Pulse metal detector “Pirate. Do-it-yourself pirate metal detector detailed instructions Improved pirate metal detector circuit

Metal detector Pirate- one of the best metal detectors for a beginner. It is simple and the parameters are surprising. However, you always want to achieve more from a device, to somehow improve it. So I made a 2 in 1 coil for this metal detector. I just tried it, I didn’t even think that the performance would improve.

When I did it, the search parameters turned out to be as follows: 5 rubles pure sensitivity at 20 cm, a vodka coin (silver) with a diameter of 12 mm, pure sensitivity at 15 cm (with clicks 17-18 cm)!!! That is, non-ferrous metals (such as silver and gold) this metal detector sees better than, for example, nickel. And another important characteristic of this coil (besides increased sensitivity) is that the entire coil sees metals evenly, compared to an ordinary one (it sees better along the rim, but worse in the center, and is not as sensitive).

Coil parameters: large coil: frame 20 cm, wound 20 turns; Smaller coil: frame 9 cm 5 turns. And both coils are wound with 0.6 mm wire and connected in series, it turns out to be one coil. And for strength, I tightly wrapped both coils with threads and poured them with instant glue, but you can also use varnish. Here is a photo:

Then I used a machine to level out these mountains formed when tearing off the foam, although it didn’t turn out quite evenly, but after filling the coil will be fine.

Then I cut out “ears” from PCB and made holes in them for a plastic bolt, and then filled them with epoxy resin.

Just use REGULAR EPOXY! If you use a quick-hardening one, then while you are stirring it, it will set in half a minute and will heat up very much! My regular one got hot, the foam sank, but the coil managed to set, so it didn’t change shape. Next, we take out the dried coil of polystyrene foam and process the bur with a machine and a grinder. The result is this candy:

We present to your attention a diagram of a simple pulse metal detector PIRAT. Agree, trying to find something underground is a very exciting activity; perhaps someone will be interested in this scheme to try, and someone will want commercial benefits from searching for metals. The PIRAT metal detector is quite simple to manufacture and does not require complex settings, it does not contain rare or expensive parts, and in terms of parameters it competes with some imported items in the price category of 100-300 dollars. The main advantages of this device are range and stability. Even people with basic knowledge of electronics can assemble it.

type of printed circuit board of a pirate metal detectorDevice parameters: power supply - 9-12 volts, current consumption - 35-40 mA, sensitivity - 25 millimeter coin - 20 cm, large objects up to 150 cm, the device contains two main nodes: receiving and transmitting. In the transmitting node - a pulse generator on the NE555 chip, or a Soviet analogue - KR1006VI1 and a switch on the IRF740 transistor. The receiving unit operates on a BC547 transistor and a K157UD2 microcircuit.

The coil should be wound on a frame with a diameter of 190 mm, it contains 25 turns (PEV wire 0.5.-0.6). As a last resort, you can use KT 817 as transistor T2, well, this is already a field for experimentation. As T3, almost any NPN transistor. A properly assembled metal detector requires virtually no adjustment. In order for clicks in the speaker to be heard when R13 is in the middle position, it is necessary to select a resistor R12. An oscilloscope can measure the frequency of the oscillator and the duration of the control pulse at the T2 gate. The optimal pulse value is 120-150 µs, frequency 130-150 Hz.

Complete list of required radio components and pinout.

Working with a metal detector: after turning it on, wait 15-20 seconds, then use the regulator to find the position at which clicks can be heard in the loudspeaker - this will be the maximum sensitivity of the device. You can learn how to operate the device literally after just a few turns on. Anyone who has difficulty purchasing an NE555 or KR1006VI1 microcircuit can make a generator using transistors. It may be necessary to select the pulse duration and frequency due to the scatter of parameters. For this, it is advisable to have an oscilloscope.

The dream of finding treasure is increasingly being replaced in our time by a more realistic program of searching for precious metals in a natural or artificial environment.

In modern conditions it is very important to find and extract valuable materials, who turned out to be among the waste, or in another uncontrolled environment.

Equipment is an important component of such search technology.

The search and extraction of gold and valuable metals from waste, garbage, in the natural environment is part of the recycling strategy, a technology for the effective processing of used materials, including.

