Why do you need an electronic card? Universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, what is it?

Let's start with the fact that in 2010 the law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” was adopted, on the basis of which the Universal Electronic Card was put into circulation.

The card itself combines:

  • bank card;
  • an identity document (however, there is a caveat - in cases established by law, so do not rush to hide your passport in a far corner);
  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

You can “place” a travel ticket, pass, license, housing and communal services application, etc. in it. With the help of the UEC, you can pay, for example, for medical care, travel, shopping, utility bills, make an appointment with a doctor, and even submit an application to the registry office. All this is possible thanks to the presence of a built-in microchip on which all kinds of electronic applications will be stored.

In addition, the UEC certifies the rights to use federal, municipal, and some commercial services. It will allow (at least, this is what they promise on the official website) to receive remotely even those services that were previously available only by visiting a government institution in person. For example, draw up real estate documentation, submit applications, etc., because the user’s personal digital signature will be placed directly on the card.

Regarding the relationship with the “Map of Electronic Government” project, which competes in some functions, it was explained that the UEC is a much larger-scale and multifunctional project.

To process transactions that will be performed using UEC, the developers (apparently for patriotic reasons) decided to use the PRO100 system (for those who don’t know, this is Sberbank’s own PS).

What do Universal Electronic Cards look like?

The card looks like a regular bank card and can be serviced everywhere: in terminals, the Internet, ATMs, stores, as well as in government (and some other) access control systems. In this case, both contactless and contact use is allowed.

The card itself must contain the following information:

  • Owner's name
  • Photo
  • Number and validity period
  • Contacts of the authorized organization
  • Individual insurance number in the pension insurance system.

There is no barcode on the UEC.

To whom and when is it issued?

In accordance with the law, a Universal electronic card has been issued since the beginning of the current year based on an application submitted to the authorized organization. The applicant must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.

From January 2014, the card will be issued to all other Russians without any application.

When receiving a card for a child under 14 years of age, the application is signed by his legal representative (a photo on the “plastic” in this case is not necessary). You cannot connect a banking application to such a card. If the child is between 14 and 18 years old, then connection is possible, but parental consent will be required.

Information is increasingly appearing in the media about the start of a program to issue universal electronic cards by banks. However, Russians do not strive to become owners of this convenient invention in the shortest possible time. Moreover, many even oppose their implementation. The reason for this phenomenon is that many people are not even aware of its benefits. For what purposes is it needed and how to get it? Is it possible to refuse it? Let's figure it out.

Creation in Russia

The history of the Russian payment system begins in 2010. In July of this year, Federal Law No. 210 on the provision of state and municipal services came into force. This document, among other things, contains information on the procedure for using the UEC. Initially, the law envisaged a ban on conducting payment transactions using cards outside of Russia. This initiative could lead to the bankruptcy of the Visa and MasterCard payment systems. However, after long negotiations the ban was lifted.

In 2011, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to create the UEC. The PRO100 payment system and all the infrastructure necessary for it were created especially for these cards. However, this initiative was not supported by banks and the population. Therefore, UECs are no longer required to be issued.

Since the beginning of 2012, a project to introduce new cards has been launched in several regions of Russia. At the end of this year, the largest number of UECs were sold in the Komi Republic.

Since 2014, UECs have been issued to all Russians. However, everyone has the right to refuse the card.

What is a universal electronic card

At its core, the UEC is a combination of a bank card, SNILS, a health insurance policy, and an identity document. In addition, you can enter data about your travel card, passes, and driver’s license. The card has a microchip built into it, which stores all the information about various electronic applications.

The UEC project is larger than a conventional payment system. The universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation makes it possible to use all kinds of municipal, state and commercial services. As stated on the official website of UEC, with the help of these cards, Russians will be able to remotely use some services that were not previously available. We are talking about submitting applications and completing various documentation.


The external design of the UEC coincides with the design of a regular bank plastic card. Service through it is carried out at payment terminals, ATMs, retail outlets, as well as via the Internet. Non-contact use is also acceptable.

The UEC itself must contain the following information:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the owner;
  • photo;
  • number;
  • validity;
  • contact information of authorized organizations.

The card does not contain a barcode.

Who can receive

According to the law, a citizen of the Russian Federation (Russia) is issued to all citizens of our country, regardless of age. Previously, the basis for its issuance was an application submitted to an authorized organization. Currently, issuance does not require a special application.

