How to properly tie screw piles. How is screw piles tied with timber? Channel grillage

The strength and durability of the foundation depends on the competent execution of work at each stage. An equally important and final point is tying the piles. The main function of the foundation strapping is to strengthen the structure and increase its rigidity.

  • Screw pile tying

    Is it necessary to tie screw piles? The foundation on screw piles is the most reliable, convenient, and most importantly, economical foundation of all existing ones. Its convenience lies in the ability to build buildings on any soil (even if it is unstable and mobile). And in order for the piles to clearly maintain their position, they must use strapping (provided that the height of the installed piles exceeds 60 cm). Tying the piles is done:

    • timber;
    • channel;
    • I-beam;
    • concrete.

    A very common fastening of piles is tying with beams. This type is popular when building wooden houses or baths. A prerequisite, as for all types of piping, is the same height of all piles laid in the ground in order to avoid distortions of the house. The price of tying with timber is considered average (a little more expensive compared to tying with a profile pipe and much cheaper than an I-beam).

    To join the beam, it is necessary to make cuts on both sides (two on each side - top and bottom). The joints formed between the cuts must be covered with jute.

    Tools needed when tying beams:

    • electric or chainsaw;
    • building level;
    • roulette.

    To install, carry and process timber, a maximum number of workers is required. The tying of screw piles with timber must be done with high quality, because the reliability, strength and beauty of the future home will depend on this. In the photo you can see in detail how to properly tie screw piles to create a solid foundation.

    Also, for a better understanding, we suggest watching the video “Tying screw piles with a channel.”

    Tying screw piles with a channel and an I-beam

    Channel tying will also help improve the rigidity of the foundation. The technology of fastening a structure with a channel requires the use of special crane equipment. The choice of such piping is suitable for large buildings that require large space to use crane equipment. In this regard, tying screw piles with a channel is significantly inferior in popularity to beams. The price of channel and beam strapping is approximately the same.

    When the piles are tied with a channel, it is necessary to additionally use anti-corrosion protection, since the existing air between the platform and the ground provokes the appearance of dampness. Only in this case will the foundation serve reliably for many years.

    The channel, located on the pile head with its side faces down, resists lateral loads with great efficiency. By turning the channel over, an ordinary formwork is formed, which can then be filled with concrete mass, forming a reinforcing belt.

    To maintain the strength of the grillage along with the upper “formwork”, as a compromise, you can use an I-beam of the same dimensions instead of a channel.

    A universal method of tying is considered to be tying a profile pipe (or corner) in two rows along the entire perimeter of the foundation. Flat slate and cement particle board are attached to the piles. The cladding is done with basement siding and facade decorative panels.

    When tying with a profile pipe, as well as a channel, careful attention should be paid to the fastening elements. Typically, bolts and rivets are used. Since it is metal, the profile pipe should also be treated with a special anti-corrosion coating.

    Tying screw piles with an angle is considered a fairly economical and reliable option.

    ). Low consumption of building materials, minimal volumes of excavation work and the ability to do without special equipment allow you to save a lot of money.

    To give the structure strength and reliability, separate supports are combined into a single rigid system using a grillage (). This is the foundation strapping, designed to evenly distribute the load from the building to the ground.

    Depending on its location relative to the ground level, the harness can be:

    • buried - immersed in the ground in such a way that its upper edge is flush with the ground;
    • elevated – lying on the ground;
    • high (hanging) – raised above the ground by 150 mm or higher.

    The latter option is used on heaving soils. The first - buried - is used extremely rarely and only on sedentary soils.

    Depending on the materials used, there are four types of piping for pile foundations:

    • channel;
    • I-beam;
    • reinforced concrete monolithic tape;
    • timber.

    The metal harness is highly durable, but it is very difficult to install it without a truck crane.

    Reinforced concrete grillage is superior in strength to metal grillage. You can build it yourself, but the labor costs for its arrangement are high. In addition, construction time is being delayed: work has to be suspended until the concrete gains the required strength.

    When constructing private houses from light building materials, it is quite possible to get by with timber: wooden framing is cheaper than metal and reinforced concrete, is quickly installed and has sufficient strength.

    Features of tying piles with timber

    As a starting material, you can use timber with a cross-section of 150x200 mm or boards 50x200 mm, assembled into a composite beam. With a distance between supports not exceeding 2.5 meters, such a structure can easily support the weight of a two-story frame building.