Searching for them in the ground or in masses of industrial and other waste not only requires the use of equipment, but also stimulates its improvement. Are being created devices of different levels and specializations. There is interest in such equipment among amateurs and enthusiasts of searching for valuable metals.

A metal detector is the most important tool for manually searching for metals in a chaotic natural or artificial environment.

Using such a device, you can search not only for silver, but also for silver and other precious metals.

Device principle any metal detector based on electromagnetic effects.

Here's how typical metal detecting technology works:

  1. Device creates an electromagnetic field.
  2. Metal an object, secretly located in a foreign environment, affects such a field when falls within its sphere of influence.
  3. Device detects the impact of an object on the electromagnetic field and signals this.

A large number of metal detector models operate precisely on this principle.

Technical differences in such equipment make it possible to obtain more complete information about the fact of detecting a metal object, for example:

  • estimate the mass of the find;
  • obtain data on the shape, size and configuration of an object;
  • specify the location, including depth.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about metal detectors of varying complexity and design. There you can also refresh your memory about the theory of the electromagnetic field, studied at school.

The simplest, primitive metal detectors (usually these are homemade designs for searching for gold, silver and other metals by amateur enthusiasts) assembled from ready-made devices and products operating using electromagnetic effects.

Many are familiar with the primitive, but quite workable circuit of a metal detector, in which an electromagnetic field creates a pulse element of a conventional calculator.

Reaction generated field on detected metal objects picks up the simplest household radio. The signal about such a find is audible, quite distinct and understandable.

More complex amateur and professional metal detecting devices retain the logical basis of the technology in the form of three components:

  • electromagnetic field generator;
  • sensor of changes in this field;
  • equipment for assessing detected anomalies, signaling this.

Devices of different levels of complexity and functional potential can be divided into groups. Classification based on professionalism and user specializations – one of the generally recognized:

  • amateur equipment, assembled by hand and used as a hobby tool or by beginners in metal detecting;
  • semi-professional equipment necessary for enthusiastic amateurs and fanatics;
  • professional metal detectors for those constantly working in this field;
  • special devices for metal detectors in difficult conditions - at depth, under water, with the release of precious metals.

The distribution of search equipment is such that many devices of this type can be purchased at gardening and country supply stores.

A device for searching and detecting metal is needed not only for recycling, but also for searching for artifacts and treasures. Numerous security systems for everyone well-known frames - one of the technology versions metal search. The settings of these frames are focused on searching for weapons and similar dangerous objects.


A very important node metal detecting equipment – reel or frame. This is most often a winding of a special configuration, the task of which is to form an electromagnetic field and capture its reaction to the detection of a metal body foreign to the search environment.

In most designs the coil is placed on a long rod– a handle to move it near the search area.

For amateur production of reels, frames of the most popular types are sold. The easiest way to make such a purchase is in an online store.

Many lovers make the coil frames yourself. This is done for reasons of cost savings or in the hope of obtaining a better-quality instrument of the author's design.

For this, improvised means are used– plastic products, plywood and even filling the assembled winding with construction foam.

The search operator or treasure hunter strives to find the most effective technique for working with a metal detector, choosing the desired operating modes of the electronics and the correct techniques for manipulating the coil.

Electronic circuit

The logical element of a metal detector is an electronic circuit. She performs many functions:

  1. The first task of this component is in creating an electromagnetic signal of the desired format, which is converted into a field using a coil.
  2. The second task of the electronic circuit is analysis of field changes captured by the frame, their processing.
  3. The third task is giving an informing signal to the operator– sound, light, indications of indicators and instruments.

It is best if anyone who wants to assemble an electronic circuit has knowledge of amateur radio or electronic technology. Such a master can not only assemble the required circuit, but also change and improve the design.

Many electronic devices are quite simple, Even a beginner can assemble them. The resulting device will be operational without configuration if the assembler exactly followed the recommendations of the developer of such a circuit.

How to make "Pirate" yourself?

One of the most popular models of metal detectors designed for homemade amateur production is the “Pirate”.

This name, containing abbreviated details of its device and the developers' website, wittily reflects the romance of searching for precious metals.

