, no services pleasing to God will be performed; But
the buildings of the Churches will be like huts intended for storing fruits;
The venerable Body and Blood of Christ will not be exalted in those days.
Public worship will cease, the singing of psalms will cease, the reading
The Scriptures will not be distributed: and there will be darkness for the people and mourning for
sobs, and groans for groans. Then they will throw silver along the roads and
gold, and no one will gather them, and everything will become abominable. IN
in fact, everyone will try to run and hide, and,
however, they will not have the opportunity to hide anywhere from the rage of the enemy,
as those bearing his sign, they will be easily detected and recognized” /50/.
“Before his death, Bishop /Archbishop Anthony/ punished his
spiritual children and cell attendants receive nourishment from the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate,
warning, however, that the time will come when it will be impossible to go to those
churches where they will change the Creed, switch to the “new style” calendar or
the Gospel and the Apostle will read in Russian, and not in
Church Slavonic language. At the same time, he noted that if at least three
priest will perform all services correctly, then the Church will stand, and
she will stand, because the Lord said that the gates of hell will not prevail against her.”
(Archbishop Anthony, Golynsky and Mikhailovsky /48/). "The Elders of the Times"
St. Seraphim (Romantsev) Glinsky said: “When we live to see those
times that they will sing and write instead of “Alleluia” - “Halleluya”, then
It will be impossible to pray using those books. This is one of the signs of approaching
the time of the Antichrist." (Schiarchimandrite Isaiah (Korovai) /27/, p.152). IN
it will be impossible to go to church when there is a star instead of a star on the prosphora
cross. ... The enemy will make a six-pointed star, this is the star of the Antichrist.
(/12/ “The Salt of the Earth” (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 1:04,1:05).
“Soon the sorcerers will spoil all the prosphora and there will be nothing to serve with.”
(liturgy - Author). And you can take communion once a year. Mother of God
will tell his people where and when to receive communion. You just have to listen!”
(28.06.89) (Schemonun Macaria from the book “Given by God” /30/, p.188).
After the coming of the Antichrist, churches will have his icons (portraits). Then already in
there is nothing to do in the temple. (/12/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai

In theory, today, June 6, 2016, the Eighth Ecumenical Council was supposed to take place. After 1200 years, someone needed it. For what? It was said by representatives church that the 7th Council is the last, however, time shows otherwise.

The fate of the Eighth Ecumenical Council is now being decided. Many are confused by the points that will be discussed outside church walls. Not surprising. Blurred boundaries of marriages with people of other faiths, issues of tolerance, and also faith in pan-Christian unity, and not in Jesus Christ, could not but confuse those who understood.

Here are the questions for discussion

1. Orthodox diaspora. Determining the jurisdiction of Orthodox associations beyond national borders.

2. The procedure for recognizing the status of church autocephaly.

3. The procedure for recognizing the status of church autonomy.

4. Diptych. Rules for mutual canonical recognition of Orthodox Churches.

5. Establishment of a common calendar of holidays.

6. Rules and obstacles for performing the Sacrament of Marriage.

7. The question of fasting in the modern world.

8. Connection with other Christian denominations.

9. Ecumenical movement.

10. The contribution of Orthodoxy to the establishment of Christian ideals of peace, brotherhood and freedom.

However, among church ministers, disagreements remained only on the first and fourth points. Consequently, the remaining eight have already been practically agreed upon, and unanimity has been achieved on them.

Unity of mind. What's behind this? Let's figure out with whom we will now think like one. For example, with Catholics. Patriarch Kirill behaved strangely during his meeting with the Pope, speaking about unity, peace and love. To put it mildly, hearing about the unity of Catholics and Orthodox from the lips of Kirill was little understandable if we recall small facts.

Maybe we can remember how Hitler came to power? Where was the Catholic Church at that moment, when millions of people shed blood, for example, it is interesting to know. The Vatican's support for fascism was the direct and main cause of World War II. Mussolini and Hitler simply could not have come to power without the direct support of the Vatican and the assistance provided to them.

By the way, this raises several questions about the war in Ukraine. It is quite possible that the war in Ukraine is not just a political and informational war. No, this is the top. The cathedral is being assembled supposedly because of the turmoil that is happening in the world. Due to religious conflicts. Ukraine is the last straw, according to them. Well, it's doubtful. We will not list all the terrible wars based on religious grounds, however, the council was not convened.

When a series of “color revolutions” were organized in the Middle East and North Africa, and even when Syria was burning, it was already necessary to think about what all these wars were for. In the fall of 2013, the seemingly non-primary issue of European integration, the agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, caused a storm, a revolution on the Maidan and an armed seizure of power on February 22, 2014 in Kyiv.

In the midst of the bloody massacre in Ukraine, in March 2014, 13 representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches were convened in Istanbul. It's time to discuss the Reformation in the Orthodox Church. In the wake of fraternal bloodbath.