    The lower frame of a frame house on screw piles simultaneously plays the role of an intermediate link in attaching the walls of the structure to the foundation. Consequently, the responsibility for uniform distribution of the load lies with her. Therefore, it is especially important to prevent the screws from differing in height.

    If such an incident occurs and the timber hangs in the void above one of the piles, the situation can be corrected by driving a wooden spacer into the void through the waterproofing layer.

    But it’s better to avoid such a problem in the first place.

    Video about the types of foundation lining on screw piles.

    A country house usually weighs quite a lot, therefore, its support must be very strong, despite the fact that the foundation is created from individual piles. The binding of screw piles is required to evenly distribute the entire mass of the building. Thanks to this reliable coupling, it is possible to connect individual piles into a single whole - the foundation.

    Features and purpose

    Separately located elements placed along a line, without any contact with each other, form the basis of a pile foundation. To connect the piles into one whole structure, which is needed to lay the foundation of the foundation that is the support of the building, it is necessary to equip each pile with a special cap, and then create a frame on it. Moreover, this strapping aligns the entire top line along which the piles are installed into a single, flat horizontal plane. This is very important for the sustainability of the future home. It is worth noting right away that a pile-screw foundation is the best option for creating a foundation for buildings.

    This type of foundation is environmentally friendly, costs significantly less, is lightweight and can be installed very quickly compared to other types of foundations. A residential building from timber can be built with significant benefits. The house itself is built mainly independently, the principle of the designer is applied. When laying the foundation, screw piles are screwed into the ground; work is carried out in a similar way to tightening self-tapping screws. You may encounter certain difficulties when tying screw piles. Because during the installation process you need to form a grillage. It is worth remembering that much will depend on the quality of the work.

    Load calculation

    When installing a pile foundation on screw supports, you have to work with the base for a light load. This scheme is well suited for small sheds, garages and bathhouses made from timber. The weak support will be more than compensated by the significant speed of construction and very low costs. The foundation on screw piles is constructed from supports installed vertically and piping horizontally. There are usually four supports for the entire system, although there may be more.

    The piping in this case is represented by a grillage. It is created from a material suitable for creating a beam. It can be either concrete, wood, or metal. Wood is used as the base of the beam, a corner is made from metal, and blocks are made from concrete. The lashing of screw piles connects the beams to each other and to the grillage. The success of the process directly depends on careful compliance with all requirements of the installation and installation instructions.

    The pile heads must be on the same horizontal line, which is controlled when the supports are immersed in the ground. The width of the beam should be one and a half times greater than the diameter of the piles. Another mandatory requirement is that the axis in the center of the supports must go only through the center of the beam. Screw pile tying connects supports and beams with a threaded connection, either welded or clamped.

    What and how to tie?

    Strapping material

    Installation depends on the characteristics of the beam and foundation material. Tying screw piles with timber is very common. But many are interested in the question of whether it is necessary to use technology using timber if stronger materials can be used, for example, concrete or metal. It should be noted that timber is the best option for a grillage when building houses made of wood or using frame technology, since timber has great strength and very high resistance to temperature changes. When treated with an antiseptic that protects the wood from rot, the service life of the timber is longer than that of steel beams. Timber tying of screw piles is carried out using a technology that involves fastening beams to threads, or all parts of the grillage are secured using clamps.

    Threaded mounting

    This technique is used only for foundations made in a U-shape. The timber is installed in the recesses on the flanges and secured with support using self-tapping screws. Roofing material is placed between the beams and piles. Connect the beams at the corners into a paw or bowl. The corner can be fastened with spikes. For outside corners, angle-shaped elements are used. This technique allows you not to waste time on the tongue-and-groove system.

    The best way to tie screw piles is to place the fastener element on the outer corner. Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws to the beams.

    Using clamps

    This fixation is used in systems using piles without a flange. In this case, a rectangular platform is welded on top of the pile head, and a grillage beam is placed on it. A U-shaped clamp is laid on top of the beam; its width should be equal to the width of the beam. The edges of the clamp that will hang down are connected by welding or a threaded connection to a vertical support. In the corners of the beam, the connection is made using a metal angle.