Here the main advantages of this model:

  • simplicity of device and assembly;
  • low cost of parts and materials;
  • sufficient operating parameters;
  • recognized convenience for beginners.

The electronic circuit of this model does not require programming. In "Pirate" details available to everyone are used, a correctly assembled circuit is fully operational.

Design and operating principle

The design and layout of the “Pirate” metal detector is traditional for equipment of this kind. It is a rod, at the lower end of which there is a coil, and in the upper part – electronic unit with battery.

The location of the electronic unit should leave room for comfortable holding of the rod by hand.

Some craftsmen prefer that the sound signal from the device is supplied not by a speaker, but by headphones. In this case, the headphone cable departs from the electronic unit.

The technology of operation of the device is pulsed. This allows us to provide very good sensitivity indicators for this class of equipment. Below is a diagram of an electronic unit on microcircuits.

A similar circuit can be assembled using transistors instead of microcircuits. This version may require additional settings, available only to experienced radio technicians. This is why the transistor circuit is used less frequently.

Materials, parts and blanks

In addition to the details and precision indicated on the circuit diagram of the electronic unit, for assembly metal detector for gold and other metals you will need to prepare some materials and blanks:

  • a ready-made board for assembling an electronic circuit or foil material for making it yourself;
  • power source in the form of any combination of batteries or batteries with a total voltage of 12V;
  • enamel wire with a cross section of 0.5 - 0.6 mm for making a coil;
  • stranded copper wire for connections with a cross-section of at least 0.75 sq. mm;
  • housing for the electronic unit - a plastic container of a suitable size;
  • a fairly strong plastic pipe for the rod;
  • coil winding frame;
  • consumables - solder, heat-shrinkable casing, electrical tape, screws and fasteners, adhesives and sealants.

It is best to make a printed circuit board for assembling an electronic circuit based on designs presented on the Internet.

Below is one of these samples, suitable for assembling electronics on microcircuits.

The manufacture of the board is carried out by amateurs of homemade electronics, and even then not all of them. Most people who want to create a metal detector themselves prefer to buy such a part.

To assemble the coil you will need a frame or frame, does not contain metal elements. An amateur craftsman can make such a frame from plywood, plastic, or select similar parameters from ready-made plastic products, for example, dishes. The frame can be purchased ready-made or made independently

Recommended coil parameters– 25 turns of enamel wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm on a mandrel with a diameter of 190-200 mm. An increase in diameter by 30% will lead to an increase in the sensitivity of the device, provided that the number of turns is reduced to 20-21.

The plastic frame for the coil is one of the most common metal detector parts on sale.

The technology for manipulating the coil is such that this very fragile unit can suffer from impacts from uneven ground, stones, and sharp objects. To avoid this the coil on the frame is covered from below with a plastic plate. This plate not only protects the reel, but also ensures that it glides through tall grass. The search becomes more intense.

Assembly procedure and design

To successfully assemble a metal detector It is best to follow this procedure:

  • manufacture of printed circuit boards and assembly of electronic circuits;
  • choosing a suitable plastic container for it and completing the assembly of the electronic unit;
  • coil manufacturing;
  • manufacturing a rod of a convenient shape and attaching an electronic unit and coil to it, making connections for an electronic circuit.

Although the order of assembly is not fundamental. For those who manufacture a device for constant long-term work in the field of searching for non-ferrous metals and subsequent recycling (processing for reuse), ease of use is an important factor.

In this case, elaboration of the shape of the bar and the layout of the main elements of the apparatus becomes a key factor. Thus, a serious design phase appears in the creation of the device.

It is best to perform this stage of work using life-size modeling. Such modeling can be done using wooden parts of suitable shape, for example:

  • shovel handle;
  • plywood pieces of the desired shape;
  • scraps from;
  • temporary fasteners made from pieces of wire, nails and ropes.

Having made sure that the assembled model of the device will be sufficiently functional and convenient, you can begin the final assembly. Ready-made device, usually, does not require configuration, it is completely ready to work. You can start searching for metal by choosing the desired level of sensitivity and the correct tactics for manipulating the coil.

Assemblers who need to assemble their apparatus as quickly as possible can use ready-made sets of parts.