When receiving a card for children under 14 years of age, only their legal representatives can sign the application for issuance. In this case, it is impossible to connect the banking application to the card. Children over 14 years of age can connect it only with parental consent.

Where and how is the UEC issued?

A universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation is issued by organizations that are approved individually in each region. As a rule, banks and multifunctional centers are engaged in issuing.

To issue a card, you must present the following documents:

  • general passport (for children - birth certificate);
  • pension certificate;
  • health insurance policy;
  • photo on electronic media.

It is not necessary to bring a photo. When you receive your card, you will be photographed. The application must indicate the bank that will be used for the payment application. You can only select an organization that is a partner of this program. Card production time is no more than 20 days. Upon receipt, a general passport is required.


Many opportunities open up for UEC owners. What does a universal card give to citizens of the Russian Federation? With its help, you can obtain services from government organizations and various departments - tax, migration services, registration chamber, traffic police and others. For example, you can pay for utilities, public transport tickets, purchases in stores, taxes, government duties, make money transfers, make appointments with doctors, kindergartens, receive electronic prescriptions for medicines, keep an electronic diary, pay for meals in educational institutions. institutions. The list of available UEC services and various options for its use is gradually expanding.


The universal electronic card of a Russian citizen (UEC) has a number of advantages:

  • compactness - the card replaces several documents at once;
  • the ability to remotely receive government services at any time and anywhere;
  • the procedure for contacting state and municipal institutions takes less time, since card data is entered automatically;
  • the card has an electronic digital signature, which allows holders to use the services of commercial providers;
  • the ability to connect a card to a specific bank account;
  • Possibility of use as a travel ticket, as well as to pay for goods and services.


The universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation (UEC) is not mandatory for all citizens. According to the law, anyone can refuse it by writing a corresponding statement. You can do this anytime. After reviewing the application, the card will be cancelled. You can refuse the UEC until January 1 of the next year (2017). The list of application acceptance points is presented on the UEC website.

Replacement and loss

The universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation can be replaced both in case of loss or change in the installation data of its owner. An application for a duplicate is submitted to authorized organizations in each constituent entity of Russia.

The application is reviewed within a month. Based on the entries made in the register, a duplicate UEC is issued. Issuance is carried out directly to the citizen on the basis of an identity document. The fee for re-issuing a card if lost is determined separately in each subject of the federation. Replacement is absolutely free.


The creation of the UEC caused a flurry of emotions from the public. The fact is that the cards contain personal data regarding the amount of monthly income, the owners’ property, social security and other information about various aspects of human activity. All information is compiled into a single data bank. Opponents of the electronic card argue that the information security system is far from perfect and access to the database can be obtained by third parties. Moreover, all information will be contained in the microchip.

Even at the pilot stage, the project became a cause of discontent among Russians. More than a third of Moscow residents spoke out against the implementation of the UEC. The Moscow City Duma received more than 10 thousand appeals.

The universal electronic card causes a lot of discussion on the Internet. Total control, according to opponents of the system, has become quite real. After all, all operations and even the route of a citizen’s movement can be tracked. Information leakage may well occur.

There is another point of view. Many citizens fear that electronic cards will be very effective in cities where infrastructure is developed. In villages and towns, you should not expect results from the UEC.

Human rights activists argue that while civil society is at a low level of development, the introduction of universal personalized cards could lead to abuse and fraud.

The government claims that universal electronic cards carry out routing, but not the consolidation of information about citizens. That is, using the map, you can extract the necessary information from the database, which is located in the department of government agencies. Also, the UEC developers and project organizers claim that all cards are protected by hardware and software and are directly controlled by the state. It is not at all necessary to issue a card; you can issue a refusal if you wish.

So, the universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation is a very useful invention of our time. With its help, you can receive various non-cash payment transactions. Its main advantage is that it contains information about several documents of its owner. Every citizen can receive a universal card. However, the introduction of a system of personalized cards caused dissonance in society. Many Russians are categorically against this innovation. However, the authorities leave the choice to the citizens - they can refuse the card.

The “Universal Electronic Card” project is being implemented under the control of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. This initiative is of national importance.

Related materials:

JSC UEC announces the cancellation of the issue and issuance of universal electronic cards (UEC) from January 1, 2017. The corresponding decision was made at the federal level and enshrined in Federal Law No. 471-FZ of December 28, 2016.

based on his written statement. From the beginning of 2015, the card will be issued depending on whether you have submitted an application or not. If a citizen does not want to receive the UEC, he can submit an application to refuse to receive the card.