    Application of channel and I-beam

    On lightly loaded structures, you can build a grillage from a channel. Such structures include, for example, bathhouses and sheds. A grillage made of piles and metal is tied together by welding. The base and structural elements are attached to a circular seam. The assembly procedure involves installing the channel on the pile heads. The element can be strengthened in such a way that the side edges will “look” down. The channel tying of screw piles is also carried out in the opposite direction, in which case the edges are directed upward.

    When the channel is positioned along such a system, the resistance to loads on the transverse parts of the structure is much better. The result is formwork, which must be filled with mortar, this is how the wall masonry for the reinforcing belt is formed. To ensure high strength strapping, an I-beam of equal dimensions is used instead of a channel. When channels and beams are joined at the corners, then welding is used. After tying the supports, the grillage is coated with an anti-corrosion agent.


    Tying screw piles with boards often involves the use of material made from cedar, larch, pine or spruce. In this case, the fastening of the foundation begins with the production of a beam, which is based on boards. The elements are glued together and fixed with self-tapping screws or a bolt system. When using thin boards in the construction of the foundation, it is additionally necessary to press them down with plywood sheets. It is imperative to ensure that all the joints of the boards are located on different piles.

    The boards are connected to each other to form half a tree. The beams are placed on the edge and fixed with piles.

    Tying screw piles using this technology is carried out as follows:

    • internal, middle and external contours are created (herringbone principle);
    • elements are collected and recorded one by one;
    • between the channel, the pile heads and the frame itself, a layer of roofing material is required for waterproofing;
    • if the height of the piping is more than 40 cm, then the base is additionally reinforced with corrugated pipe.

    Using a pipe from a profile for tying an I-beam

    If you want to make the strapping with an I-beam, then you need to prefer material with perforations. The I-beam must be welded as tightly and end-to-end as possible. The preference in choosing this particular material lies in its high strength and low weight. With this design, the corrugated pipe acts as a spacer, which increases the durability of the building foundation. For piping, the corrugated pipe is welded from the outside along the entire perimeter of the foundation.

    Is strapping necessary during construction?

    Very often, future owners of private houses wonder whether they need tying screw piles or not. A foundation on piles is a structure of supports buried in the ground. The installation of these supports is carried out very carefully, but even so they will not be able to meet the maximum strength requirements and will not be fully reliable. The floors may well become distorted during the subsequent use of the house, and the strapping will definitely not allow the foundation of the building to lose strength, which will make it very strong, and, therefore, the house will last for many years.

    Important: it is necessary to use very strong building materials. The timber will fully allow you to get a fairly strong foundation that can withstand impressive loads.

    When choosing a frame made of wooden beams, you should adhere to the following procedure:

    • upon completion of installation of screw piles and leveling, metal platforms made of sheet steel 20x20 cm and at least 4 mm thick should be welded onto their heads;
    • in these fragments of metal sheets it is necessary to drill four holes with a diameter of 8 mm to secure the beam;
    • upon completion of work, welding seams and caps must be treated with an anti-corrosion compound;
    • It is necessary to lay waterproofing on top, usually from roofing felt in two or three layers, which will prevent the accumulation of moisture at the junction of metal and wood;
    • one row of timber or a package of boards is laid on previously prepared sites;

    The geometry of the future building can be checked by measuring the diagonals of the frame from the outside with a tape measure or a simple rope.

    What is a pile foundation? This is a certain number of linearly arranged elements that are in no way connected with each other. To combine the piles into a single structure necessary to form the foundation - the support of the building, it is necessary to equip each pile with a cap, on which a grillage or frame is then mounted.

    Purpose of the strapping

    A residential building does not weigh 2 kg, which means that the foundation must be reliable, monolithic, even if it is made from individual piles. A frame or grillage is necessary to evenly distribute the weight of the future building. A reliable coupling allows you to connect disparate piles into a single foundation body. In addition, the strapping aligns the top line of the piles into a single horizontal plane. This is extremely important for the stability of the house building structure.

    Important! A pile-screw foundation is an excellent option for residential buildings made of timber, logs, and frame houses made of Sip panels. It is lightweight, environmentally friendly, cheaper, and installed faster.

    In the field of low-rise construction, this type of foundation is more rational than other foundations in many respects.

    Tying is a mandatory event. A pile pipe looking out of the ground is itself a shaky and unreliable element, but in conjunction with all the other pipes it can withstand heavy loads. The upper end of the pile is equipped with technological holes that are needed to install a layer between the foundation (piles) and the building - this is the piping or grillage. The strapping is also a kind of protection of the walls of the building from the ground.

