Projects of log houses up to 100 m2
Small houses made of rounded logs are a solution that every owner of a summer cottage will appreciate, because the area of ​​such houses is not...
Which water meter is better?
The law requiring the installation of metering devices in every apartment has come into force. Based on its provisions, pay according to the standards...
How to build an inexpensive house
People even with a low income can become the owner of country real estate in the Nizhny Novgorod region. In our catalog of standard...
Sprouted wheat and its benefits and harm to human health, advice from doctors on the norms and use of grains Wheat germ health benefits
Since ancient times, people have known about the benefits of wheat germ. They were used in eastern countries and European countries as a miraculous...
Based on what methods to calculate the standard number of personnel of an electric grid organization Number of workers, people
Is the jourdain in good condition?
Mr. Jourdain is the main character of Moliere's play "". He is rich, but not famous. His father is a simple merchant. Jourdain hides his origin...
Design standards and rules
The construction of a private house, as well as its design, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory...
Allied landings in France
World War II Colley Rupert Landing in Normandy: D-Day Landing in Normandy: D-Day Hitler had long foreseen that the Allies...
Syringe tube for one-time use Procedure and sequence of compliance with the standard
Siretta) a disposable device for administering drugs subcutaneously or intramuscularly, consisting of an elastic...
Recipe for making herring oil with photo
Nevertheless, this nutritious product is great for breakfast or for a light snack. Making herring oil is easy...
How to formalize and apply for divorce if you have minor children
The presence of a minor child in the family is not an obstacle to filing. However, for such cases it is provided...
Turkey with mushrooms in the oven Turkey fillet with mushrooms and cheese
Turkey with mushrooms in sour cream is a delicious and simple dish for every day. You can experiment with any mushrooms, from simple champignons...
The ships of Christopher Columbus: Santa Maria, Pinta and Niña The ship on which Columbus sailed
I sorted out a little photos from our short but unusually eventful vacation-trip around New York State. We saw so much...