General provisions on the universal electronic card are definedFederal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.”

At the beginning of 2014, the Federation Council approved amendments to the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, which extend the deadline for issuing universal cards based on applications from citizens until December 31, 2014. Mandatory issuance of UEC for citizens who have not submitted an application for refusal is provided for from January 1, 2015.

In 2014, the Moscow Government plans to issue 500,000 universal electronic cards with a transport application.

— Editorial

UEC - what does a universal card give to citizens of the Russian Federation?

The universal electronic card (UEC) is intended to certify the rights of the UEC user to receive state and municipal services, as well as to pay for these services in electronic form.

The card can be a carrier of a qualified electronic digital signature (EDS) of a citizen, which gives him the opportunity to perform legally significant actions, including receiving state, municipal and commercial services in electronic form.

The main features of the UEC electronic banking application, operating throughout the Russian Federation, include:

  1. Payment for state, municipal and commercial services.
  2. Payment for goods and services in a retail network.
  3. Cash withdrawal from ATMs.
  4. Banking services (deposits, loans, money transfers, etc., the list of services is established by the issuing bank).

Additionally, the UEC can host independent regional and municipal electronic applications that provide services in a specific region.

UEC - new passport?

Currently, the UEC does not have the status of an identity document (although a bill introducing an electronic passport in 2015 was submitted to the State Duma in January 2013 and is under consideration).

The UEC does not replace a passport, legal passport or driver's license of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The UEC provides access to information about the owner of the UEC to certify his rights to receive state, municipal services and other services.

Where and how can you use UEC

The card is a tool with which departments, funds, organizations and institutions will be able to provide citizens with a wide range of services electronically. The card can be used:

  • at ATMs and POS terminals;
  • in terminals of the network of participants of the Unified payment and service system “Universal electronic card”;
  • in departments (MFC);
  • in transport (metro, ground transport);
  • on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services.
  • on regional portals of state and municipal services;
  • on the UEK-online Portal;
  • on the portals of commercial service providers who have received appropriate permission to authorize UEC users.

In the near future, with the help of UEC, as the developers promise, the following opportunities will appear:

  • receive information about the provided utility services and their charges with the possibility of payment;
  • making an appointment with a doctor, filling out an application for high-tech care, receiving primary medical care and electronic registry services, electronic medical history, electronic prescriptions, payment for medications and services;
  • obtaining information about the results of the Unified State Examination, entrance examinations and enrollment in universities, and about the child’s academic performance;
  • enrollment of a child in kindergarten;
  • use the card as an analogue of a travel ticket, including for privileged categories of citizens;
  • apply for and receive benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, and child care;
  • submit applications for assignment or recalculation of a pension;
  • get up and leave the tax office, file tax returns, receive information about unpaid fines and pay them;
  • apply for unemployment benefits, financial assistance and assistance in employment;
  • receive information about the status of an individual personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system, an application for transfer to a non-state pension fund.
  • pay traffic police fines, fees when obtaining a driver’s license, registering or deregistering a vehicle;
  • remote execution of insurance contracts.

UEC and compulsory medical insurance

When applying for UEC, it is strongly recommended to have your insurance policy with you compulsory health insurance. In the absence of a policy, the applicant will not be able to receive medical services using the card. Moreover, from January 1, 2014, having a compulsory medical insurance policy is a prerequisite for obtaining UEC.

For example, military personnel and citizens equivalent to them cannot receive UEC, because they are not issued a compulsory medical insurance policy.


Currently, the insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the compulsory pension insurance system of the Russian Federation (SNILS) is the most popular citizen identifier and is used to receive services on state portals. When using UEC, SNILS is read automatically.

Using UEC on the Internet

To use the UEC on the Internet, use card reader — a device for interacting with the UEC, having certified software and hardware protection.

To work on a personal computer of a UEC user, any card reader that complies with the PC/SC standard can be used. Card readers for UEC are supplied by independent suppliers. Also requiredinstall the software (it is free, as reported on the UEC website, you can download the program on the manufacturer’s website CIPF "CryptoPro UEC CSP"), allowing you to work with an electronic signature.

Using a card reader, the holder of a universal electronic card has access to all electronic services provided on the portals of state and municipal services, as well as to sign, for example, contracts (which is important for freelancers and those who cannot physically sign a document).