Hence the question: who started the war in Ukraine and why? The so-called religious schism in Ukraine was nurtured for a long time by the Pope, and now it is clear that it was a political tool to somehow justify the need to hold such a criminal meeting, which is planned in June. This was a simple and artificial reason for the idea of ​​unification.

Next.. The West could not save purity of Orthodoxy and life according to the Orthodox faith. It was in the West that euthanasia was legalized at one time. Same-sex marriages and gay pride parades were legalized. Let me remind you that this is prohibited in our country.

And now let us turn to the words that should have been unshakable for all Orthodox: “By the will and authority of Almighty God, we prohibit same-sex marriage, the murder and persecution of Christians in all countries, euthanasia and abortion as the deliberate murder of a person - the image and likeness of God. We excommunicate everyone who disobeys this prohibition from the Holy Orthodox Church and cast them into the hands of the devil and into hell to eternal torment.”

Church words: “If someone claims to profess a completely Orthodox faith, but is in communion with those who contradict it, if, upon warning, they do not break off this communication with them, then they should not even be considered brothers.”

These are exclusively rules written by them. It turns out that the above is heresy.

Hence the first question: “What unity are we talking about in the document of the Ecumenical Council, when in the Catholic Church every third person does not observe the laws of his own God? About the unity of Orthodoxy with heresy?”

We have nothing in common with Catholics. The example of their family is not like ours. Why lie? Or is there a suggestion here that there is unity?

If Patriarch Kirill of the MP, in a joint statement signed in Havana, Cuba, proclaimed the papist heretics as his brothers and did not impute to them their numerous heresies, then Patriarch Kirill testified to his involvement in all the heresies of the papists.

Is not it?

It turns out that now everyone should believe in unity. This is pure lies. Everything will be mixed. Marriages with people of other faiths... Just imagine the consequences if everything is now mixed up in the Oblonskys’ house. What about pan-Christian unity? What will be the foundations? How will Orthodox Christians pray? Get married? Die in the end if this unity does not involve faith in Jesus Christ.

Unity in the world is impossible, but it is easy to gather everyone under the hood of the so-called single faith. This is how Orthodoxy will be destroyed. It will simply be replaced as a concept as a whole. Those who do not understand what is happening will not understand at all that they are no longer Orthodox at all. Just at one moment they will start to be baptized differently.

There are those who understood immediately. And perhaps they will be able to repel the blow to the main muscle of our country.

Holy Mount Athos against the documents of the Pan-Orthodox Council. Athos's opinion is very important. It just so happens that there are shores inaccessible to the world elite. The opinion of the Athonite monks cuts to the root the position of church ecumenists, because the inhabitants of the Holy Mountain can hardly be accused of incompetence. If the demands of Mount Athos are satisfied and all the texts of the council in Cyprus are corrected, then the need to hold it will disappear by itself. After all, the event is clearly intended as a step towards the merger of all churches.

The Athonite monks wrote things that were quite obvious to any Orthodox believer, but for some reason inaccessible to the understanding of modern leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church MP. I will give some of them - the most important. It was not for nothing that Kirill went to Athos. Apparently, attempts to persuade the monks failed.

First of all, the concept “Church” cannot be used either verbally or in written documents in relation to any group that says that it prays to God, even if the adherents of that group revere Jesus Christ. The Church is only the Orthodox Church. In relation to Protestants and Catholics, it is proposed to use the term “Other Christian doctrines and confessions.” It doesn’t offend anyone – and it’s true in essence.

Second: the Athonite “small council” determined what “unity of the Church” means for us. One can speak about unity only in relation to those people - laity, monks and clergy who are members of the Orthodox Church. Everyone who wants to be one with us must accept Orthodoxy. It sounds absolutely intolerant. But it’s true, like almost everything that is intolerant. Speaking about church unity, the monks of Athos call not to unite all modern churches, but to return everyone to the Orthodox Church, from which Catholics once left. Since most modern Protestant churches came out of Catholicism, this also applies directly and directly to them.

Third, the monks of Athos spoke out categorically against dogmatic concessions in relations with heterodox churches. Contacts with other churches may be in the field of charity and humanitarian cooperation, but there should be no joint services or prayers.

Fourth, the main basic differences between Orthodoxy and the Western faith of Christianity are listed again - the dogma of the infallibility of papal authority, which the Orthodox never recognize, the “filioque” in the Creed, the Catholic teaching that Grace is created by God and is not naturally inherent in the divine world .
Now about the main thing. Attempts to fragment Russia are understandable to many. The question is where the blows are coming from. I will not take responsibility and say that our Patriarch does not at all care about his beloved little girl, however, his behavior cannot but confuse him.

Marriages with non-Christians, pan-Christian unity, tolerance... And they are going to introduce all this. And we participate in all this... without knowing it ourselves. The cruelest thing is that we were not even given a chance to speak on this matter. Most people have no idea what the post was all about. We were not enlightened like the herd. They will simply show us the way, and we will hobble along.

This is where the war will be. And not on the Internet, and not even in the fields. There are two options here: either they are trying to split the church or the country.