    You can make strapping with different materials, but the best one for these purposes is timber. The rectangular shape facilitates installation work on creating a grillage and the initial stage of laying walls. Arranging a grillage using timber is recognized as the most effective among all strapping methods.

    Features of the procedure

    The grillage can only be made from solid wood, but it is possible to use laminated veneer lumber, which has technical characteristics superior to natural ones. Glued laminated timber is much more stable than solid timber; made by gluing under pressure elements with differently directed fibers, the material has increased resistance to environmental influences. The workpiece must be equipped with smooth side surfaces.

    It is preferable to make the grillage from coniferous trees. Their advantages are long service life, that resinous wood is less susceptible to the harmful effects of moisture and biological pests, and it rarely develops fungal outbreaks or mold colonies. Wood is a warm material, a floor insulation cake that starts with a wood base is much warmer than a similar cake, but on metal. Coniferous species are much cheaper than others, which is also an advantage. Installing the grillage is not complicated; all the work can be done with your own hands, saving money on this too.

    Important! The beam must be smooth, not bent, without cracks, chips or any other deformations. The length of the beam is equal to the pitch length of the screw piles. The beams are fastened to each other in the harness only above the pile support and in no other way.

    Beam connections in the harness

    • in half a tree, the connection occurs at a right angle, the beam from the end is selected halfway;
    • into the paw, the connection occurs at an acute angle, the timber is also selected from the end.

    The sections of the joined beams should fit tightly to each other, mirroring the notch. The elements are secured using the following fasteners:

    • metal plates;
    • clamps;
    • corner;
    • staples;
    • bolts, screws, anchors.

    To better understand the principles of docking, look at the picture.

    Advice! When calculating timber for strapping, you should add 10-20% in case of defects or technical errors. It is undesirable to purchase additional material from another batch for a number of reasons.

    To ensure that there is no doubt about the strength of the grillage, it is worth using the principle of double fastening and fastening the joints using several installation technologies.

    Grillage installation

    Installation begins with installing the caps on the piles. These can be metal plates, but for timber piping they use U-shaped flanges placed on the “head”, that is, the “U” is upside down.

    The timber blanks are prepared in advance. At the ends, cuts are made corresponding to the connection in half a tree or in a paw. They also prepare grooves into which the logs will later be installed.

    Important! The flanges are covered with roofing felt so that the wood does not come into contact with the metal.

    The tying begins from the corners. The first two beams are joined at an angle of 90°; to be sure, the angle is checked and fixed with self-tapping screws. This is how I equip all 4 corners. Then continue tying on the sides. The joints are additionally fastened with plates or other fasteners and laid with jute to avoid the formation of cold bridges.

    It is better to make a double harness, it is considered more reliable and durable. Double strapping technology, the difference is that 200x200mm timber is used for the first layer, and 100x150mm for the second. The top layer is placed on the smaller side, long side up. The cuts for the logs are made in the bottom row; the joints of the beams of the first and second layers should be spaced apart from each other.

    Before you begin tying, you should check the quality of the installation of the piles; each of them must be installed strictly vertically.

    Fastening using anchors, self-tapping screws, and tightening bolts must be done strictly in the center of the connection. It is advisable to use clamps; it does not lead to the formation of cracks.

    It is necessary to make precise cuts; excess cuts will weaken the structure.

    Important! There is an opinion that for a house made of timber there is no need for strapping, that its role is played by the lower crown, and the cuts for the logs are made in the upper crowns. The opinion is doubtful.

    And lastly, if the piles are not screwed to the same level, you can screw the pile, cut off its top or bury the end into the strapping beam. If a crack appears in the beam, it needs to be replaced.

    Cost of tying piles

    material namedelivery cost up to 100 km.cost with installation per linear meter
    profile pipe 40 x 20 mm.included up to 100 km.400 rub. per linear meter
    profile pipe 60 x 30 mm.included up to 100 km.480 rub. per linear meter
    steel corner 50 x50 mm.included up to 100 km.400 rub. per linear meter
    steel corner 63 x 63 mm.included up to 100 km.500 rub. per linear meter
    steel corner 75 x 75 mm.included up to 100 km.580 rub. per linear meter

    Cost of channel with installation

    The price of the channel per linear meter includes; delivery, material (channel), installation work (installation, welding). The price is given for tying the pile field with a channel, without installing complex metal structures and load-bearing frames.