At the beginning of April 2013, amendments were introduced to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulating distance employment. Now an employment contract drawn up electronically, certified by the electronic signatures of the parties, has the same force as a paper contract signed in person. In this case, the employment contract must indicate within what time the employer and employee must confirm receipt of the electronic document from each other.

The cost of a card reader in retail stores is 200-400 rubles.

How to get UEC?

UEC is issued free of charge to citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of a personal application.

The card is valid for five years.

At the moment, it is not possible to apply for UEC remotely. To do this, you need to go to a service point, which is also an application acceptance point.

For citizens under 14 years of age, an application for issuance of a UEC is submitted and signed by a legal representative. In this case, posting a photograph of a minor on the UEC is not necessary.

Minors aged fourteen to eighteen years can independently apply for a UEC and receive a card, as well as refuse it.

When submitting an application, a citizen must have with him:

  • identification document (required);
  • compulsory health insurance policy ( mandatory from January 1, 2014);
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available).

The application can be submitted in Moscow, having only temporary registration in the capital (only for citizens of the Russian Federation). But filing an application by proxy is not provided for by law.

There, at the service point, the applicant will be photographed. You can bring a photo with you (color or black and white,electronically or on paper), but it must meet the following requirements:

  • For paper photographs - 3.5 x 4.5 cm, on matte paper up to 0.3 mm thick, without creases, scratches or other damage, andthe image must be in focus, pThe distance from the chin to the top of the head should be 70-80% of the height of the photo.
  • For a photo in electronic form, the photo must be saved with a resolution of 420 pixels in width by 525 pixels in height to 480 pixels in width by 600 pixels in height, depending on the optical resolution of the image with an aspect ratio of 4:5 in JPEG format. The maximum file size for a color photograph is 300 KB, the minimum is 90 KB. The maximum file size for a monochrome photo is 60 KB, the minimum is 17 KB. Colors: either 24-bit RGB color space, in which each pixel has 8 bits for each color component (red, green and blue); or 8-bit monochrome color space in which each pixel has 8 bits of brightness value.When using a scanner, the photo must be scanned with an optical resolution of 533 to 610 dpi.

If desired, the applicant can include an electronic signature key in the data that his card will “carry.” This signature will have the same legal effect as the applicant's personal physical signature.

When submitting an application, the applicant selects the bank to which the card will be linked to the account.

For now, the choice of banks is limited. The affiliate program includes:

  1. OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"
  2. OJSC "Bank Uralsib"
  4. OJSC "Moscow Industrial Bank"
  5. OJSC CB "Center-invest"
  6. OJSC Bank Saint Petersburg
  7. OJSC Bank AVB
  8. CJSC "Surgutneftegazbank"
  9. Bank "Severny Credit" (OJSC)
  10. JSCB "Almazergienbank" OJSC
  11. "Zapsibkombank" OJSC
  12. OJSC "Asian-Pacific Bank"
  14. LLC "Khakassian Municipal Bank"

The account, if available, can be linked to the card, or first opened and then linked. But for these actions you need to form a bank yourself. They will not link your account to the card at the service point; it is not their competence.

When the card is ready, the applicant needs to visit the card issuing point (it is indicated in the application; as a rule, the application acceptance points and the issuing points are the same) and receive the card itself and an envelope with PIN codes for it. PIN codes are needed for different functions (one code for each function): for personal identification when receiving services, signing documents with an electronic signature, used when need to change codes for these two actions, and a PIN for the banking application.

If you receive a card in Moscow, on the website uec.mos.ru you can check the status of the application for issuance of the UEC, and check the card itself. From there you can go toportal of state and municipal services of the city of Moscow.

If there is a defect, replacement of the UEC is carried out free of charge based on an application.

Moscow region

There are 4 service points in the Moscow region.

JSC is responsible for the implementation of the project in the Moscow region "Universal electronic map of the Moscow region."

Replacement if stolen, lost or expiredUEC

In case of loss, you should immediately notify the organization that issued the UEC (for Moscow this is the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Social Register", for the Moscow region - JSC "Universal electronic map of the Moscow region"), to the bank in which the account linked to the UEC is opened and, if there is an electronic signature on the lost UEC, to the certification center that issued the key certificate for verifying the electronic signature placed on the UEC.

A citizen has the right to apply for a duplicate UEC. Issuance of a duplicate is carried out on a paid basis.

In case of expiration, replacement of the bank, the card is issued free of charge.