Purchasing such a kit allows you to significantly simplify the production of “Pirate”. There is one of the proposals.

Users of the “Pirate” metal detector who have skills in amateur radio modify the design of this device. That's just several directions such improvements:

  1. Manufacturing coils with unusual parameters– in size, from special materials, for example, twisted pair cable.
  2. Arrangement of additional functional systems, for example, indicating the degree of battery discharge.
  3. Manufacturing models for underwater work.
  4. Add-ons electronic circuit, allowing to distinguish between metals(creating a discrimination function).

A simple, inexpensive and reliable metal detector “Pirate” works properly in a variety of conditions.

Homemade metal detector - pros and cons

Cheapness, basic advantage self-production of any products, relevant for a metal detector. Here are some others dignity for a homemade device:

  • best match to search technology for beginners;
  • the ability to create a device with a completely individual shape, design and configuration;
  • the pleasure of making an effective, efficient device yourself.

Like any amateur-made device, a metal detector not without some drawbacks.

Here are the features of the “Pirate” model that users note:

  • energetic charge consumption power batteries;
  • no discrimination, that is, precise sensitivity to ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals;
  • limited compared to expensive models sensitivity.

Despite its shortcomings, the Pirate model is very popular. This is explained by the simplicity of homemade production and the high performance of an inexpensive device.

Recycling experts believe that the discrimination capabilities of a metal detector are not of great importance. All metals found are so valuable that recycling them is always justified. Focusing on finding gold requires not only equipment, but also considerable experience, accompanying knowledge and, of course, Good luck.

Video on the topic

The video provides a detailed guide to making and assembling the Pirate metal detector with your own hands:


When the metal detector is ready, you can begin work. You need to be aware that not even the most advanced apparatus will allow you to find only golden hidden objects.

A metal detector will help you find valuable metal, and it is very likely that it will be gold. It is best if the future metal and gold seeker has a realistic understanding of search techniques.

Many features of the operation of finished equipment are very important for those who develop and assemble their own models. You need to have an idea of ​​the technology in advance with such equipment - this is precisely the basis of its high-quality design.

The success of finding gold increases with experience. Here most important elements such experience:

  • the correct choice of metal detector design and high-quality manufacturing of it yourself;
  • ability to correctly select a search site;
  • ability to use the full potential of a metal detector;
  • choosing the right search technology in different conditions;
  • modernization of the metal detector.

Properly assembled and debugged equipment will always help in the search for gold, and this valuable metal will definitely be found.

In contact with

In our difficult times, many people are looking for treasures, and sometimes just scrap metal, some out of interest, and some, to be honest, in order to earn a piece of bread. Now there are many offers on the Internet for the sale of branded metal detectors, as well as circuits for self-assembly of MDs. But as they say, to each his own. Some people don’t have enough money to buy a ready-made device, while others just want to try their hand at assembling a metal detector with their own hands. It is for this category of people that this article is intended.

The "PIRAT" metal detector (short for PI - pulse, RA-T - radioskot - developer site) is easy to manufacture and configure, does not contain programmable elements that many radio amateurs are so afraid of, it does not contain expensive and scarce elements, and in terms of its parameters it is not inferior some foreign copies cost 100-300 USD. The main advantages of this device over other simple metal detector designs are stability and range. Even people with basic knowledge in the field of electronics can assemble this MD. Have you decided? Then let's go.

Metal detector parameters:

Power - 9-12 volts
Current consumption – 30-40 mA
Sensitivity - 25 mm coin - 20 cm
- large metal objects - 150 cm

The device consists of two main units, transmitting and receiving. The transmitting unit consists of a pulse generator on the KR1006VI1 microcircuit (a foreign analogue of NE555) and a powerful switch on the IRF740 transistor. The receiving unit is assembled on a K157UD2 microcircuit and a VS547 transistor.

Schematic diagram of the PIRATE metal detector

The coil is wound on a 190mm mandrel and contains 25 turns of PEV 0.5 wire. We will replace transistor T2 with a bipolar transistor NPN structure with a K-E voltage of at least 200 volts. It can be taken from an energy-saving lamp or a mobile phone charger. In extreme cases, even KT817 works as a T2, so you can experiment. Almost any NPN structure transistor can be used as T3. A properly assembled device requires virtually no adjustment. You may have to select a resistor R12 so that clicks in the speaker appear when R13 is in the middle position. If you have an oscilloscope, you can check the duration of the control pulse and the frequency of the generator on the T2 gate. The optimal pulse option is 130-150 μs, frequency 120-150 Hz.