    It is produced to connect a pile field into one rigid structure. The top of the screw pile heads is attached to the connecting element connecting all the foundation piles into one whole, which in turn distributes the load evenly on all piles. The piping is carried out with timber, profiled pipe, angle, channel.
    The timber is attached to the pile heads (with bolts or studs) and is the basis of the entire structure made of wood, frame, log, prefabricated panel houses. The main structure is “raised” on an attached beam.

    Tying screw piles with a profile pipe

    Angle tying or a profiled (square) pipe is usually made from the sides of the piles, thoroughly welding the junction of the screw piles and the “reinforced belt” with electric arc welding. Angle or pipe piping is used as additional reinforcement for foundations on screw piles.

    Moreover, various projects involve the use of one or another material. Very often, facade - decorative slabs imitating foundation masonry made of stone or brick are attached to a profile pipe that acts as a load-bearing frame for a pile field on the outer sides. The same on steel angle, only a wooden block of the required cross-section is first attached to the corner.

    piping a profile pipe under the facade

    The channel is attached to the top of the screw piles and is “welded” from the inner lower sides of the junction with the top of the screw pile. The joints between the channel and corner piles of the foundation are intensively welded. Through holes are made in the channel through which the first crown of the building being erected is bolted. When mounted channel on screw piles the result is a full-fledged grillage, a fairly strong and reliable foundation, which does not require additional reinforcement.

    Tying screw piles with timber

    Often, timber of various thicknesses is used as a connecting element of a pile field into the overall structure. The most used timber is 150 mm. and 200 mm.
    The installed timber on the pile heads is secured with bolted connections or studs to the head areas. By repeatedly attaching beams and heads, a common structure is created - the foundation of a future building.

    Then the structure itself is installed on the created base structure. Moreover, it is worth avoiding “gaps” in the timber used as a pile tie; this can significantly weaken the structure of not only the foundation, but also the entire building.

    Often, log houses for baths and other light structures are installed directly on the heads of screw piles, in which special holes are provided for fastening and fixing along the axes of the future structure. With correctly installed screw piles in sufficiently hard soil, this is quite enough for a light-type construction.

    In the practice of installing screw piles There were cases when the customer, in order to save money, was going to make a “tiring” from the board, and in the future he planned to build a frame structure. Such “enterprises” are quite meaningless and harmful. Such “savings” can lead to unpleasant consequences in the future. The boards will not perform the expected functions, unless, of course, the future structure itself is a lightweight temporary structure.

    What material to use for tying screw piles

    As mentioned in the previous sections, different materials such as steel and wood can be used as a binder. The main criterion when choosing material for tying piles should be a project showing calculations of loads on the foundation of the future structure. Of course, the most reliable way would be to tie it with a channel or any other metal beam, but this is not always necessary. When choosing wood materials as binding elements, you must pay attention to the wood itself. It must be dry, smooth, without dark spots indicating the processes of destruction of the material and, of course, in no case rotting; it must be treated with a special composition that resists moisture and rot. You should not make any “cuts” at the very crown of the “piping”; this can greatly weaken the structure, which in the future can lead to deformations of the structure. This is especially true for frame structures. It is possible to use a combination of timber and profile pipe. Non-heavy log houses are attached directly to the heads of screw piles in which the first logs act as a connecting element. The tying of screw piles is carried out both along the perimeter of the building and along the internal standing piles, depending on the requirements stipulated by the project.

    Proper installation of a pile-screw foundation is the key to a long service life of the structure.

    Tying (strengthening) the foundation on screw piles with rolled steel:

    — channel tying from 750 rub. per linear meter;

    — piping with a profile pipe from 380 rubles. per linear meter;

    — strapping with a steel angle from 380 rubles. per linear meter.

    Prices per linear meter are given taking into account the cost of material, work, delivery of material to the work site.

    Installation (connection) of steel parts of the foundation is carried out by electric arc welding.

    Power frame

    In some cases, in areas with a large slope or highly unstable soil, it is necessary to construct a foundation with significant reinforcement of the pile field, creating a full-fledged grillage, in this case metal. Especially for large buildings and significant weight.

    What is this? This is tying piles not only with a corner or a channel, but also with combined options. Creation power frame using both a channel and a steel angle.

    Application of channel and steel angle