Refusal from UEC

If you do not want to receive a personal electronic card, you need to contact the organization authorized to issue cards (for Moscow this is the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Social Register", for the Moscow region - OJSC "Universal Electronic Card of the Moscow Region").

But it is worth keeping in mind that you can refuse to use the UEC only if the UEC has been issued. Therefore, it makes sense to apply for a refusal after January 1, 2014, when cards will be issued en masse.

Refusal to use the UEC does not mean cancellation of the card. Refusal to receive or use the UEC does not carry any restrictions on receiving services, benefits, etc. Services and benefits will be provided on the basis of existing documents.

Surely, everyone has already heard that there is such a thing as Unfortunately, not everyone knows the meaning and purpose of this card. So let's talk about UEC - what it is and why it is needed.

What is a universal electronic card?

First of all, you need to understand exactly what problems a universal card can solve. Regardless of the fact that the card is primarily a means of payment, its main significance lies in simplifying citizens’ access to services provided by the state and municipalities in electronic format.

It is worth noting that projects that are carried out at the federal level are not commercial startups, and therefore there is a difference in financial opportunities depending on the region. The UEC card is financed not only from the federal budget, but also from regional budgets (Moscow, Tatarstan, Bashkiria and some others).

But still, the transition to electronic service instead of live queues and papers is a global trend that most countries are striving for. The most important advantage is that these innovations make it possible to avoid bureaucratic delays. In addition, countries mainly practice projects that allow you to issue UEC for free.

What features does the card have?

Of all the available features of the card, the most pleasant is that the UEC signature has an electronic signature. In other words, an electronic signature can be a worthy replacement for a regular one. In addition, it can be attached remotely. For example, on a government services website such a signature can serve as

In addition, the universal electronic card contains data from most documents - passport, policy, insurance certificate and others. As practice shows, such a card can be presented in many services instead of a regular paper document.

Many even imagine the UEC in this way, that it is such a universal means for replacing documents, and not for payments. But it can also be used for calculations. The limitation here is probably the PRO100 system. You can’t use it everywhere, but if Sberbank issues the UEC, its ATMs will accept such a card. In this case, the card can also be considered as a second wallet, where you can easily store your funds and, if necessary, get them from an ATM.

How to issue an electronic card?

To apply for a card, you just need to come to the registration point and present your passport and other documents, information about which will be entered on the new card. In addition, you need to write an application for release, and after a while you will become the owner of the UEC.

Is it possible to pay for UEC travel?

One of the most poorly implemented features is payment for public transport. If you have a UEC, you shouldn’t have a question about how to get such a service. But you should remember that it appears only in some regions. This card is a kind of wallet with which you can instantly pay for travel. This is a great idea and quite useful, we just have to wait for it to be very well developed.

What prospects do UEC cards have?

What is it - an excellent project without development? It's a mess, don't you think? I am very pleased with the fact that people are paying attention to this banking product and developing it. The project is becoming more developed, the number of places where such cards can be accepted is also becoming wider, and probably the most important thing is that the functionality of the card is also growing.

Today, universal cards are mostly considered a pilot project, since their small presence is felt in important areas of life, but when many people use them, the system will show all its usefulness.

So, we found out what UEC is, so now we can say that it is a product of the future. Its use is relevant in most areas of life, but the system is not yet sufficiently developed. Getting such a card is quite simple. You can contact a branch of Sberbank or another bank that issues such cards, or submit an application on the official website.

How to use?

Using UEC is no different from a simple card. You can pay for services, purchases, withdraw cash, and so on. The only thing that can become an obstacle to use is the PRO100 system, which is not used in every ATM. In particular, Sberbank has it. The card also contains all the data about the user, which is very convenient because you don’t have to carry a bunch of pieces of paper with you, but you can show only one card, from which the necessary information will be read.

Is it possible

Every citizen has this right. To do this, just contact the point where you issued the card and submit the appropriate application.

When you receive such a card, you can receive everything the same as before, in any usual way with the presentation of your passport and other documentation. If you refuse the card, you do not lose the right to receive services.

As the migration service promises, they will soon use it. Here we are talking about plastic electronic cards, which store all the information a person needs. It is also planned that such passports will be used as a key to enter the government services portal.


I would like to say that UEC is a great idea. Let's hope that it will develop, grow and expand its functionality. Who knows, maybe in many years it will replace all documents altogether, and we will no longer have the usual paper media, but only cards - and nothing more.