The Third World War will be waged against Russia, not against Putin, but against you, the reader and me, with the goal of forever destroying Orthodoxy and the Russian Orthodox Church, and we will soon find out whether Patriarch Kirill betrayed the Orthodox faith.

Very soon, the latest news from all leading news agencies will be devoted to a grandiose event - the holding of the Eighth Ecumenical Council in June 2016. The full name of the future meeting is the Eighth Ecumenical Orthodox (Pan-Orthodox) Council.

The significance of this event is difficult to overestimate: the last Ecumenical Council recognized by Eastern Christianity took place back in 787. The attitude towards the 8th Ecumenical Council is very ambiguous. There are also his opponents among Orthodox believers. They fear the threat of secularization of the church, the strengthening of ecumenistic tendencies that could lead to the creation of a “syncretistic Orthodoxy” alien to Russian spiritual culture. Interest in holding the Council is increased by the eschatological prophecies of Seraphim of Sarov and other elders.

Preparations for the Eighth Ecumenical Council

Practical preparations for the Council have been going on for more than fifty years. Important steps were taken in March 2014, when a meeting of the highest Orthodox clergy was held in Istanbul under the chairmanship of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople. Then a decision was made to hold the Council in 2016 in Istanbul and the dates were set for when it would take place. In January 2016, in Chambesy (Switzerland), at the next meeting on the preparation of the Ecumenical Council, under decisive pressure from Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, due to the aggravation of Russian-Turkish relations, the venue of the Council was moved from Istanbul to the Greek island of Crete. The calendar issue was also removed from the themes of the Council. The date of the Council is from June 19 (Pentecost) to June 27, 2016.

History of Ecumenical Councils

The history of the Ecumenical Councils is, in essence, the history of the Christian religion. At the Ecumenical Councils, the highest clergy formed the Creed, developed the main dogmatic provisions, and fought against heresies. Each Council not only enriched Christian doctrine, but also resolved issues of general church structure and governance. All Orthodox churches accept the decrees of only the first seven Ecumenical Councils that took place before the Great Schism - this is one of the main dogmatic differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, which recognizes twenty-one Ecumenical Councils.

An important argument in favor of opponents of the Eighth Ecumenical Council is the fact that holding it as an Ecumenical Orthodox Council is impossible without the participation of the Bishop of Rome. But this requires the revival of the Roman Orthodox Church, which is unlikely to happen. At the same time, representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church have repeatedly stated that it is incorrect to call the future Council Ecumenical, and it would be more correct to call it Pan-Orthodox.

Proposed topics for the Eighth Ecumenical Council

At the first pre-conciliar meeting, held in 1976 in Chambesy (Switzerland), 10 main topics proposed for discussion at the future council were announced:

  1. Arrangement of the Orthodox diaspora in legal and legal aspects.
  2. Questions of church autocephaly (independence).
  3. Questions of church autonomy.
  4. Diptych.
  5. Unification of the calendar.
  6. Questions related to the sacrament of marriage.
  7. Questions related to fasting.
  8. Questions of the relationship between Orthodoxy and other Christian denominations.
  9. Orthodoxy and ecumenism.
  10. Questions of the relationship between Orthodoxy and society.

At a meeting of the heads of Orthodox churches in January 2016, it was recognized that no general agreement had been reached on the issues of church autocephaly and mutual recognition of Orthodox churches (diptych). These topics were removed from the agenda of the Council, as was the issue of the calendar, removed at the insistence of Patriarch Kirill.

Prophecies and predictions

It is no coincidence that apocalyptic sentiments and expectations of the coming of the Antichrist are associated with the Eighth Ecumenical Council. Many orthodox believers call the future Council “Antichrist” and refer to the prophecies of the holy fathers and Orthodox elders, which say that when the Eighth Ecumenical Council takes place, the Antichrist will appear in the world. For example, Holy Father Seraphim of Sarov warned:

“before the appearance of the Antichrist, the Eighth Ecumenical Council of all Churches must take place...”

and Abbot Gury directly said that the Antichrist would be secretly present at this Council. Saint Matrona of Moscow considered 2016 a turning point in the destinies of Russia and called on the Russian people to return to God in order to avoid the coming of the Antichrist. The words of St. Kuksha of Odessa (died 1964) are very revealing:

“The end times are coming. There will soon be an ecumenical council called “The Holy One.” But this will be the same “eighth council”, which will be a gathering of the godless. On it all faiths will unite into one. Then all posts will be abolished, monasticism will be completely destroyed, bishops will be married. The New Calendar will be introduced in the Universal Church. Be carefull. Try to visit God's temples while they are still ours. Soon it will be impossible to go there, everything will change. Only a select few will see this. People will be forced to go to church, but we will not have to go there under any circumstances. I pray you, stand in the Orthodox faith until the end of your days and you will be saved.”

Official representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church consider these fears to be groundless and deny the possibility of uniting Orthodoxy and Catholicism. On the contrary, the holding of a Pan-Orthodox Council should strengthen Orthodoxy and consolidate the Local Orthodox Churches.

Venue of the Council