Working with the device. When turning on, wait 15-20 seconds, after which we use the SENSITIVITY regulator to find a position at which clicks are heard in the speaker - this will be the maximum sensitivity. The device is easy to use and the skills to work with it come in just a couple of starts.

Anyone who has a problem purchasing the KR1006VI1 microcircuit can assemble a generator using transistors. But here, due to the scatter of their parameters, it may be necessary to select the frequency and duration of the pulse. For this, it is advisable to have an oscilloscope. Oscillograms at various points in the circuit are shown in the pictures.

Metal detector circuitPIRATwith a transistor generator:

- R1 in the generator is responsible for the generation frequency.
- R2 - for the duration of the control pulse.

For those who like to measure something, here are the voltages at the op-amp terminals (without the presence of metal in the sensor area):


The metal detector circuit is assembled on a printed circuit board made of foil fiberglass. Drawings for both versions of the metal detector in LAY5.0 format, oscillograms on the legs of the op-amp and a short video of the MD in operation are available. The archive also contains an option from user troll. I would like to immediately warn those who like to solder with all kinds of fluxes and acids - solder only with pure rosin or an alcohol-rosin solution! After soldering, wash off any remaining rosin with alcohol. This will save you from many questions, like: “I did it, but it doesn’t work.” Special thanks to my friend Bars59, for the greatest contribution to the development of this device.

Discuss the article PIRAT METAL DETECTOR

The PIRAT metal detector is easy to manufacture and configure, does not contain programmable elements, and does not contain expensive or scarce elements. The main advantages of this device over other simple metal detector designs are stability and range. Even people with basic knowledge in the field of electronics can assemble this MD.

Metal detector parameters:

1. Power – 9-12 volts

2. Current consumption – 30-40 mA

3. Sensitivity – 25 mm coin – 20 cm

4. Large metal objects - 150 cm

The device consists of two main units, transmitting and receiving. The transmitting unit consists of a pulse generator on the KR1006VI1 microcircuit (a foreign analogue of NE555) and a powerful switch on the IRF740 transistor. The receiving unit is assembled on a K157UD2 microcircuit and a VS547 transistor.

The coil is wound on a 190mm mandrel and contains 25 turns of PEV 0.5 wire.

We will replace transistor T2 with a bipolar transistor NPN structure with a K-E voltage of at least 200 volts. It can be taken from an energy-saving lamp or a mobile phone charger. In extreme cases, even KT817 works as a T2, so you can experiment. Almost any NPN structure transistor can be used as T3. A properly assembled device requires virtually no adjustment. You may have to select a resistor R12 so that clicks in the speaker appear when R13 is in the middle position. If you have an oscilloscope, you can check the duration of the control pulse on gate T2 and

generator frequency. The optimal pulse option is 130-150 μs, frequency 120-150 Hz.

The board was manufactured using LUT technology (laser ironing technology).

The printed circuit board is ready, now we solder the elements:

The metal detector in the body looks like this:

Video of working with the device:

When turning it on, wait 15-20 seconds, after which we use the SENSITIVITY regulator to find a position at which clicks are heard in the speaker - this will be the maximum sensitivity. The device is easy to use and the skills to work with it come in just a couple of starts.

The metal detector circuit is assembled on a printed circuit board made of foil fiberglass. Drawings of the printed circuit board for both versions of the metal detector in LAY5.0 format, oscillograms on the legs of the op-amp and a short video of the MD operation are in the archive. The archive also contains an option on SMD components from the user, site www.radioskot.ru, troll.

I would like to immediately warn those who like to solder with all kinds of fluxes and acids - solder only with pure rosin or an alcohol-rosin solution! After soldering, wash off any remaining rosin with alcohol. This will save you from many questions, like: “I did it, but it doesn’t work.” Special thanks to comrade Bars59 for his greatest contribution to the development of this device.